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Шығарылым Бөлім Атауы Файл
№ 1 (2023) Economy The role of the inclusiveness concept in the development strategies of the BRICS countries
№ 1 (2023) Economy Franchising in Argentina: economy saving after the crisis
№ 1 (2023) Policy Social policy in the programs of the political parties of Chile: the experience of content analysis
№ 1 (2023) International ties Scientific and educational cooperation between Brazil and the European Union
№ 1 (2023) International ties Brazil’s cultural diplomacy: origins and modernity
№ 1 (2023) History pages The Russian revolution and its reception by the left-wing Peruvian intellectuals
№ 1 (2023) Culture The horror genre in the world art. Iberian and Western folklore motifs
№ 2 (2023) International relations European Union and Latin American integration schemes: finding the route of approach
№ 2 (2023) International relations EU interregional policy towards Mercosur
№ 2 (2023) History and modernity Class Struggle as a Struggle Between Races. Dessalines’ heritage, Communist Parties and Duvalierism in the Republic of Haiti
№ 3 (2023) Iberian aspect Spanish economy through the prism of complex systems theory. Experience of conceptual modeling
№ 2 (2023) Culture «Lots of history». Turnover of Mayan terracotta (1st millennium AD) on the international markets for antiques
№ 3 (2023) Actual topic Digital Power in Latin America: Hashtags and deepfakes as political tools
№ 2 (2023) Religious factor The Roman Catholic Church of Chile: a comprehensive description of the majority religious organization
№ 3 (2023) Actual topic Artificial intelligence technologies and the rise of cyber threats in Latin America
№ 3 (2023) Times and its protagonists From Okhotny ryad to East River: life and destiny of the revolutionary Jose Antonio Mayobre
№ 2 (2023) History pages “Ciudad Escolar de los Mayas” in the context of the educational reform of Salvador Alvarado in the state of Yucatan in 1915-1918
№ 3 (2023) International ties Ecuador's foreign policy after the presidential elections in 2021
№ 2 (2023) Thinking about read The fundamental analysis of the "heroic" development stage of Latin American Trotskyism
№ 3 (2023) International ties Andean community – Eurasian Economic Union: are there any prospects?
№ 2 (2023) Thinking about read Fyodor Chaliapin in Latin America. To the 150th anniversary of birth
№ 3 (2023) Thinking about read The revolution of XXth century as the basis for the Left Turn of Latin America
№ 4 (2023) Policy The "New Left" in Chile in the face of existential challenges
№ 5 (2023) Policy The profile of Nicaragua’s economic elite. The limits of political influence during the presidency of D. Ortega
№ 4 (2023) Policy Features of the activities of the left forces in the English-speaking islands of the Caribbean in the XXI century
№ 5 (2023) Policy Brazil. Regional political evolution in the beginning of the XXI century
№ 6 (2023) Economy Megatrends of Latin America's development and Russia's economic interests
№ 4 (2023) Economy Competition in the Brazilian premium car market in 2007—2021
№ 5 (2023) The society of 21st century The malicious use of political deepfakes and attempts to neutralize them in Latin America
№ 6 (2023) Turkey — Latin America Turkey’s “soft power” policy in Latin American countries
№ 4 (2023) International ties Features of academic mobility of Latin American and Caribbean students in modern circumstances
№ 5 (2023) History pages Marine expeditions to Alta California in the context of great powers rivalry in the first half of the XIX-th century
№ 6 (2023) Turkey — Latin America Features of bilateral relations between Turkey and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in the context of role theory
№ 4 (2023) Religious factor Pentecostalism and socio-political changes in Latin America
