Discomycetes of the Livadiysky Ridge (Primorye Territory, Russia)

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The article presents the results of a revision of the collection of discomycetes found in plant communities of the subalpine belt of the Livadiysky Ridge. The ridge is located in the south of Primorye Territory and is characterized as an area with well-preserved southern indigenous Far East vegetation in its lower belt. In the volume of the studied 118 specimens, 62 species were identified, among which are both widespread and new to Primorsky Krai. To date, 79 species of discomycetes are known to occur in the plant communities of the Livadia ridge. The list of species known in the mycobiota of Primorye Territory was supplemented by five taxa, of which three are new for the Far East region of Russia (Ciborinia candolleana, Paragalactinia michelii, Sphaerosporella hinnulea). For a number of rare species, new locations were noted. Thus, the second collection point in the region was indicated for Cenangium ferruginosum (on dead wood of Quercus mongolica) and for Sclerencoelia fascicularis (on dead wood of Populus sp.).

About the authors

А. V. Bogacheva

Federal Scientific Center of the East Asia Terrestrial Biodiversity of the Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.
Email: bogacheva@biosoil.ru
Russia, Vladivostok


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