

栏目 标题 文件
卷 78, 编号 10 (2003) Editorial Lung biopsy in diagnosis of causes of lung involvement in hemoblastosis
卷 79, 编号 4 (2004) Editorial Potentialities of high-resolution computed tomography in diagnosis of pulmonary lesions after bone marrow transplantation in blood diseases
卷 79, 编号 12 (2004) Editorial A case of effective use of alemtuzumab in a male patient with T-cell lymphoma
卷 79, 编号 7 (2004) Editorial Preliminary results of a multicenter randomized study on the treatment of acute promyelocytic leukemias
卷 79, 编号 7 (2004) Editorial Transplantation of allogenic bone marrow in chronic myeloid leukemias
卷 79, 编号 7 (2004) Editorial Somatic masks of depressions in leukemias
卷 79, 编号 7 (2004) Editorial Leukemic transformation of donor cells: is it possible?
卷 79, 编号 7 (2004) Editorial Damage to vascular endothelium in the treatment of acute leukemia: in vitro study
卷 80, 编号 7 (2008) Editorial Somatogenic and somatogenically provoked psychoses in blood diseases
卷 80, 编号 7 (2008) Editorial Leukemic dendritic cells
卷 81, 编号 7 (2009) Editorial Acute leukemia and pregnancy - some postulates
卷 81, 编号 7 (2009) Editorial Results of the treatment of adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia according to ALL-2005 protocol as a basis for new trials
卷 81, 编号 7 (2009) Editorial Regulatory mechanisms of iron metabolism in patients with acute leukemia
卷 81, 编号 7 (2009) Editorial Leukemic dendritic cells in patients with acute myeloid leukemia
卷 81, 编号 7 (2009) Editorial Significance of matrix metalloproteinases and their ihhibitors in normal subjects, solid and blood cancer patients
卷 82, 编号 7 (2010) Editorial Determinants for iron overload in patients with acute leukemias and aplastic anemia
卷 82, 编号 7 (2010) Editorial Prolonged bone marrow aplasias in patients with acute leukemias after chemotherapy
卷 82, 编号 7 (2010) Editorial The basic properties of bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells from donors: superficial markers
卷 82, 编号 8 (2010) Editorial Efficiency of cyclosporin A therapy in patients with myelodysplastic syndrome
卷 82, 编号 7 (2010) Editorial Multiple myeloma in renal transplant recipients
卷 83, 编号 3 (2011) Editorial Development of acute myeloid leukemia from donor cells after allogenic peripheral blood stem cell transplantation in a female patient with acute monoblastic leukemia
卷 83, 编号 7 (2011) Editorial Pilot results of therapy of adult Ph-negative acute lymphoblastic leukemia according to the protocol of Research Group of Russian Hematological Centers ALL-2009
卷 83, 编号 7 (2011) Editorial Long-term results of HBV and HCV infection in patients with blood diseases
卷 83, 编号 7 (2011) Editorial Follow-up study of expression of Bcl-2, Bax, p53 and ACE in CD34+ cells of peripheral blood and bone marrow in acute leukemia patients in the course of induction chemotherapy
卷 83, 编号 7 (2011) Editorial Optimization of regimes of mobilization of blood hemopoietic stem cells in patients with multiple myeloma
卷 83, 编号 7 (2011) Editorial Extremely high concentration of mexotrexate in blood serum leading to development of acute renal failure in a patient with acute lymphoblastic leukemia after high-dose consolidation
卷 83, 编号 10 (2011) Editorial Iron metabolism regulatory mechanisms in initial leukocytosis in patients with acute leukemia
卷 84, 编号 7 (2012) Editorial The first results of treatment for adult acute myeloid leukemia according to the AML-01.10 protocol of the Research Group of the Hematology Centers of Russia
卷 84, 编号 7 (2012) Editorial Dynamic Β-endorphin determination in hematologic patients
卷 84, 编号 7 (2012) Editorial Treatment of acute host-versus-graft reaction in patients after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation with multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells from a bone marrow donor
卷 84, 编号 7 (2012) Editorial Effect of bortezomib on the efficiency of hematopoietic stem cell mobilization in patients with multiple myeloma
卷 85, 编号 3 (2013) Editorial The morphological and immunochemical features of nephropathies in multiple myeloma and severe renal failure
卷 85, 编号 7 (2013) Editorial Treatment of adult patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia according to the AIDA protocol
卷 85, 编号 7 (2013) Editorial Cytogenetic characteristics of hematopoietic and stromal progenitor cells in myelodysplastic syndrome
卷 85, 编号 8 (2013) Editorial Efficiency of treatment of adult patients with acute T-lymphoblastic leukemia according to the ALL-2009 protocol of the Russian Acute Leukemia Study Group
卷 85, 编号 7 (2013) Editorial Successful use of vemurafenib in a patient with resistant hairy cell leukemia
卷 85, 编号 10 (2013) Editorial Treatment for acute promyelocytic leukemia during pregnancy
卷 85, 编号 11 (2013) Editorial The course of parvovirus B19 infection during pregnancy after kidney transplantation
卷 85, 编号 12 (2013) Editorial Investigation of Β-endorphin concentrations in patients with hemophilia
卷 85, 编号 12 (2013) Editorial Characteristics of stromal cell precursors in patients after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation
卷 86, 编号 7 (2014) Editorial Russian experts' clinical guidelines for acute myeloid leukemia treatment in patients less than 60 years of age
卷 86, 编号 7 (2014) Editorial Treating patients with acute myeloid leukemias (AML) according to the protocol of the AML-01.10 Russian multicenter randomized trial: the Coordinating Center's results
卷 86, 编号 7 (2014) Editorial Myeloid sarcoma of the small bowel with inversion of chromosome 16: a description of 3 clinical cases
卷 87, 编号 1 (2015) Editorial Lung ultrasound for the diagnosis of pneumonia in pregnant women with blood system tumors
