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No 7 (2023)

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Horizon 2040. A view from Brazil. Part 1. Ecology, climate and technology

Simonova L.N.


The author discusses global megatrends, which, according to Brazilian experts, will determine the development of the world economy and society on the horizon 2040. Par-ticular attention is paid to the socio-economic consequences of the ecological and technological transition, the impact of technology and, above all, digital transformation on geopolitics, society, lifestyle and employment. Plans for the development of Brazil's energy sector for the next 10 years and the long term, factors and risks in the field of ecology and climate change, food security and agriculture are given. The main provisions of national strategies in the field of innovation, as well as a number of other official documents that determine the prospects for the development of science and technology, are considered.According to Brazilian experts, climate change and environmental degradation will exacerbate the scarcity of natural resources on the horizon 2040, giving rise to a more conflict geopolitical scenario. The protection of the Amazon and national sovereignty is the focus of the Brazilian government's special attention, given the high probability of intensifying the struggle for natural resources under the slogans of protecting the environment. By 2040, the spread of Industry 4.0 will intensify; the interaction of technologies from various fields of knowledge, such as bio- and nanotechnologies, environmental and social technologies, will increase. The exponential acceleration of disruptive technologies will threaten traditional socio-economic development efforts, especially in middle- and low-income countries.
Latinskaya Amerika. 2023;(7):6-22
pages 6-22 views

International ties

Cooperation between China and LCA countries in the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative

Babaev K.V., Sazonov S.L., Alexandrova A.D.


The article discusses two of the most priority areas for China's cooperation with Latin and Caribbean America (LCA) countries within the framework of the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative – transport infrastructure and energy. The development of transport infrastructure will allow China to facilitate the access of Chinese goods directly to Latin and Caribbean America as well as to the countries lying on the tropic of Capricorn. The energy partnership under the Belt and Road initiative through construction of power plants in LCA countries will allow Beijing to stimulate trade electronic products and create fleets of cars that use alternative energy sources. Chinese enterprises are actively involved in the construction of local hydroelectric power plants, projects for the use of solar energy, wind energy and other renewable energy sources, and are also exploring opportunities for the «green» economic cooperation, which will contribute to the further development of diversified investment cooperation between the two countries.
Latinskaya Amerika. 2023;(7):23-39
pages 23-39 views

The society of 21st century

Iberoamerica: from the “generation of crisis” to the “generation of pandemic”

Ermolieva E.G.


According to statistics, at least 2/3 of the population of the Iberoamerican countries are young people under the age of 29-30. Today this generation with different social status, ethnic origins, different levels of education and professional training is facing ever greater life difficulties. Many young people are deprived of the employment opportunities, due to the unemployment, which has become a consequence of the pandemic, youth poverty rates are growing, and the number of NEET group who are “Not in Education, neither in Employment, or Training” is increasing. The article aims to identify the common and particular challenges of the young generation in Latin America and the Iberian Peninsula. The author aims to show how the Iberoamerican situation coincides with the global trend or differs from it. Particular attention is paid to government’s attempts on both sides of the Atlantic to mitigate the plight of the "Covid generation", and the efforts to prevent the risks of growing frustration and disappointment among young people. The results of sociological surveys allow to get the opinion of young Latin Americans, Spaniards and Portuguese about the public policies effectiveness (or limitations) aimed at the needs of the Iberoamerican youth.
Latinskaya Amerika. 2023;(7):40-56
pages 40-56 views

Russia — Latin America

Prospects of Russian export of mineral fertilizers to Brazil

Korolev G.M.


The article evaluates current situation and describes the prospects of cooperation between the Russian Federation and Brazil within the framework of the mineral fertilizers trade in the context of the geopolitical crisis. The author considers global trends in the consumption of mineral fertilizers, the current conjuncture of the world market of complex mineral fertilizers, the role of Russia in the global supply chain, pricing of mineral fertilizers for the end user. The special attention is paid to the analysis of positions of the main Russian mineral fertilizers’ producers in Latin America and in particular in Brazil, where the share of Russian products in the context of the country's market is quite high. The principal barriers to mutual trade were identified as well as the ways to overcome them. Features of transportation of fertilizers to Brazil were also considered while information about the main state projects aimed at solving problems in logistics, including the renewal of the marine fleet, was revealed.In conclusion the author provides arguments in favor of the fact that the trade in mineral fertilizers between Russia and Brazil will develop in the long term despite the geopolitical crisis and turbulence of the markets, that can bring mutual benefits to both countries.
Latinskaya Amerika. 2023;(7):57-76
pages 57-76 views

History pages

In Tiberii Morbum. The last Spanish republicans and their ideas of ‘transition’ and ‘reconciliation’ during the Spanish transition to democracy

Movellán Haro J.


The historiography about Spanish republicanism during the Transition to Democracy has had few contributions, mainly based on the problems of exile after the Spanish Civil War. The aim of this paper is focused on the ideas of "transition" and "reconciliation" developed by the last representatives of 'historical' republicanism, gathered in the institutions of the Government of the Spanish Republic in the Exile and in the political party of Acción Republicana Democrática Española, heir of Manuel Azaña’s Izquierda Republicana and the Unión Republicana founded by Diego Martínez Barrio and Félix Gordón Ordás.
Latinskaya Amerika. 2023;(7):77-87
pages 77-87 views

Mexico's foreign trade in the second half of the XIX century and the trade and economic interests of the Russian Empire

Shkunov V.N.


The article is devoted to the issues of trade and economic cooperation between Russia and Mexico in the second half of the XIX century. Particular attention is paid to the range of imports and exports, the volume of bilateral trade, the supply channels of Mexican goods to the Russian market. The author uses literature in Russian, English, Spanish, and German as sources: reference and statistical materials, journalism, narrative sources, etc.
Latinskaya Amerika. 2023;(7):88-97
pages 88-97 views

Thinking about read

Reformatting Russian-Latin American relations in the post-soviet period

Iwanowsky Z.V.


This review provides an overview of the content and analysis of a monograph prepared by international team of researchers from Russia, Latin America, the United States, and Germany and dedicated to the dynamics of Russian-Latin American relations after the Cold War. The sections of the book, published in English, reflect the area of Russian studies on this issue, the Soviet legacy in Latin America, general trends of Russian engagement with Latin America, so as the state of Russia's bilateral relations with key partners.
Latinskaya Amerika. 2023;(7):98-109
pages 98-109 views

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