
"Difficult" pneumonia
Zaicev A.A., Sinopalnikov A.I.
Pneumonia: The urgent problem of 21st century medicine
Chuchalin A.G.
Multidisciplinary approach in the diagnosis of idiopathic nonspecific interstitial pneumonia
Ovcharenko S.I., Son E.A., Kapustina V.A.
The effect of taking antibacterial therapy on the outpatient stage and outcomes of community-acquired pneumonia in Tomsk hospitals
Vinokurova D.A., Kulikov E.S., Kobyakova O.S., Starovoytova E.A., Deev I.A., Fedosenko S.V., Chernogoryuk G.E., Chernysheva E.A., Yarovoy N.D.
Diagnosis and antibiotic therapy of nosocomial pneumonia in adults: from recommendations to real practice. A review
Rachina S.А., Fedina L.V., Sukhorukova M.V., Sychev I.N., Larin E.S., Alkhlavov A.A.
Etiology of severe community - acquired pneumonia in adults: results of the first Russian multicenter study
Zakharenkov I.A., Rachina S.A., Dekhnich N.N., Kozlov R.S., Sinopalnikov A.I., Ivanchik N.V., Yatsyshina S.B., Elkina M.A., Archipenko M.V., Gordeeva S.A., Lebedeva M.S., Portnyagina U.S.
Predictors of community-acquired pneumonia in patients with acute decompensated heart failure: the results of the analysis of the hospital sample EPOHA-D-CHF
Polyakov D.S., Fomin I.V., Vaisberg A.R., Valikulova F.Y., Ivanchenko E.Y., Kraiem N.
TNF-α, IL-10, and еNOS gene polymorphisms in patients with influenza A/H1N1 complicated by pneumonia
Romanova E.N., Govorin A.V.
Clinico-scintigraphic characteristics and oxidation in community-acquired pneumonia: correlations with severity of pulmonary tissue infiltrative lesion
Ageeva T.S., Zhavoronok T.V., Tetenev F.F., Krivonogov N.G., Stepovaya E.A., Ryazantseva N.V., Ageeva T.S., Zhavoronok T.V., Tetenev F.F., Krivonogov N.G., Stepovaya E.A., Ryazantseva N.V.
Specific features of out-of-hospital pneumonia in patients with chronic infantile spinal amyotrophy
Fomina I.G., Marinin V.F., Gorbacheva F.E., Makhnach G.K., Abramova A.A., Solovyeva N.V., Medvedeva I.V.
Clarithromycin for community-acquired pneumonia in adults: focus on anti-inflammatory properties
Sinopalnikov A.I., Rachina S.A., Vasilyeva I.S., Pigusova N.A., Karpova O.Y.
Efficiency of application of sorbed probiotics in complex therapy of pneumonia caused by SARS-CoV-2. Part 1. Heating clinical displays period
Meskina E.R., Tselipanova E.E., Khadisova M.K., Galkina L.A., Stashko T.V.
Features of central hemodynamics in patients with community - acquired pneumonia depending on the course of the disease and cardiovascular comorbidity
Titova O.N., Kuzubova N.A., Aleksandrov A.L., Perley V.E., Volchkova E.V., Baryshnikova K.A.
Analysis of the efficiency of antimicrobial treatment for community-acquired pneumonia in clinical practice
Zhukova O.V., Ruina O.V., Kononova S.V., Konyshkina T.M.
Lung ultrasound for the diagnosis of pneumonia in pregnant women with blood system tumors
Galstian G.M., Novikov V.A., Troitskaia V.V., Bariakh E.A., Makhinia S.A., Parovichnikova E.N., Savchenko V.G.
Interpretation of the concentrations of procalcitonin during infectious and inflammatory processes
Piatnitskiĭ I.A., Sharandak A.P., Zokina T.G., Berner L.P.
Community-acquired pneumonia in adults: Approaches to antibacterial therapy in the context of current clinical guidelines
Sinopalnikov A.I.
Lung biopsy in diagnosis of causes of lung involvement in hemoblastosis
Galstyan G.M., Glasko E.N., Gorodetsky V.M., Grzhimolovsky A.V., Danishyan K.I., Demidova I.A., Kaplanskaya I.В., Keselman S.A., Klyasova G.A., Lyubimova L.S., Shulutko E.M., Savchenko V.G.
Progressive fibrosing lung disease. Discussion aspects of the problem: A review
Ilkovich M.M., Novikova L.N., Speranskaya A.A., Dvorakovskaya I.V.
Community-acquired pneumonia with atypical (mycoplasmic and chlamydial) infection
Trubnikov G.V., Polyakova I.G., Butakova L.Y., Trubnikov G.V., Polyakova I.G., Butakova L.Y.
Pharmacoepidemiological study of the course of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections in risk groups
Bulgakova V.A., Poromov A.A., Grekova A.I., Pshenichnaya N.Y., Selkova E.P., Lvov N.I., Leneva I.A., Shestakova I.V., Maleev V.V.
