Alternative energy in Spain and Chile. Forecasts and prospects in the context of the energy transition

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The article provides a comparative analysis of the actions and achievements of two states, the Kingdom of Spain and the Republic of Chile, in the field of green energy. Over the last decade both countries have done extensive work on decarbonization of the economy and have become one of the leaders in their regions in terms of the pace of implementation of the energy transition. At the same time the strategies and mechanisms of work of the two states in the field of alternative energy development differ in many respects. Under certain comparable conditions and prerequisites for the development of the industry, with an identical share of alternative sources in the energy sector, Spain and Chile achieved different socio-economic indicators. In order to identify the potential for renewable energy development in Spain and Chile, the authors identified three factors of economic, political and energy character, based on which a forecast for the achievement of green energy targets in accordance with the state strategies of the countries was developed.

About the authors

Elina V. Maskalenko

St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9382-699X
Senior Lecturer St. Petersburg, Russia

Matvey K. Medvedev

St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-8450-5422
Student St. Petersburg, Russia


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