In search of monsters. Mythical peoples in the chronicles of the discovery and conquest of America and Siberia in the late XV — early XVII centuries

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The article examines the construction of the images of “the other” and “otherness” through the introduction of mythical peoples with monstrous features of Classical Antiquity and the Bible in the chronicles of the conquest and exploration of America and Siberia in the late XV - early XVII centuries. The emphasis is made on the common elements in viewing “the other” by the Spanish and Russian chroniclers which have origins in the works of Greek and Roman authors and in the Christian exegesis of the Old and New Testaments. They include the following features: attribution of animal characteristics and “anomalous” behavior (in the eyes of chroniclers) to indigenous peoples of America and Siberia, their identification with monstrous races of Classical authors and the Bible, and correlation between the presence of monstrous peoples and fabulous riches, which was the main reason to gather all the available information about them in distant lands.

About the authors

Anastasia Valer'evna Kalyuta

Saint Petersburg Institute of History, RAS

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg


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