The new “old” values of the Latin American right and the struggle for influence

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In recent years, the popularity of politicians and political parties in Latin America has been growing, ready on a long-term basis to defend the clearly expressed values of right-wing ideology, which are filled with new content in their rhetoric. One of the prerequisites of this phenomenon is the fact that in times of crisis, against the background of the increasing influence of left-wing radicals, with massive disappointment in the activities of centrists, they advocate the integrity of society, defend the importance of its national interests (political, economic, social). The ideological guidelines of the right, conditioned by both traditional approaches and specific risks existing in some countries, practical work, and the social base, are urgent problems that are considered in this article on the example of three leaders of the "new right wave" — J.A.Kast, N.Bukele and J.Milei.

About the authors

Liudmila V. Diakova

Institute of Latin America, Russian Academy of Sciences (ILA RAN)

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-3684-4523
Doctor of Political Sciences, Leading researcher Moscow, Russian Federation


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