№ 5 (2023) History pages Argentina in the foreign policy of the USSR in the context of the left movement (1945–1991)
№ 6 (2023) International relations The positive peace in the Southern Cone: origins and heyday of regional security cooperation (1991—2008)
№ 4 (2023) History pages History of the left: the creation of the Bolivian Communist Party. The «late child» of the Communist Movement
№ 5 (2023) Culture Comprehending Tarkovsky: the philosophy of creativity of Carlos Reigadas
№ 6 (2023) History pages Relations of Yugoslavia with the countries of Latin America in the 1960-1980’s
№ 4 (2023) Antiquity In search of monsters. Mythical peoples in the chronicles of the discovery and conquest of America and Siberia in the late XV — early XVII centuries
№ 6 (2023) History pages Conflicts between the Catholic Church and Salazar's “New State” 1958—1968
№ 5 (2023) Scientific life Researchers' professional perspective on Latin America
№ 6 (2023) Thinking about read Latin America: palette of modern models of regional development
№ 5 (2023) Scientific life The School of Iberoamerican studies at the costs of Neva river
№ 5 (2023) Thinking about read Brazil and Antarctica: a long way to meet each other
№ 7 (2023) Economy Horizon 2040. A view from Brazil. Part 1. Ecology, climate and technology
№ 7 (2023) International ties Cooperation between China and LCA countries in the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative
№ 7 (2023) The society of 21st century Iberoamerica: from the “generation of crisis” to the “generation of pandemic”
№ 7 (2023) Russia — Latin America Prospects of Russian export of mineral fertilizers to Brazil
№ 7 (2023) History pages In Tiberii Morbum. The last Spanish republicans and their ideas of ‘transition’ and ‘reconciliation’ during the Spanish transition to democracy
№ 7 (2023) History pages Mexico's foreign trade in the second half of the XIX century and the trade and economic interests of the Russian Empire
№ 7 (2023) Thinking about read Reformatting Russian-Latin American relations in the post-soviet period
№ 8 (2023) Problems of globalization Global Fragmentation Phenomenon: New Imperatives of the Transcontinental Cooperation for Eurasia and Latin America
№ 8 (2023) International relations Current cooperation of Latin American and Caribbean countries with International Monetary Fund
№ 8 (2023) History pages Was there an “August Mistake”? How to assess the role of the Communist Party of Cuba and the Comintern in the anti-Machado revolution of 1933
№ 8 (2023) History pages Yucatan state’s military financing during the Caste War in 1847–1851
№ 8 (2023) History pages Media coverage of the cholera epidemic of 1850 in Havana in the Spanish Cuba government periodicals
№ 8 (2023) Culture Latin America at the Neva coast
№ 8 (2023) Scientific life Where is Spain going today?
№ 8 (2023) Scientific life Latin America: young researchers’ vision on regional issues
№ 9 (2023) Articles Message to readers
№ 9 (2023) The Chilean “Path to socialism”, a view from 2023 Remembering Salvador Allende
№ 9 (2023) The Chilean “Path to socialism”, a view from 2023 1973 — the dramatic collapse of the Chilean revolution. Viewed by the materials of the archive of the Central Committee of the CPSU
№ 9 (2023) The Chilean “Path to socialism”, a view from 2023 The daily life of popular power: a JAP in the Gabriela neighborhood of Puente Alto. Chile, 1973
№ 9 (2023) Policy The influence of internal and external factors on statehood in Latin America
№ 9 (2023) Policy The cultural policy of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, 2003—2010
№ 9 (2023) The society of 21st century Activities of civil society organizations of Brazil in the social sphere
№ 9 (2023) History pages Riots in the governorate of the Río de la Plata in 1750-1754. Transmigration of the seven missions according to the Jesuit sources
