Latin America and a new round of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict

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This article analyzes the reactions of Latin American states regarding the next round of the conflict between Israel and Palestine, which began on October 7, 2023 with the Hamas terrorist attack on peaceful Israeli settlements. However, it seems that the attempts of a number of experts to formulate a certain unanimously negative approach of Latin American countries to this problem are premature since in each individual case, behind the opinions and practical steps taken by a government, as a rule, there are certain national interests, which should not be ignored if we are talking about objective and unbiased approach to the issue. Sometimes conflict arises between these interests and current political considerations, resulting in ambivalent and even contradictory actions of some leaders

About the authors

Alexandr B. Reznikov

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-5779-8189
Ph.D. (Economics), independent expert of the developing countries’ matters


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