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Edição Seção Título Arquivo
Nº 1 (2023) Economy The role of the inclusiveness concept in the development strategies of the BRICS countries
Nº 1 (2023) Economy Franchising in Argentina: economy saving after the crisis
Nº 1 (2023) Policy Social policy in the programs of the political parties of Chile: the experience of content analysis
Nº 1 (2023) International ties Scientific and educational cooperation between Brazil and the European Union
Nº 1 (2023) International ties Brazil’s cultural diplomacy: origins and modernity
Nº 1 (2023) History pages The Russian revolution and its reception by the left-wing Peruvian intellectuals
Nº 1 (2023) Culture The horror genre in the world art. Iberian and Western folklore motifs
Nº 2 (2023) International relations European Union and Latin American integration schemes: finding the route of approach
Nº 2 (2023) International relations EU interregional policy towards Mercosur
Nº 2 (2023) History and modernity Class Struggle as a Struggle Between Races. Dessalines’ heritage, Communist Parties and Duvalierism in the Republic of Haiti
Nº 3 (2023) Iberian aspect Spanish economy through the prism of complex systems theory. Experience of conceptual modeling
Nº 2 (2023) Culture «Lots of history». Turnover of Mayan terracotta (1st millennium AD) on the international markets for antiques
Nº 3 (2023) Actual topic Digital Power in Latin America: Hashtags and deepfakes as political tools
Nº 2 (2023) Religious factor The Roman Catholic Church of Chile: a comprehensive description of the majority religious organization
Nº 3 (2023) Actual topic Artificial intelligence technologies and the rise of cyber threats in Latin America
Nº 3 (2023) Times and its protagonists From Okhotny ryad to East River: life and destiny of the revolutionary Jose Antonio Mayobre
Nº 2 (2023) History pages “Ciudad Escolar de los Mayas” in the context of the educational reform of Salvador Alvarado in the state of Yucatan in 1915-1918
Nº 3 (2023) International ties Ecuador's foreign policy after the presidential elections in 2021
Nº 2 (2023) Thinking about read The fundamental analysis of the "heroic" development stage of Latin American Trotskyism
Nº 3 (2023) International ties Andean community – Eurasian Economic Union: are there any prospects?
Nº 2 (2023) Thinking about read Fyodor Chaliapin in Latin America. To the 150th anniversary of birth
Nº 3 (2023) Thinking about read The revolution of XXth century as the basis for the Left Turn of Latin America
Nº 4 (2023) Policy The "New Left" in Chile in the face of existential challenges
Nº 5 (2023) Policy The profile of Nicaragua’s economic elite. The limits of political influence during the presidency of D. Ortega
Nº 4 (2023) Policy Features of the activities of the left forces in the English-speaking islands of the Caribbean in the XXI century
Nº 5 (2023) Policy Brazil. Regional political evolution in the beginning of the XXI century
Nº 6 (2023) Economy Megatrends of Latin America's development and Russia's economic interests
Nº 4 (2023) Economy Competition in the Brazilian premium car market in 2007—2021
Nº 5 (2023) The society of 21st century The malicious use of political deepfakes and attempts to neutralize them in Latin America
Nº 6 (2023) Turkey — Latin America Turkey’s “soft power” policy in Latin American countries
Nº 4 (2023) International ties Features of academic mobility of Latin American and Caribbean students in modern circumstances
Nº 5 (2023) History pages Marine expeditions to Alta California in the context of great powers rivalry in the first half of the XIX-th century
Nº 6 (2023) Turkey — Latin America Features of bilateral relations between Turkey and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in the context of role theory
Nº 4 (2023) Religious factor Pentecostalism and socio-political changes in Latin America
