Evolution of Brazil-India relations

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The article is devoted to the analysis of the development of bilateral relations between Brazil and India since the establishment of diplomatic relations and as of 2023. The study examined the relations between the two countries in the XX-XXI centuries, highlighted the main factors contributing to and hindering the development of their cooperation, as well as the main areas in which Brazilian-Indian cooperation is actively developing. The author concluded that in the XX century the relations between Brazil and India were complicated by a number of political and economic factors, which, however, did not prevent them from concluding agreements that formed the basis of their cooperation in the XXI century. In the 2000s, the states also entered into new agreements and began to focus on their trade interactions. They now share similar views on global policy issues and are also interested in deepening their dialogue with each other, suggesting that their relationship will be further strengthened in the near term.

About the authors

A. V Aparina

St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation

Email: anastasiia.aparina@yandex.ru
ORCID iD: 0009-0007-0568-7197
Student St. Petersburg, Russia


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