
Soil Formation on Loamy Deposits in Technogenic Landscapes of the Taiga Zone in the North-Eastern Part of European Russia
Likhanova I.A., Kuznetsova E.G., Kholopov Y.V., Deneva S.V., Lapteva E.M.
Influence of Spring Burns on the Properties of Humus Horizon of Chernozem in the Southeast of Western Siberia
Semenkov I.N., Lednev S.A., Klink G.V., Kasymov D.P., Agafontsev M.V., Kostrova S.N., Koroleva T.V.
Pedochronological Rows of Medieval Burial Mounds, Pskov Region
Zharkikh I.A., Rusakov A.V., Mikhailova E.R., Sobolev V.Y., Khokhlova O.S., Makeev A.O.
Ecological Features and Adaptive Capabilities of Cyanobacteria in Desert Ecosystems (Review)
Bataeva Y.V., Grigoryan L.N.
Variation of Soil Erosion Estimates when Using Different Maps of Arable Land of the Belgorod Region
Zhidkin A.P., Rukhovich D.I., Maltsev K.A., Koroleva P.V.
The Effect of Mechanical Activation on Some Soil Properties and Plant Development
Fedotov G.N., Gorepekin I.V., Ushkova D.A., Konkina U.A., Sukharev A.I., Potapov D.I.
Model of the Soil Sediment Sequence Accumulation of Ice Complex (Kolyma Lowland)
Ostroumov V.E.
Paleopedological and Microbiomorphological Study of Medieval Kurgans in Moscow Region
Khokhlova O.S., Golyeva A.A.
Assessment of Enzymatic Activity of Haplic Chernozem Soils Contaminated with Ag, Bi, Te, and Tl
Minnikova T.V., Kolesnikov S.I., Evstegneeva N.A., Timoshenko A.N., Tsepina N.I., Kazeev K.S.
Factors Determining the Variation of Microbial Biomass in Modern and Buried Soils of the Steppe Zone
Кhomutova T.E., Chernysheva E.V., Kashirskaya N.N., Dushchanova K.S., Petrosyan A.A., Eltsov M.V., Borisov A.V.
Soil Formation of Early Pliocene Paleosols According to Data of the Alma–Peschanoye Loess – Paleosol Section (Western Part of the Crimean Peninsula)
Khmeleva M.V., Panin P.G., Frolov P.D., Tesakov A.S., Bukhonov A.V.
Estimation of Heterotrophic Soil Respiration Response to the Summer Precipitation Regime and Different Depths of Snow Cover in a Temperate Continental Climate
Khoroshaev D.A., Kurganova I.N., Lopes de Gerenyu V.О.
Assessment of the Ecotoxicity of Thallium According to the Biological Properties of Soils
Evstegneeva N.A., Kolesnikov S.I., Timoshenko A.N., Minnikova T.V., Tsepina N.I., Kazeev K.S.
Temperature Sensitivity of Soil Respiration in Grasslands under the Temperate Continental Climate Zone: Analysis of 25-Year Monitoring Data
Kurganova I.N., Lopes de Gerenyu V.O., Myakshina T.N., Sapronov D.V., Khoroshaev D.A., Ableeva V.A.
Bioproductivity and Trace Element Composition of Cereal-Legume Grass Mixtures in Technozem when Applying Mineral Fertilizers
Boloneva L.N., Lavrentieva I.N., Merkusheva M.G., Ubugunov L.L., Ubugunov V.L., Sosorova S.B.
Influence of Fires on the Enzymatic Activity of Brown Soils and Burozems of the Western Caucasus
Vilkova V.V., Kazeev K.S., Nizhelskiy M.S., Privizentseva D.A., Fedorenko A.N., Kolesnikov S.I., Shkhapatsev A.K.
Microplastics in the Soils of the Thala Hills, East Antarctica
Kukharchyk T.I., Kakareka S.V., Rabychyn K.O.
Assessment of Carbon Stock and СO2 Production Potential for Soils of Coniferous-Broad-Leaved Forests
Ryzhova I.М., Podvezennaya М.А., Telesnina V.М., Bogatyrev L.G., Semenyuk О.V.
Soil Bacterial Community during Straw Decomposition Depending on the Amount of Available Organic Matter
Orlova O.V., Kichko A.A., