Lista de artigos

Edição Título Arquivo
Volume 57, Nº 4 (2023) Amanita phalloides in Northwest European Russia
Kalinina L., Volobuev S., Khovpachev A., Tomchin D., Palomozhnykh E., Bolshakov S., Shakhova N., Popov E.
Volume 58, Nº 1 (2024) Aspergillus tabacinus as a producer of antithrombotic proteases
Lavrenova V., Osmolovskiy A.
Volume 58, Nº 2 (2024) Fusarium species affecting potato tubers and tomato fruits in Uganda
Elansky A., Mislavskiy S., Chudinova E., Kokaeva L., Elansky S., Denisova E., Ilichev I., Belosokhov A., Bamutaze Y., Musinguzi P., Opolot E., Krasilnikov P.
Volume 57, Nº 1 (2023) Morganella Fimbriata (Lycoperdaceae, Agaricomycetes), a New Species from Cameroon
Rebriev Y.
Volobuev S.
Volume 58, Nº 1 (2024) Comparative study of the efficiency of inducers of cotton resistance to verticillium wilt
Akhmedzhanov I., Khotamov M., Merzlyak P.
Volume 57, Nº 5 (2023) First data on nivicolous myxomycetes in the “Bitsevsky forest” natural and historical park (Moscow, Russia)
Gmoshinskiy V., Kireeva N.
Volume 57, Nº 1 (2023) Juniper-Associated Wood-Inhabiting Basidiomycota in East European Boreal Forests (Republic of Belarus, European Russia)
Ezhov O., Belomesyatseva D., Dudka V., Yurchenko E., Khimich Y., Volobuev S., Ruokolainen A., Malysheva E., Kosolapov D., Zmitrovich I.
Volume 57, Nº 2 (2023) Micromycetes Rossicae: Chorological and Taxonomical Notes. 5. Pseudocercosporella Filipendulae (Mycosphaerellales, Ascomycota) – New Find for Saint Petersburg (Russia)
Zmitrovich I.
Volume 57, Nº 5 (2023) Micromycetes Rossicae: Chorological and Taxonomical Notes. 6. Diatrypella Quercina (Xylariales, Ascomycota) in Russia
Shishlyannikova A., Zmitrovich I., Zarudnaya G.
Volume 58, Nº 2 (2024) New data on discomycetes from the Komsomolsky Nature Reserve (Khabarovsk Territory, Russia)
Bogacheva A., Bochkareva Y.
Volume 57, Nº 2 (2023) New Records of Archaeorhizomycetes from Russia Revealed by Metagenomic Approach
Bibikov N., Voronina E., Kurakov A.
Volume 57, Nº 5 (2023) New Species for Regional Mycobiotas of Russia. 8. Report 2023
Volobuev S., Bolshakov S., Kalinina L., Kapitonov V., Rebriev Y., Khimich Y., Vlasenko V., Ezhov O., Vlasenko A., Enushchenko I., Shakhova N., Zmitrovich I.
Shiryaev A., Bulgakov T., Zmitrovich I., Shiryaeva O., Budimirov A., Dudka V.
Volume 57, Nº 4 (2023) New Species of Macromycetes for Regions of the Russian Far East. 4
Rebriev Y., Bogacheva A., Bukharova N., Erofeeva E., Kapitonov V., Kochunova N., Popov E., Psurtseva N., Sazanova N., Shiryaev A.
Vlasenko A., Novozhilov Y., Bondar A., Vlasenko V.
Volume 57, Nº 2 (2023) Phytochrome-Dependent Regulation of Melon Resistance to Fusarium Wilt
Akhmedzhanov I., Khotamov M., Ganiev F., Lyan E.
Islomiddinov Z., Mustafaev I., Volobuev S., Umar A., Khabibullaev B., Lim Y.
Volume 57, Nº 5 (2023) The Peculiarities of the Mycobiota Formation on the Saint Petersburg Stone Monuments Based on Metagenomics and Cultural Data
Sazanova K., Zelenskaya M., Pavlova O., Vlasov D.
Volume 57, Nº 2 (2023) Алфавитный указатель авторов тома 56, “Микология и фитопатология” Authors index (“Mycology and Phytopathology”, V. 56, 2022)
Volume 57, Nº 2 (2023) Structure Analysis of the MatA Locus of Sexual Compatibility in the Edible Mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus
Shnyreva А., Shnyreva A.
Volume 57, Nº 5 (2023) Antagonistic Strains of Pantoea brenneri as Plant Protectors
Bulmakova D., Shagieva G., Itkinaa D., Leninа O., Sharipova M., Suleimanova A.
Volume 58, Nº 1 (2024) Antagonistic potential of bacterial strains of the genera Bacillus and Pseudomonas and fungi of the genus Trichoderma isolated in Uzbekistan against Phytophthora infestans
Azimova N., Khamidova H., Khalilov I., Elansky S., Chudinova E., Karimov H., Mamanazarova K., Kobilov F.
