Taming inflation: the Brazilian experience of combatting inflation in the last quarter of the 20th century

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In the context of a global inflationary spike, a retrospective view on the problem of curbing inflation in Brazil is becoming more relevant than ever. This paper aims at analyzing the measures of inflation targeting policies set in motion by the Brazilian economic stabilization plans over the last quarter of the XXth century. The commencement of “The Lost Decade” in Brazil negated the achievements of “The Brazilian Economic Miracle” which occurred in the first half of the 1970s: inflation hit an all-time high. The only viable solution that led Brazil out of the crisis proved to be the stabilization plan - named “The Real Plan” - carried out in three phases: fiscal adjustment, transition to the Real Value Unit and emission of a new currency - the Brazilian Real. The authors confine their attention to how Brazilian experience of taming inflation helps the country suppress current inflation surge.

About the authors

Yaroslav D. Lisovolik

Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC); BRICS+ Analytic

Email: yl@brics-plus-analytics.org
ORCID iD: 0009-0004-0522-529X
Director Moscow, Russia

Alisa A. Kazelko


Email: alisakazelko@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-8184-1041
expert Moscow, Russia


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