№ 10 (2023) Policy Brazil’s diplomatic impartiality during Jair Bolsonaro’s administration
№ 10 (2023) Economy The political influence of transnational corporations in Latin America countries. The example of Petrobras
№ 10 (2023) Economy BRICS: economic potential, New Development Bank and digital currency
№ 10 (2023) International ties New "twists and turns" of the Belt and Road Initiative in Latin America
№ 10 (2023) Iberian aspect The coalition interaction in the government of Pedro Sanchez in Spain (2020—2023)
№ 10 (2023) History pages The last conquest: the mission of the fray Avendaño and the conquest of Tayasal
№ 11 (2023) Economy Digital sovereignty, challenges and risks of digitalization in Latin America
№ 10 (2023) History pages In memory of Evgueny Larin
№ 11 (2023) Policy Paraguay: the “cartismo” as a challenge to the political system stability
№ 11 (2023) Policy Relations between indigenous peoples of Latin America and left governments
№ 11 (2023) Iberian aspect Stability factors of an unstable coalition. Spain 2020-2023
№ 11 (2023) History pages Comintern and the founding of the Communist Party of Peru
№ 11 (2023) History pages The left movement of Argentina and Uruguay in the international communist press (1948—1990)
№ 11 (2023) Culture Samba as a symbol of Brazilian cultural identity. Historical origins, formation, evolution
№ 12 (2023) Articles Message to readers
№ 12 (2023) Articles Congratulations to the master of Latin American studies in Russia
№ 12 (2023) Articles Congratulations to Nikolay V.Kalashnikov
№ 12 (2023) Point of view Core determinants of the regional prognostic scenario. Global technological transformation and a new paradigm of military affairs
№ 12 (2023) China — Latin America The Sino-Latin American "arc" in a shifting world order
№ 12 (2023) China — Latin America Digital transformation of Latin America and the Chinese factor in shaping trends
№ 12 (2023) China — Latin America China's interests and activities in the Antarctic. The potential for synergy with Russia and Latin American countries
№ 12 (2023) China — Latin America Chinese assessments of the decline of US hegemony in Latin America
№ 12 (2023) International relations Science Diplomacy in MERCOSUR
№ 12 (2023) Scientific life Ibero-Americanists gathered in St. Petersburg
№ 1 (2024) Point of view Core determinants of the regional prognostic scenario. Changes in the geoeconomic alignment and demographic matrix
№ 1 (2024) Point of view Phenomena of “monroism” and “cognitive dissonances”
№ 1 (2024) Economy Latin America: the end of the “raw materials curse”?
№ 1 (2024) Policy Artificial intelligence technologies in the BRICS political agenda
№ 1 (2024) Policy State policy of Peru in the field of human security
№ 1 (2024) Iberian aspect The right-wing populist parties in modern Spain and Portugal. Comparative analysis
№ 1 (2024) Culture BRICS: the formation of a common external cultural policy
№ 3 (2024) Economy Argentina on the trajectory of changing development models: challenges, answers, risks
№ 3 (2024) International ties Latin America and a new round of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict
№ 3 (2024) International ties The PRC — LAC — US triangle in the context of the Monroe doctrine
№ 3 (2024) Policy Presidential elections in Ecuador: progress, analysis, results
№ 3 (2024) History pages The Bolivian Communist Party: challenges of guerrilla and the formation of political alliances
№ 3 (2024) Our compatriots abroad Russian artists in Latin America in 1910-1930 years: cooperation in Europe, emigration
№ 3 (2024) Thinking about read Spain: transformation of the state and society in conditions of turbulence
№ 2 (2024) Policy The ethnopolitical conflicts in Mexico: the agrarian and the ethnic factors Abstract.
