Indicators of immunological and hormonal research in patients with non-hospital pneumonia-liquidators of the Chernobyl accident after treatment

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The aim of the study is to study the state of the immunological and hormonal background in patients with non-hospital pneumonia (NP) - liquidators of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (ChNPP) after treatment. Materials and methods. Patients with NP were divided into 2 groups of liquidators of the Chernobyl accident (main group), patients with NP who did not participate in liquidation of the Chernobyl accident (control group), which determined immunological parameters [CD3+, CD4+, CD8+, CD16+, CD20+ expressing cells, immunoglobulin concentrations (Ig) A, M, G] and hormonal indicators (antibodies to thyroglobulin, thyroglobulin, triiodothyronine, thyroxin, cortisol, insulin, testosterone, estradiol, estriol). The main group - liquidators of the Chernobyl accident in an immunological study of 32 NP patients, hormonal - 20; control group - respectively 37 and 38. Results. Combined therapy contributed to an increase in T-lymphocytes in the main and control groups, as well as T-suppressors (Tc) and T-helper cells (Tx), respectively (p<0.05). Also increased the content of B-lymphocytes, IgA, IgM, complement and phagocytic activity in the main and control groups. The ratio Tx/Tc decreased, also decreased IgG, load index, zero cells in the main and control groups.The study of hormonal background in patients with NP showed that the content of thyroglobulin after complex therapy in the main group increased, in the control group their content did not change. The content of triiodothyronine and thyroxine increased after treatment in the main group. In patients with NP of the control group, on the contrary, there was a decrease in thyroid function in terms of thyroglobulin. The study of sex hormones showed that the content of testosterone, estradiol, estriol in patients with NP of the main group increased after treatment, whereas in the control group there was a decrease in estradiol confidence, and testosterone level remained unchanged. The content of estriol increased (p<0.001) in the control group. The increased amount of insulin decreased (p<0.01) in the main group, whereas in the control group these indicators almost did not change. Conclusion. After complex therapy, immunological parameters in NP patients in both the main and control groups are normalized, however, recovery in the main group is slower, which requires continued immunological correction in the outpatient setting. Hormonal background approaching the norm more in patients with NP of the control group than the main one.

About the authors

L G Selihova

The State Higher Educational Institution of Ukraine Ukrainian Medical Dental Academy, Department of Internal Medicine №3 with phthisiology

д.м.н., проф. каф. внутренней медицины №3 с фтизиатрией Poltava, Ukraine

O A Borzykh

The State Higher Educational Institution of Ukraine Ukrainian Medical Dental Academy, Department of Internal Medicine №3 with phthisiology

к.м.н., доцент каф. внутренней медицины №3 с фтизиатрией Poltava, Ukraine

A V Lavrenko

The State Higher Educational Institution of Ukraine Ukrainian Medical Dental Academy, Department of Internal Medicine №3 with phthisiology

к.м.н., доцент каф. внутренней медицины №3 с фтизиатрией Poltava, Ukraine

N I Digtiar

The State Higher Educational Institution of Ukraine Ukrainian Medical Dental Academy, Department of Internal Medicine №3 with phthisiology

к.м.н., доцент каф. внутренней медицины №3 с фтизиатрией Poltava, Ukraine

N D Gerasymenko

The State Higher Educational Institution of Ukraine Ukrainian Medical Dental Academy, Department of Internal Medicine №3 with phthisiology

к.м.н., доцент каф. внутренней медицины №3 с фтизиатрией Poltava, Ukraine


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