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No 9 (2023)

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Kheifets V.L.



Latinskaya Amerika. 2023;(9):6-7
pages 6-7 views

The Chilean “Path to socialism”, a view from 2023

Remembering Salvador Allende

Kosichev L.A.


The article is dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the death of Salvador Allende, the President of Chile, who was the first in the world to attempt to move towards socialism by peaceful means, within the framework of a representative democracy. The article explains the reasons of the failure of Chilean "socialist project". The reader will learn how Salvador Allende's last message to the Chilean people was putting on a journalist's tape recorder on “Radio Magallanes” from La Moneda Palace, besieged by the putschists on the day of the military coup on September 11, 1973. The author managed to keep this tape recording during those dramatic days in Santiago. That last Allende’s call to the nation became his political testament.
Latinskaya Amerika. 2023;(9):8-28
pages 8-28 views

1973 — the dramatic collapse of the Chilean revolution. Viewed by the materials of the archive of the Central Committee of the CPSU

Schelchkov A.A.


The Chilean Revolution is one of the most important events in the Latin American history of the XXth century. Its defeat, its dramatic circumstances, and the brutality of the military regime's repression turned it into a symbolic event that marked the collapse of the illusions of a peaceful, democratic transition to socialism. The course of the revolution itself, the "Chilean path to socialism", the actions of various actors have been studied in numerous historical studies. In addition to Chilean actors, parties, politicians, and representatives of society, external political forces took part in this drama, indirectly and directly. One of these was the Soviet Union, which closely observed and analyzed the Chilean events. With the opening of the Soviet archives, documents became available that reveal many little-known or hidden subjects of the short but intense history of Unidad Popular in Chile. In this text, the author relies on the documents of the Central Committee of the CPSU, reflecting the vision of the Soviet authorities of the events of the Chilean revolution in the most dramatic period of its development, in the last year of the government of Salvador Allende, in 1973.
Latinskaya Amerika. 2023;(9):29-43
pages 29-43 views

The daily life of popular power: a JAP in the Gabriela neighborhood of Puente Alto. Chile, 1973

Loyola M., Thielemann Hernández L.


This article analyzes a record of meetings of a Board of Supply and Prices, of the Gabriela de Puente Alto Town (Chile), whose records cover the months of May to August 1973. The records are observed and analyzed in the document of the problems of daily administration of an institution created within the framework of Popular Power, and of the process of socialist construction of the Popular Unity government, dedicated to coordinating and monitoring the trade of basic goods and services. It is proposed that from the analysis of the source, it can be deduced that the administrative problems were addressed by the JAPs at the distribution level, as a technical and not a political matter, and without noticeable militant activism. In this way, the daily life of a JAP from the urban periphery seems to have been closer to administrative tasks in the socioeconomic crisis at the end of the Popular Unity government, and less to the militancy traditionally assigned to these organizations.
Latinskaya Amerika. 2023;(9):44-57
pages 44-57 views


The influence of internal and external factors on statehood in Latin America

Goliney V.A.


The current article examines the concept of “state” taking into accounts internal and external factors influencing statehood’s formation in Latin America. Internal factors are caudilism, heterogeneity of development, internal political struggle and external are interstate wars, integration processes, the policy of regionalism and supranational institutions. The author identifies several models of regionalism and vectors of development of states in Latin America, by analyzing the influence of intertwined internal and external factors.
Latinskaya Amerika. 2023;(9):58-70
pages 58-70 views

The cultural policy of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, 2003—2010

Konstantinova N.S.


The article is devoted to the cultural policy pursued by the Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva during his term in power from 2003 to 2010. This phenomenon is considered in chronological order - respectively, at the first and second stages of Lula's reign. A brief historical excursus is preliminarily given and those traditions that were laid down in this area at previous historical stages are succinctly characterized. A fundamentally different approach to cultural policy is emphasized, which was proclaimed one of the priority areas for the new president and his cabinet of ministers in line with the country's democratization processes. Particular attention is paid to the role of the Ministry of Culture in the implementation of those tasks and areas of activity that had to be solved within the framework of the new concept of cultural policy. formulated by the Head of State and Minister of Culture Gilberto Gil almost immediately after they took office. It characterizes both the significant successes achieved during the two mandates of Lula's rule of power, and the considerable problems that had to be faced on the way to the implementation of numerous plans and projects, as a result of which they were only partially implemented.
Latinskaya Amerika. 2023;(9):71-82
pages 71-82 views

The society of 21st century

Activities of civil society organizations of Brazil in the social sphere

Kuznetsova V.A.


The article analyzes the activities of Brazilian civil society organizations in the social sphere. The NGOs’ activities with vulnerable segments are highlighted in the article. The evolution is traced from religious philanthropic initiatives to large-scale educational projects focused on various age categories. The paper describes the target audience of these programs as well as provides the effectiveness indicators of such.The results of this study show that in modern society, social inequality and poverty can be counteracted only by applying a comprehensive approach that includes both traditional methods of Christian philanthropy and the latest educational and cultural tools. At the same time, the activities of Brazilian NGOs in the social sphere are primarily aimed at mitigating and correcting the shortcomings of public policy.
Latinskaya Amerika. 2023;(9):83-97
pages 83-97 views

History pages

Riots in the governorate of the Río de la Plata in 1750-1754. Transmigration of the seven missions according to the Jesuit sources

Starzhynskaya O.N.


The article examines in detail the events associated with the transfer of territories of 7 Jesuit missions to Portugal, that took place in the governorate of Rio de la Plata between the signing of the Treaty of Madrid in 1750 and the beginning of the Guarani War with the troops of the metropolitan countries, which clearly show that during their life in the missions, the indigenous peoples not only did not lose their identity, but also strengthened so much, that they could resist, morally and physically, both to the Jesuits, as well as to the colonists and the troops of the metropolitan countries, which is clearly confirmed by the considered primary sources. In its light the image of the Jesuits, mythologized by political and anti-religious opponents of the Society of Jesus, the distortion of which influenced the fate of the order and the Guarani, is cleared of many accusations.
Latinskaya Amerika. 2023;(9):98-110
pages 98-110 views

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