Protracted pneumonia
Chuchalin A.G.
Avdeev S.N., Chernyaev A.L., Chuchalin A.G.
Pneumonia in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: the frequency of development, the specific features of its course and risk factors
Polyanskaya M.V., Belov B.S., Balabanova R.M., Polyanskaya M.V., Belov B.S., Balabanova R.M.
Pneumonia: historical and modern aspects
Sihestrov V.P.
Interstitial pneumonia with autoimmune features: monocentric prospective study
Akulkina L.A., Shchepalina A.A., Moiseev A.S., Brovko M.Y., Sholomova V.I., Moiseev S.V.
Viruso-bacterial pneumonia, complicated by lightness pulmonary bleeding with death
Chizhova O.Y., Ruslyakova I.A., Baculin I.G., Vinnichuk S.A., Sakharov V.I.
Pulmonary manifestations in adult patients with a defect in humoral immunity
Latysheva T.V., Latysheva E.A., Martynova I.A., Aminova G.E.
Pneumocystis pneumonia in patients with Hodgkin lymphoma
Moiseeva T.N., Al'-Radi L.S., Sharkunov N.N., Chernova N.G., Kliasova G.A., Gracheva A.N., Bariakh E.A., Mar'in D.S., Shitareva I.V., Dzhulakian U.L., Kostina I.É., Sinitsina M.N., Galstian G.M., Kravchenko S.K.
Pustovalov A.A., Rvacheva A.V., Chuchalin A.G., Sokolov E.I., Khaptkhaeva G.E., Tkachev G.A., Zykov K.A.
A rare complication of imatinib mesylate therapy: drug-induced pneumonitis
Stakhina O.V., Turkina A.G., Kostina I.E., Kochkareva Y.B., Stakhina O.V., Turkina A.G., Kostina I.E., Kochkareva Y.B.
Clinical and functional assessment of daily blood pressure variations in patients with pneumonia
Geltser B.I., Kolelnikov V.N., Brodskaya T.A.
Levilimab and baricitinib prescribing experience in outpatient COVID-19 patients’ treatment
Khripun A.I., Starshinin A.V., Antipova Y.O., Lysenko M.A., Urozhaeva Y.V., Gavrilenko O.F., Rusantsova N.A., Tyazhelnikov A.A., Tikhonovskaya E.Y., Okolot N.V., Sokolova M.V., Fomina D.S., Simonova E.N., Kruglova T.S., Chernov A.A., Zagrebneva A.I.
Differential diagnosis of pneumonia as a complication of nasal liquorrhea in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic: Case report
Chernikova N.A., Shelesko E.V., Sharipov O.I., Ershova O.N., Kalinin P.L., Kutin M.A., Fomichev D.V.
High altitude pulmonary edema misdiagnosed as pneumonia
Sarybaev A.S., Maripov A.M., Muratali-Uulu K., Cholponbaeva M.B., Kushubakova N.A., Sydykov A.S.
Pneumonia: Regional experience with prevention programs
Chuchalin A.G., Onishchenko G.G., Kolosov V.P., Kurganova O.P., Tezikov N.L., Manakov L.G., Gulevich M.P., Perelman Y.M.
Adenovirus pneumonia with a fatal outcome in adults
Iatsyshina S.B., Samchuk V.V., Vasil'ev V.V., Ageeva M.R., Vorob'eva N.S., Savochkina I.A., Bulanenko V.P., Shipulin G.A., Maleev V.V.
Current course of pneumocystic pneumonia in HIV-infected patients
Ermak T.N., Samitova E.R., Tokmalaev A.K., Kravchenko A.V., Ermak T.N., Samitova E.R., Tokmalaev A.K., Kravchenko A.V.
Changes in plasma hemostatic parameters under intravascular laser irradiation of blood in patients with community-acquired pneumonia
Burduli N.M., Pilieva N.G., Burduli N.M., Piliyeva N.G.
Change in the activity of angiotensin-converting enzyme in pneumonia and chronic obstructive lung diseases
Altshuler B.Y., Roitman A.P., Fedorova T.A., Novazhenov V.G., Belkov S.A., Gordeev M.N., Yarovaya G.A., Neshkova Y.A., Ustinov A.A.
Clinical and morphological features of lung injury long-term after SARS-CoV-2 recovery
Baimakanova G.E., Samsonova M., Chernyaev A.L., Kontorschikov A.S., Belevskiy A.S.
Organizing pneumonia as a pulmonary manifestation of post-COVID syndrome: features of diagnosis and treatment
Akulkina L.A., Shchepalina A.A., Kitbalian A.A., Potapov P.P., Moiseev A.S., Brovko M.Y., Sholomova V.I., Moiseev S.V.
The use of a new semi-quantitative rapid test for procalcitonin in the diagnosis of multisegmental community-acquired pneumonia
Bayramova S.S., Nikolayev K.Y., Tsygankova O.V.