Volume 57, Nº 5 (2023) Aphyllophoroid Fungi of the State Nature Reserve “Pizhemskiy” and the Natural Monument “Urochishche Vasin Bor” (Kirov Region, Russia)
Stavishenko I., Luginina E., Obotnin S.
Volume 57, Nº 5 (2023) Aphyllophoroid Fungi of the Velikiy Island (Kandalaksha State Nature Reserve, Murmansk Region, Russia)
Khimich Y.
Volume 57, Nº 3 (2023) Bolshakov S.Yu., Volobuev S.V., Ezhov O.N., Palomozhnykh E.A., Potapov K.O. Aphyllophoroid fungi of the European part of Russia: A checklist / Eds. S.Yu. Bolshakov, S.V. Volobuev. Saint Petersburg: ETU Publishing house, 2022. 578 p. ISBN 978-5-7629-3121-2
Zmitrovich I.
Volume 57, Nº 6 (2023) Species Diversity of Myxomycetes of the “Nizhnyaya Kama” National Park and Adjacent Territories in the Early Autumn Period
Sadykov R., Potapov K., Lukyanova Y., Sadykova Y.
Volume 58, Nº 2 (2024) The effects of submicron particles of metal oxides on the production of hydrogen peroxide and the activity of oxidative enzymes of Aspergillus niger and Penicillium chrysogenum
Anikina N., Baryshkov R., Shishkin A., Smirnova O., Smirnov V.
Volume 57, Nº 6 (2023) Extracellular Zn Detoxication by Penicillium chrysogenum and Aspergillus niger
Sazanova K., Zelenskaya M., Korneev A., Vlasov D.
Volume 57, Nº 1 (2023) A Highly Aggressive Invasive Race Group PstS2 in Russian Populations of the Wheat Yellow Rust Pathogen
Shaydayuk E., Gultyaeva E.
Volume 57, Nº 2 (2023) Discomycetes of the Livadiysky Ridge (Primorye Territory, Russia)
Bogacheva А.
Volume 58, Nº 1 (2024) Distinction of Fusarium temperatum and F. subglutinans in the F. fujikuroi species complex
Gagkaeva T., Gavrilova O., Orina A.
Volume 58, Nº 2 (2024) Yeasts of the Georgian honeysuckle (Lonicera iberica) and grapes (Vitis vinifera) in Dagestan
Abdullabekova D., Magomedova E., Magomedov G., Kachalkin A.
Volume 57, Nº 3 (2023) Identification of Green Coffee Contaminated Microfungi of the Genus Aspergillus on the Basis of Polyphasic Approach
Minaeva L., Markova Y., Evsyukova A., Sedova I., Chalyy Z.
Volume 57, Nº 2 (2023) Investigation of the Thrombolytic Potential of Exoproteinases Produced by the Micromycete Tolypocladium inflatum 62A Isolated from the Soils of the White Sea
Fokichev N., Kornienko E., Kreyer V., Osmolovskiy A.
Volume 57, Nº 2 (2023) To the 70th Anniversary of Yuriy Kapitonovich Novozhilov
Zemlyanskaya I., Vlasenko A.
Volume 57, Nº 1 (2023) To the 85th Anniversary of Mark Levitin, Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences
Volume 58, Nº 1 (2024) To the 90th anniversary of Lidiya Vasilyevna Garibova
Dyakov M.
Volume 58, Nº 1 (2024) Towards the Jubilee of Olga Silvestrovna Afanasenko, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Editorial B.
Volume 57, Nº 3 (2023) Methods for Long-Term Storage of Pure Cultures of Macrofungi
Komissarov N., Dyakov M., Garibova L.
Volume 57, Nº 2 (2023) Fungal Biodiversity of Potato Tubers
Belosokhov A., Chudinova E., Kokaeva L., Tsindeliani A., Skokov D., Albantov ., Dolgov A., Kurchaev M., Mislavsky S., Yarmeeva M., Elansky S.
Volume 57, Nº 4 (2023) Mycobiota of the Library’s Books in Russia
Popikhina E., Trepova E., Velikova T., Khazova S.
Volume 58, Nº 2 (2024) Mycobiota of the planned protected area Nyuk Lake (Republic of Karelia, Russia)
Predtechenskaya О., Ruokolainen A.
Volume 57, Nº 5 (2023) Molecular Identification, Effector genes and Virulence of Isolates of Parastagonospora nodorum from Altai Krai (Russia)
Zeleneva Y., Gannibal P., Kazartsev I., Sudnikova V.
Volume 57, Nº 6 (2023) New Data on Distribution of Pleurotus abieticola (Pleurotaceae, Agaricales, Basidiomycota) in Russia
Palamarchuk M., Kirillov D., Shadrin D.
Volume 57, Nº 6 (2023) New Data on Agaricoid Basidiomycetes of the Shantar Islands National Park (Khabarovsk Territory, Russia)
Erofeeva E., Bulakh E., Kochunova N.
