Artificial intelligence technologies in the BRICS political agenda

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In the period of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the rapid growth of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies poses a challenge to all countries for their legitimate use and timely implementation in the public sector. The BRICS countries are active participants in the digitalization process in the political, economic, social and military spheres, as well as in the association's activities aimed at enhancing AI technologies and communication channels. However, the rapid growth of the latest AI-based technologies threatens the already vulnerable cybersecurity sector and facilitates active informationpsychological and terrorist operations aimed at putting BRICS political actors out of work and conducting disinformation campaigns.

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About the authors

Ekaterina A. Vinogradova

Research Center: Artificial Intelligence Technologies in International Relations

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8055-6612
Cand. Sci. (Political Science), Director Moscow, Russian Federation


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