Nº 5 (2023) History pages Argentina in the foreign policy of the USSR in the context of the left movement (1945–1991)
Nº 6 (2023) International relations The positive peace in the Southern Cone: origins and heyday of regional security cooperation (1991—2008)
Nº 4 (2023) History pages History of the left: the creation of the Bolivian Communist Party. The «late child» of the Communist Movement
Nº 5 (2023) Culture Comprehending Tarkovsky: the philosophy of creativity of Carlos Reigadas
Nº 6 (2023) History pages Relations of Yugoslavia with the countries of Latin America in the 1960-1980’s
Nº 4 (2023) Antiquity In search of monsters. Mythical peoples in the chronicles of the discovery and conquest of America and Siberia in the late XV — early XVII centuries
Nº 6 (2023) History pages Conflicts between the Catholic Church and Salazar's “New State” 1958—1968
Nº 5 (2023) Scientific life Researchers' professional perspective on Latin America
Nº 6 (2023) Thinking about read Latin America: palette of modern models of regional development
Nº 5 (2023) Scientific life The School of Iberoamerican studies at the costs of Neva river
Nº 5 (2023) Thinking about read Brazil and Antarctica: a long way to meet each other
Nº 7 (2023) Economy Horizon 2040. A view from Brazil. Part 1. Ecology, climate and technology
Nº 7 (2023) International ties Cooperation between China and LCA countries in the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative
Nº 7 (2023) The society of 21st century Iberoamerica: from the “generation of crisis” to the “generation of pandemic”
Nº 7 (2023) Russia — Latin America Prospects of Russian export of mineral fertilizers to Brazil
Nº 7 (2023) History pages In Tiberii Morbum. The last Spanish republicans and their ideas of ‘transition’ and ‘reconciliation’ during the Spanish transition to democracy
Nº 7 (2023) History pages Mexico's foreign trade in the second half of the XIX century and the trade and economic interests of the Russian Empire
Nº 7 (2023) Thinking about read Reformatting Russian-Latin American relations in the post-soviet period
Nº 8 (2023) Problems of globalization Global Fragmentation Phenomenon: New Imperatives of the Transcontinental Cooperation for Eurasia and Latin America
Nº 8 (2023) International relations Current cooperation of Latin American and Caribbean countries with International Monetary Fund
Nº 8 (2023) History pages Was there an “August Mistake”? How to assess the role of the Communist Party of Cuba and the Comintern in the anti-Machado revolution of 1933
Nº 8 (2023) History pages Yucatan state’s military financing during the Caste War in 1847–1851
Nº 8 (2023) History pages Media coverage of the cholera epidemic of 1850 in Havana in the Spanish Cuba government periodicals
Nº 8 (2023) Culture Latin America at the Neva coast
Nº 8 (2023) Scientific life Where is Spain going today?
Nº 8 (2023) Scientific life Latin America: young researchers’ vision on regional issues
Nº 9 (2023) Articles Message to readers
Nº 9 (2023) The Chilean “Path to socialism”, a view from 2023 Remembering Salvador Allende
Nº 9 (2023) The Chilean “Path to socialism”, a view from 2023 1973 — the dramatic collapse of the Chilean revolution. Viewed by the materials of the archive of the Central Committee of the CPSU
Nº 9 (2023) The Chilean “Path to socialism”, a view from 2023 The daily life of popular power: a JAP in the Gabriela neighborhood of Puente Alto. Chile, 1973
Nº 9 (2023) Policy The influence of internal and external factors on statehood in Latin America
Nº 9 (2023) Policy The cultural policy of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, 2003—2010
Nº 9 (2023) The society of 21st century Activities of civil society organizations of Brazil in the social sphere
Nº 9 (2023) History pages Riots in the governorate of the Río de la Plata in 1750-1754. Transmigration of the seven missions according to the Jesuit sources
