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Aim. Comparison of different methods of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) etiological diagnosis. Material and methods. A total of 20 male and 10 females patients 21 to 75 years of age entered the trial. All of them had CAP running a non-severe course. Microbiological and molecular-genetic methods were used to examine the patients’ sputum, blood serum serological tests were made to measure the level of IgM and IgG antibodies (AB) to Chlamydophila pneumoniae and Mycoplasma pneumoniae. Results. Pathogens were detected in 23(76.7%) patients. Microbiological examination (MBE) detected monobacterial contamination in 19 patients, polymerase chain reaction (pCR) identified monobacterial infection in 10 patients, mixed bacterial infection in 5 and viral-bacterial mixed contamination in 4 patients. MBE provided 19 positive results, PCR 30 ones. Serological examination detected IgM AB to Mycoplasma pneumoniae in 6 patients, sputum investigation with PCR detected the pathogen only in 2 patients. IgM AB to Chlamydophila pneumoniae were detected in 4 patients, PCR failed to detect infection agent. Conclusion. Current etiological diagnosis can be made with the highest efficacy with combination of three methods: microbiological for detection of bacterial pathogens (except atypical agents), molecular-genetic for identification of both bacterial and viral pathogens and serological for diagnosis of atypical pathogens.

About the authors

A A Pustovalov

Moscow State Medical Stomatological University

соискатель каф. факультетской терапии и профессиональных болезней

A V Rvacheva

Moscow State Medical Stomatological University

канд. мед. наук, ст. науч. сотр. лаб. пульмонологии отд. клинической медицины НИМСИ МГМСУ

A G Chuchalin

Research Institute of Pulmonology

д-р мед. наук, проф., акад. РАМН, дир. НИИ пульмонологии

E I Sokolov

Moscow State Medical Stomatological University

д-р мед. наук, проф., акад. РАМН, зав. каф. факультетской терапии

G E Khaptkhaeva

Research Institute of Pulmonology


G A Tkachev

Moscow State Medical Stomatological University

канд. мед. наук, мл. науч. сотр. лаб. пульмонологии отд. клинической медицины НИМСИ МГМСУ

K A Zykov

Moscow State Medical Stomatological University

д-р мед. наук. зав. лаб. пульмонологии отд. клинической медицины НИМСИ МГМСУ


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