Concepts of infrastructure development in Latin American countries

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For the first time in the domestic and international scientific literature, the article analyzes the evolution of concepts of infrastructure development in Latin American countries (LAC), recommendations of international and regional economic organizations. It is noted that conceptual approaches to solving problems of infrastructure development in LAC have changed from dirigiste to neoliberal and from the latter to a combination of various doctrines in the concept of neostructuralism and the theory of sustainable development. All the concepts considered contributed to development of many practical recommendations and to creation of a wide arsenal of state economic policy tools for the development of infrastructure sectors. The attitude of regional organizations and the governments of LAC countries to the infrastructure has changed almost radically: from inattention in the 50s—60s of the last century to understanding its importance as one of the key elements of economic development and social progress. The recommendations concerning infrastructure for protection against natural disasters, transport and logistics, telecommunications and digitalization of the economy are most in demand from Latin American governments.

About the authors

Anna A. Lavut

Institute for Latin America of RAS

Author for correspondence.

PhD (Economics), Leading Researcher

Moscow, Russia


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