The problem of Antarctic and subantarctic territories in British foreign policy (1945—1951)

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With the end of World War II, British political circles hoped that Great Britain would retain its place as a world power. In this regard, great importance was attached to the restoration of influence in Latin America, which had been seriously shaken during the war. A certain problem in achieving this goal was the territorial claims of Great Britain in Antarctica, which conflicted with the desire of Argentina and Chile to achieve recognition of their own Antarctic sectors. The article is written on the basis of documents from the British National Archives, most of which are being introduced into scientific circulation for the first time.

About the authors

Dmitry I. Portnyagin

Saint-Petersburg State University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9727-6737

PhD (History), Associate Professor

Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation

Maria D. Portnyagina

Saint-Petersburg State University

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7221-353X
PhD (History), Associate Professor Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation


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  44. The Chancery, British Embassy, Santiago. Protest. The Argentine Government. March, 1951. UK NA. DEFE 11/358, A 1522/8, p. 1.
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  46. Falkland Islands Dependencies Survey. Memorandum by the Minister of State. 19th February, 1951. UK NA. CAB 129/44. C. P. (51) 56, pp. 1-2.
  47. Extract from 16th Meeting held on 1st March 1951. Falkland Islands Dependencies. UK NA. DEFE 11/358, p. 1.

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