Transplantation of allogenic bone marrow in chronic myeloid leukemias


Aim. To assess the role of allogenic bone marrow (ABM) transplantation in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML).
Material and methods. 44 ABM transplantations were performed in 37 CML patients in the chronic phase and 7 patients in acceleration or blast crisis.
Results. A complete molecular remission was achieved in 26 (59%) patients: 67.6% after ABM transplantation in the chronic phase and only 14.3% after myelotransplantation in non-chronic phase. Follow-up was 8-150 months (median - 59 months). Early lethality after ABM transplantation in the chronic phase was under 14%. A phase of the disease plays a key role in ABM transplantation. If it is made in a chronic phase, CML recurrence rate is low (in our series it was 14%), efficacy of donor's bone marrow lymphocyte transfusions is high. The second complete molecular remission was achieved in 3 of 4 cases of posttransplantation recurrences. Probability of maintenance of a complete remission after ABM transplantation in a chronic phase was 75%, recurrence-free survival - 64%), uneventful survival 55% for 90 months.
Conclusion. The experience of many years demonstrates high efficacy of ABM transplantation in the treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia. It promotes long-term molecular remission the maintenance of which did not require therapy in 65% patients.

About the authors

L S Lyubimova


Москва; ГНЦ РАМН

V G Savchenko


Москва; ГНЦ РАМН

L P Mendeleeva


Москва; ГНЦ РАМН

L A Kuzmina


Москва; ГНЦ РАМН

M V Anukhina


Москва; ГНЦ РАМН

E O Gribanova


Москва; ГНЦ РАМН

I A Demidova


Москва; ГНЦ РАМН

A V Misyurin


Москва; ГНЦ РАМН

О A Vinogradova


Москва; ГНЦ РАМН

E V Domracheva


Москва; ГНЦ РАМН

L P Poreshina


Москва; ГНЦ РАМН

R M Kutyina


Москва; ГНЦ РАМН

A P Shpakova


Москва; ГНЦ РАМН

A A Matveenko


Москва; ГНЦ РАМН

N N Kalinin


Москва; ГНЦ РАМН

E G Gemdzhyan


Москва; ГНЦ РАМН


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