Indicators of immunological and hormonal research in patients with non-hospital pneumonia-liquidators of the Chernobyl accident after treatment
Selihova L.G., Borzykh O.A., Lavrenko A.V., Digtiar N.I., Gerasymenko N.D.
Evaluation of the impact of community-acquired pneumonia on short-term and long-term prognosis in a patient with chronic decompensated heart failure
Polyakov D.S., Fomin I.V., Valikulova F.Y., Vaisberg A.R., Kraiem N.
Clinical manifestations of Legionella pneumonia in hematology patients
Galstian G.M., Kostina I.É., Katrysh S.A., Kliasova G.A., Karpova T.I., Tartakovskiĭ I.S.
A case of legionellesis pneumonia verified by isolation of legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 from bronchoalveolar lavage treated with levofloxacine and tigecycline
Galstyan G.M., Drokov M.Y., Katrysh S.A., Klyasova G.A., Gilyazitdinova E.A., Karpova T.I., Marakusha B.I., Tartakovskiy I.S., Galstyan G.M., Drokov M.Y., Katrysh S.A., Klyasova G.A., Gilyazitdinova E.A., Karpova T.I., Marakusha B.I., Tartakovsky I.S.
Pneumonia as a general medical problem
Dimov A.S., Volkova O.A.
Misdiagnosis of cheesy pneumonia in general hospitals and results of its treatment
Chelnokova O.G., Kibrik B.S.
Illness and death of Sir William Osler
Dvoretskii L.I.
Proinflammatory laboratory predictors of pneumonia in ischemic stroke patients: prospective study
Kochetov A.G., Lyang O.V., Zhirova I.A., Ivoylov O.O., Politidis R.R., Novozhenova Y.V.
Surfactant proteins A and D: role in the pathogenesis of community-acquired pneumonia and possible predictive perspectives
Kharlamovа O.S., Nikolaev K.Y., Ragino Y.I., Voevoda M.I.
Combination of community acquired pneumonia with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: clinical peculiarities, production of active oxygen forms, general antioxidant blood status
Farkhutdinov U.R., Amirova E.F., Farkhutdinov R.R.
Prognostic value of acute kidney injury in patients with community-acquired pneumonia
Serov V.A., Shutov A.M., Kuzovenkova M.Y., Ivanova Y.V., Serova D.V.
Pneumocystis pneumonia and generalized tuberculosis in HIV-infected patients
Mikhaĭlova N.R., Ermak T.N., Mikhaĭlovskiĭ A.M.
Efficacy of immunovenin in patients with community-acquired pneumonia
Farkhutdinov U.R., Mirkhaydarov A.M., Farkhutdinov R.R., Farkhutdinov S.U., Farkhutdinov U.R., Mirkhaidarov A.M., Farkhutdinov R.R., Farkhutdinov S.U.
Microbial intestinal biocenosis in lingering and complicated course of community pneumonia
Osipov M.I., Bilev A.E., Osipov I.A.
Clinical case of mucormycosis in patient COVID-19. Case report
Nurtdinova G.M., Suleymanov A.M., Bayazitov I.I., Khismatullina Z.R., Shamigulov F.B., Gumerov R.M., Agaidarova G.M., Zagidullin S.Z., Shchekin S.V., Shchekin V.S., Absalyamova D.F., Pavlov V.N., Zagidullin N.S.
Legionnaires disease: history of the discovery, the main stages of the study pathogen and infection
Tartakovsky I.S., Maleev V.V.
Fatal severe community-acquired pneumonia: risk factors, clinical characteristics and medical errors of hospital patients
Postnikova L.B., Klimkin P.F., Boldina M.V., Gudim A.L., Kubysheva N.I.
The role of presepsin in the diagnosis and assessment of severity of sepsis and severe pneumonia
TItova E.A., Eyrikh A.R., Titova Z.A.
Pneumonia at a multidisciplinary hospital
Vertkin A.L., Oralbekova Z.M.
Antibiotic therapy regimens for mild community-acquired pneumonia in patients with risk factors for ineffective treatment: Clinical and economic comparisons
Zaĭtsev A.A., Makarevich A.M., Kondrat'eva T.V., Kalugin V.V.
Specific features of endogenic autorosette formation in peripheral blood of patients with pneumonia
Korichkina L.N., Lavrinenko L.V., Korichkina L.N., Lavrinenko L.V.
Potentialities of high-resolution computed tomography in diagnosis of pulmonary lesions after bone marrow transplantation in blood diseases
Gotman L.N., Kostina I.E., Vishnevskaya E.S., Togonidze D.K., Mendeleeva L.P., Lyubimova L.S., Savchenko V.G.
Modern approaches to immunization of patients of rheumatologic profile
Belov B.S., Tarasova G.M., Muravyeva N.V.
Comparative analysis of the strength of the respiratory muscles in community-acquired pneumonia with different severity of endogenous intoxication
Geltser B.I., Dej A.A., Titorenko I.N., Kotelnikov V.N.
1 - 67 of 67 Items

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