Low-carbon development strategy and climate regulation instruments in Brazil

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The article analyzes the development of Brazilian government priorities in the field of low-carbon development and climate regulation. Brazil's climate goals for 2025 and 2030, presented in the Nationally Determined Contributions as part of its participation in the Paris Climate Agreement are reviewed. The facts of partial transformation of climate goals depending on a change in political leadership are pointed out. The main documents and climate aspects of the development of the renewable energy, industry and agriculture in the context of underdeveloped climate finance instruments are briefly described. Positive changes have been noted that have been taking place in the country since 2023 after a change in political course as a result of President Lula da Silva coming to the post of head of state. It is concluded that Brazil has good prospects for low-carbon development, taking into account the structure of the energy matrix and the emerging favorable conditions for the influx of foreign investment.

About the authors

Dmitry N. Ershov

Financial Research Institute of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation

Email: ershov@nifi.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7624-4648
Ph.D. in math., senior researcher Moscow, Russian Federation


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