Nº 10 (2023) Policy Brazil’s diplomatic impartiality during Jair Bolsonaro’s administration
Nº 10 (2023) Economy The political influence of transnational corporations in Latin America countries. The example of Petrobras
Nº 10 (2023) Economy BRICS: economic potential, New Development Bank and digital currency
Nº 10 (2023) International ties New "twists and turns" of the Belt and Road Initiative in Latin America
Nº 10 (2023) Iberian aspect The coalition interaction in the government of Pedro Sanchez in Spain (2020—2023)
Nº 10 (2023) History pages The last conquest: the mission of the fray Avendaño and the conquest of Tayasal
Nº 11 (2023) Economy Digital sovereignty, challenges and risks of digitalization in Latin America
Nº 10 (2023) History pages In memory of Evgueny Larin
Nº 11 (2023) Policy Paraguay: the “cartismo” as a challenge to the political system stability
Nº 11 (2023) Policy Relations between indigenous peoples of Latin America and left governments
Nº 11 (2023) Iberian aspect Stability factors of an unstable coalition. Spain 2020-2023
Nº 11 (2023) History pages Comintern and the founding of the Communist Party of Peru
Nº 11 (2023) History pages The left movement of Argentina and Uruguay in the international communist press (1948—1990)
Nº 11 (2023) Culture Samba as a symbol of Brazilian cultural identity. Historical origins, formation, evolution
Nº 12 (2023) Articles Message to readers
Nº 12 (2023) Articles Congratulations to the master of Latin American studies in Russia
Nº 12 (2023) Articles Congratulations to Nikolay V.Kalashnikov
Nº 12 (2023) Point of view Core determinants of the regional prognostic scenario. Global technological transformation and a new paradigm of military affairs
Nº 12 (2023) China — Latin America The Sino-Latin American "arc" in a shifting world order
Nº 12 (2023) China — Latin America Digital transformation of Latin America and the Chinese factor in shaping trends
Nº 12 (2023) China — Latin America China's interests and activities in the Antarctic. The potential for synergy with Russia and Latin American countries
Nº 12 (2023) China — Latin America Chinese assessments of the decline of US hegemony in Latin America
Nº 12 (2023) International relations Science Diplomacy in MERCOSUR
Nº 12 (2023) Scientific life Ibero-Americanists gathered in St. Petersburg
Nº 1 (2024) Point of view Core determinants of the regional prognostic scenario. Changes in the geoeconomic alignment and demographic matrix
Nº 1 (2024) Point of view Phenomena of “monroism” and “cognitive dissonances”
Nº 1 (2024) Economy Latin America: the end of the “raw materials curse”?
Nº 1 (2024) Policy Artificial intelligence technologies in the BRICS political agenda
Nº 1 (2024) Policy State policy of Peru in the field of human security
Nº 1 (2024) Iberian aspect The right-wing populist parties in modern Spain and Portugal. Comparative analysis
Nº 1 (2024) Culture BRICS: the formation of a common external cultural policy
Nº 3 (2024) Economy Argentina on the trajectory of changing development models: challenges, answers, risks
Nº 3 (2024) International ties Latin America and a new round of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict
Nº 3 (2024) International ties The PRC — LAC — US triangle in the context of the Monroe doctrine
Nº 3 (2024) Policy Presidential elections in Ecuador: progress, analysis, results
Nº 3 (2024) History pages The Bolivian Communist Party: challenges of guerrilla and the formation of political alliances
Nº 3 (2024) Our compatriots abroad Russian artists in Latin America in 1910-1930 years: cooperation in Europe, emigration
Nº 3 (2024) Thinking about read Spain: transformation of the state and society in conditions of turbulence
Nº 2 (2024) Policy The ethnopolitical conflicts in Mexico: the agrarian and the ethnic factors Abstract.