Volume 57, Nº 3 (2023) New Data on Agaricoid and Gasteroid Agaricomycetes in Penza Region (Russia)
Ivanov A., Ermolaeva A., Mironova A.
Volume 57, Nº 1 (2023) Towards a Creative Destiny of Professor Mikhail Yakovlevich Tremasov (1951–2022)
Volume 58, Nº 1 (2024) Experimental infection of small-diameter trees with chaga (Inonotus obliquus) in a postagrogenous birch forest
Paramonov S., Perelygin V., Zharikov M.
Volume 57, Nº 6 (2023) In Memoriam. Zinaida Afanasyevna Demidova (1894–1985)
Shiryaev A., Shiryaeva O., Zmitrovich I., Erokhin N.
Volume 57, Nº 4 (2023) In Memoriam. Nina Pavlovna Denisova (1937–2022)
Zmitrovich I.
Volume 57, Nº 3 (2023) Ad memoriam. Svetlana Mikhailovna Ozerskaya (1953–2022)
Volume 58, Nº 2 (2024) Apple scab: resistance to chemical fungicides
Nasonov A., Yakuba G.
Volume 57, Nº 1 (2023) Long-Chain Alkylphenols Biodegradation Potential of the Soil Ascomycota
Kuzikova I., Medvedeva N.
Volume 57, Nº 3 (2023) Правила для авторов
Volume 57, Nº 3 (2023) Diversity of Microfungi on Wood of the Coastal Zone of Heiss Island (Franz Joseph Land Archipelago)
Pankova I., Kirtsideli I., Iliushin V., Zelenskaya M., Vlasov D., Gavrilo М., Barantsevich E.
Volume 58, Nº 2 (2024) Unique findings of Phoma-like fungi associated with soybean
Gomzhina М., Gasich E.
Volume 57, Nº 6 (2023) Results of the Mycological Investigation of the Shoot System of “Irinovsky Oak” Tree (Leningrad Region, Russia)
Shishlyannikova A., Zmitrovich I., Zarudnaya G., Perelygin V., Zharikov M.
Volume 57, Nº 4 (2023) The genus Trichaptum in North Asia
Mukhin V., Knudsen H., Corfixen P., Zhuykova E., Nepryakhin I., Diyarova D.
Volume 58, Nº 1 (2024) Taxonomy of the Typhula ishikariensis complex in Russia
Tkachenko O., Hoshino T., Matsumoto N.
Volume 58, Nº 1 (2024) Modern taxonomy and approaches to the identification of the genus Talaromyces (Trichocomaceae, Eurotiales)
Antonov Е., Aleksandrova A., Antonova I.
Volume 57, Nº 4 (2023) Sorption and Biodestruction of Microcystin-LR by Penicillium verrucosum CP4 Strain Isolated from the Bottom Sediments of Sestroretsky Razliv Lake
Medvedeva N., Kuzikova I.
Volume 57, Nº 3 (2023) Comparative Analysis of Metabolites of CAD-im Genotypes of Spring Bread Wheat under Brown Rust Infection
Konovalov A., Orlova E., Karpova E., Shundrina I., Nefedov A., Goncharov N.
Volume 57, Nº 1 (2023) Temperature Dynamics of Growth, CO2 Gas Exchange and Competitiveness of Daedaleopsis confragosa and D. tricolor
Mukhin V., Vladykina V., Diyarova D.
Volume 57, Nº 4 (2023) Fibrin- and Fibrinogenolytic Effect of Extracellular Proteinases of Microfungi Aspergillus alliaceus 7dN1 and A. terreus 2
Osmolovskiy A., Klyagin S., Vashkevich T., Kurakov A., Kreyer V.
Volume 57, Nº 6 (2023) Characterization of the Northwestern Population of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici on the Basis of Virulence and Representation of Invasive PstS1 and PstS2 Races
Shaydayuk E., Gultyaeva E.
Volume 57, Nº 4 (2023) The Number and Species Diversity of Cultured Microfungi on the Barents Sea Coast
Isakova E., Korneykova M., Мyazin V.
Volume 58, Nº 1 (2024) Aspergillus niger АМ1 strain as causative agent for oil and petroleum products biodegradation
Mindubaev A., Babynin E., Babaev V., Tutuchkina V., Minzanova S., Mironova L., Karaeva Y.
Volume 57, Nº 2 (2023) Efficiency of the Use of Entomopathogenic Fungus Metarhizium robertsii Against Potato Rhizoctoniosis
Shaldyaeva E., Pilipova Y., Tomilova O., Glupov V.
Volume 57, Nº 1 (2023) Juvenile Resistance of Barley Cultivars and Accessions to Net-, Spot-, and Hybrid (Net × Spot) Forms of Pyrenophora teres
Lashina N., Mironenko N., Zubkovich A., Afanasenko O.
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