卷 87, 编号 7 (2015) Editorial Autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation as late high-dose consolidation in adult patients with T-cell lymphoblastic leukemias: Results of a Russian multicenter study
卷 87, 编号 7 (2015) Editorial Treatment in adult patients with acute myeloid leukemias with hyperleukocytosis at disease onset
卷 87, 编号 7 (2015) Editorial Molecular analysis of immunoglobulin genes in the tumor B cells in splenic marginal zone lymphoma
卷 87, 编号 7 (2015) Editorial Clinical and morphological features of different types of Castleman’s disease
卷 87, 编号 11 (2015) Editorial Genes of killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors and their HLA ligands after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in myeloid leukemia patients
卷 87, 编号 12 (2015) Editorial FIP1L1-PDGFRА-positive myeloproliferative disease with eosinophilia: A rare case with multiple organ dysfunction and a response to tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy
卷 88, 编号 4 (2016) Editorial Experience in investigating splenic red pulp lymphoma PDF
卷 88, 编号 7 (2016) Editorial Hepatosplenic T-cell lymphoma: The problems of diagnosis and treatment PDF
卷 88, 编号 7 (2016) Editorial Acute Ph-negative lymphoblastic leukemias in adults: Risk factors in the use of the ALL-2009 protocol PDF
卷 88, 编号 7 (2016) Editorial Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma with monoclonal immunoglobulin secretion PDF
卷 88, 编号 7 (2016) Editorial Molecular serological characteristics of weak D antigen types of the Rhesus system PDF
卷 88, 编号 7 (2016) Editorial A rare case of myeloproliferative disease with t(8;13)(p11;q12) associated with eosinophilia and lymphadenopathy PDF
卷 89, 编号 7 (2017) Editorial Adult B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemias: Conclusions of the Russian prospective multicenter study ALL-2009 PDF
卷 89, 编号 7 (2017) Editorial Absolute numbers of peripheral blood CD34+ hematopoietic stem cells prior to a leukapheresis procedure as a parameter predicting the efficiency of stem cell collection PDF
卷 89, 编号 7 (2017) Editorial Multiple myeloma: Maintenance therapy after autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, depending on minimal residual disease PDF
卷 89, 编号 7 (2017) Editorial Prognostic value of 1q21 amplification in multiple myeloma PDF
卷 89, 编号 7 (2017) Editorial EBV-positive central nervous system lymphoproliferative disease associated with immunosuppression after organ transplantation: Long-term remission without chemotherapy PDF
卷 89, 编号 7 (2017) Editorial Thrombotic events in patients with hemophilia PDF
卷 89, 编号 11 (2017) Editorial Impact of current approaches to laboratory screening of donated blood and its components on hepatitis B virus infection in patients with blood system diseases PDF
卷 89, 编号 7 (2017) Editorial Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma with concomitant c-MYC and BCL6 gene rearrangements with primary skin involvement: A case report and a review of literature PDF
卷 89, 编号 7 (2017) Editorial Breast implant-associated anaplastic large-cell lymphoma: A case report and a review of literature PDF
卷 89, 编号 12 (2017) Editorial Results of following up patients with chronic myeloid leukemia and a deep molecular response without tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy
卷 90, 编号 7 (2018) Editorial Results of program acute myeloid leukemia therapy use in National Medical Research Center for Hematology of the Ministry of Health of Russian Federation PDF
卷 90, 编号 7 (2018) Editorial Cepeginterferon alfa-2b in the treatment of chronic myeloproliferative diseases PDF
卷 90, 编号 7 (2018) Editorial Structure and significance of cytogenetic abnormalities in adult patients with Ph-negative acute lymphoblastic leukemia PDF
卷 90, 编号 7 (2018) Editorial Immunoglobulinopathies in patients with angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma PDF
卷 90, 编号 7 (2018) Editorial First experience of using Brentuximab vedotin and modified program NHL-BFM-90 in the front-line treatment of patient with anaplastic large-cell lymphoma: a case report and a review of literature PDF
卷 90, 编号 7 (2018) Editorial Diagnostics and treatment challenges of Ph-like acute lymphoblastic leukemia: a description of 3 clinical cases PDF
卷 78, 编号 7 (2003) Editorial Detection of minimal residual disease in patients with acutemyeloid leukemia
卷 78, 编号 7 (2003) Editorial Allogenictransplantation of the bone marrow after regimens of lowintensity conditioning in therapy of patients with hemoblastoses
卷 78, 编号 7 (2003) Editorial Superhigh doses of dexamethasone in the treatment of refractory forms of acute lymphoblast leukemia of adults
卷 78, 编号 7 (2003) Editorial Cytomegaloviral infection in patients with hemoblastoses
卷 78, 编号 7 (2003) Editorial Invasive aspergillesis in immunocompromised patients
卷 78, 编号 7 (2003) Editorial Meningitis caused by Listeria monocytogenes in a patientwith multiple myeloma
卷 78, 编号 7 (2003) Editorial Several malignant tumors in one patient for 16 years
卷 91, 编号 7 (2019) Editorial Russian multicenter clinical trials in acute leukemias PDF
卷 91, 编号 7 (2019) Editorial Role of the intensive care in treatment of patients with acute myeloid leukemia PDF
卷 91, 编号 7 (2019) Editorial PET/CT with 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose and 11C-methionine after autologous stem cell transplantation in multiple myeloma patients PDF
卷 91, 编号 8 (2019) Editorial Treatment of candidemia caused by Candida albicans and Candida non - albicans in patients with hematological malignancies PDF
卷 91, 编号 4 (2019) Editorial Gray-zone lymphoma. Examples of rare clinical manifestation PDF
