Russian artists in Latin America in 1910-1930 years: cooperation in Europe, emigration




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The article is devoted to artists from Russia who studied first at home, then in the workshops in France, Germany, Italy, where they collaborated with many famous masters, including Latin American ones. In the future, almost all of them emigrated to different countries of Latin America. The article examines the lives and creative paths of two women — artists Angelina Belova and Maria Vorobyeva-Stebelskaya — in Paris and Mexico and their relationship with Diego Rivera. The lives and works of Nikolai Ferdinandov in Venezuela, Lazar Segal and Gregory Varshavchik in Brazil are described as well. The author focuses on the great contribution that Russian artists made to the art of these countries


Natalia Sheleshneva-Solodovnikova

Institute of Latin American Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences

ORCID iD: 0009-0009-8223-9878
Senior Researcher B. Ordynka, 21/16 115035 Moscow, Russian Federation


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