№ 2 (2024) Policy Criminal organizations as subjects of non-classical wars and a threat to the state sovereignty of Mexico
№ 2 (2024) International relations Russia — Latin America. Military-technical factor in the context of the special military operation
№ 2 (2024) Iberian aspect Socio-economic determinants of centrifugal tendencies in the Basque Country at the present stage
№ 2 (2024) Competition of yuong scientists Place and development prospects of CELAC in the processes of Latin American integration
№ 2 (2024) Competition of yuong scientists The role of the traditional energy sector in the current energy crisis. An inter-party discussion in Spain
№ 2 (2024) History pages The problem of Antarctic and subantarctic territories in British foreign policy (1945—1951)
№ 2 (2024) History pages Rupturism as a socio-cultural process in Chile in the late 1960s — early 1970s
№ 2 (2024) Thinking about read The return of the seas: the great powers in the waters of the Global South
№ 2 (2024) Thinking about read Vitaliy Romanovich Dotsenko (1938—2024)
№ 4 (2024) Articles Message to the readers
№ 4 (2024) Policy “Lula 3.0”: problems, contradictions and challenges of the internal political scenario
№ 4 (2024) Economy Brazil's financial and technological leadership. The results of a 5-year revolution in the banking sector
№ 4 (2024) Economy Energy policy of Brazil: new challenges and opportunities
№ 4 (2024) Social problems State policy and the level of food security in Brazil. From successful eradication of hunger to a food crisis
№ 4 (2024) International relations Brazilian “soft power”. In the context of peacekeeping missions in Haiti and Lebanon
№ 4 (2024) International relations Germany's military-political cooperation with Brazil at the present stage
№ 4 (2024) Competition of yuong scientists Evolution of Brazilian-Angolan relations in 2019—2023
№ 4 (2024) Thinking about read Europe and Latin America: the same challenges, different response
№ 6 (2024) Economy Alternative energy in Spain and Chile. Forecasts and prospects in the context of the energy transition
№ 6 (2024) International ties G20 in the positioning of Mexico, Argentina and Brazil at the turn of the 2020s. Assessments, expectations, contradictions
№ 6 (2024) International ties Spain and China: from mutual distrust to problems in strategic partnership. Trade, economic and investment cooperation
№ 6 (2024) Culture Imitation as an adaptation tool in pottery making in New Spain
№ 6 (2024) History pages Failed revolution: the Comintern and the Communist Party of Peru in 1930—1933
№ 6 (2024) Thinking about read Pedro Sanchez, a retrospective of the political life of Spain in 2020—2023
№ 6 (2024) Thinking about read Dolores Ibarruri returns
№ 6 (2024) Articles Andrey Fedorovich Kofman (1954—2024)
№ 5 (2024) Policy Venezuela: chronicle of forced dialogue
№ 5 (2024) Policy Formation of the state capacity of Latin American countries. Testing the theory of Charles Tilly
№ 5 (2024) Iberian aspect Spain and China: from mistrust to strategic partnership. Political dimension
№ 5 (2024) Culture Yevgeny Yevtushenko's Latin American tour (1968). Chile. “In the volcano of the fiercest struggle”
№ 5 (2024) Competition of yuong scientists «Smart» agriculture of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States
№ 5 (2024) Competition of yuong scientists Evolution of Brazil-India relations
№ 5 (2024) Antiquity Maya, but others. Features of the historical and ethnocultural development of the Huastecs of pre-colonial Mexico
№ 5 (2024) Thinking about read The marxism studies in Mexico in the times of the “forth transformation”
№ 5 (2024) Articles Priem v aspiranturu ILA RAN
№ 7 (2024) Policy The new “old” values of the Latin American right and the struggle for influence
№ 7 (2024) Economy Low-carbon development strategy and climate regulation instruments in Brazil
№ 7 (2024) Economy Franchising in Central America and the Caribbean: big success for small countries
№ 7 (2024) Our compatriots abroad The Argentinean odyssey of a Russian maximalist. Some touches from the biography of Boris German
№ 7 (2024) Our compatriots abroad Patriotism and connection with the Homeland of the Russian Roslik family in Uruguay
№ 7 (2024) Our compatriots abroad Volga Germans in modern Argentina. Issues of preserving of language, culture and ethnic identity
№ 7 (2024) Thinking about read “Plowing in the sea”. The Russian Revolution and Latin America
№ 7 (2024) Thinking about read Emil' Surenovich Dabagyan (1935–2024)
№ 8 (2024) Culture Russia and Latin America: a common civilizational type as a spiritual and ideological basis for cooperation
№ 8 (2024) Anniversary Dorogaya Lyudmila Semenovna!
№ 8 (2024) Economy Concepts of infrastructure development in Latin American countries
№ 8 (2024) Economy Taming inflation: the Brazilian experience of combatting inflation in the last quarter of the 20th century
№ 8 (2024) International relations Russia — Brazil merchandise trade: current trends and problems
№ 8 (2024) History pages The Guarani War of 1754—1756
№ 8 (2024) History pages The importance of Latin America in supporting of the first Russian voyages around the world
№ 8 (2024) Scientific life Latin America and overcoming stereotypes. Researchers' estimates and predictions

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