Nº 2 (2024) Policy Criminal organizations as subjects of non-classical wars and a threat to the state sovereignty of Mexico
Nº 2 (2024) International relations Russia — Latin America. Military-technical factor in the context of the special military operation
Nº 2 (2024) Iberian aspect Socio-economic determinants of centrifugal tendencies in the Basque Country at the present stage
Nº 2 (2024) Competition of yuong scientists Place and development prospects of CELAC in the processes of Latin American integration
Nº 2 (2024) Competition of yuong scientists The role of the traditional energy sector in the current energy crisis. An inter-party discussion in Spain
Nº 2 (2024) History pages The problem of Antarctic and subantarctic territories in British foreign policy (1945—1951)
Nº 2 (2024) History pages Rupturism as a socio-cultural process in Chile in the late 1960s — early 1970s
Nº 2 (2024) Thinking about read The return of the seas: the great powers in the waters of the Global South
Nº 2 (2024) Thinking about read Vitaliy Romanovich Dotsenko (1938—2024)
Nº 4 (2024) Articles Message to the readers
Nº 4 (2024) Policy “Lula 3.0”: problems, contradictions and challenges of the internal political scenario
Nº 4 (2024) Economy Brazil's financial and technological leadership. The results of a 5-year revolution in the banking sector
Nº 4 (2024) Economy Energy policy of Brazil: new challenges and opportunities
Nº 4 (2024) Social problems State policy and the level of food security in Brazil. From successful eradication of hunger to a food crisis
Nº 4 (2024) International relations Brazilian “soft power”. In the context of peacekeeping missions in Haiti and Lebanon
Nº 4 (2024) International relations Germany's military-political cooperation with Brazil at the present stage
Nº 4 (2024) Competition of yuong scientists Evolution of Brazilian-Angolan relations in 2019—2023
Nº 4 (2024) Thinking about read Europe and Latin America: the same challenges, different response
Nº 6 (2024) Economy Alternative energy in Spain and Chile. Forecasts and prospects in the context of the energy transition
Nº 6 (2024) International ties G20 in the positioning of Mexico, Argentina and Brazil at the turn of the 2020s. Assessments, expectations, contradictions
Nº 6 (2024) International ties Spain and China: from mutual distrust to problems in strategic partnership. Trade, economic and investment cooperation
Nº 6 (2024) Culture Imitation as an adaptation tool in pottery making in New Spain
Nº 6 (2024) History pages Failed revolution: the Comintern and the Communist Party of Peru in 1930—1933
Nº 6 (2024) Thinking about read Pedro Sanchez, a retrospective of the political life of Spain in 2020—2023
Nº 6 (2024) Thinking about read Dolores Ibarruri returns
Nº 6 (2024) Articles Andrey Fedorovich Kofman (1954—2024)
Nº 5 (2024) Policy Venezuela: chronicle of forced dialogue
Nº 5 (2024) Policy Formation of the state capacity of Latin American countries. Testing the theory of Charles Tilly
Nº 5 (2024) Iberian aspect Spain and China: from mistrust to strategic partnership. Political dimension
Nº 5 (2024) Culture Yevgeny Yevtushenko's Latin American tour (1968). Chile. “In the volcano of the fiercest struggle”
Nº 5 (2024) Competition of yuong scientists «Smart» agriculture of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States
Nº 5 (2024) Competition of yuong scientists Evolution of Brazil-India relations
Nº 5 (2024) Antiquity Maya, but others. Features of the historical and ethnocultural development of the Huastecs of pre-colonial Mexico
Nº 5 (2024) Thinking about read The marxism studies in Mexico in the times of the “forth transformation”
Nº 5 (2024) Articles Priem v aspiranturu ILA RAN
Nº 7 (2024) Policy The new “old” values of the Latin American right and the struggle for influence
Nº 7 (2024) Economy Low-carbon development strategy and climate regulation instruments in Brazil
Nº 7 (2024) Economy Franchising in Central America and the Caribbean: big success for small countries
Nº 7 (2024) Our compatriots abroad The Argentinean odyssey of a Russian maximalist. Some touches from the biography of Boris German
Nº 7 (2024) Our compatriots abroad Patriotism and connection with the Homeland of the Russian Roslik family in Uruguay
Nº 7 (2024) Our compatriots abroad Volga Germans in modern Argentina. Issues of preserving of language, culture and ethnic identity
Nº 7 (2024) Thinking about read “Plowing in the sea”. The Russian Revolution and Latin America
Nº 7 (2024) Thinking about read Emil' Surenovich Dabagyan (1935–2024)
Nº 8 (2024) Culture Russia and Latin America: a common civilizational type as a spiritual and ideological basis for cooperation
Nº 8 (2024) Anniversary Dorogaya Lyudmila Semenovna!
Nº 8 (2024) Economy Concepts of infrastructure development in Latin American countries
Nº 8 (2024) Economy Taming inflation: the Brazilian experience of combatting inflation in the last quarter of the 20th century
Nº 8 (2024) International relations Russia — Brazil merchandise trade: current trends and problems
Nº 8 (2024) History pages The Guarani War of 1754—1756
Nº 8 (2024) History pages The importance of Latin America in supporting of the first Russian voyages around the world
Nº 8 (2024) Scientific life Latin America and overcoming stereotypes. Researchers' estimates and predictions

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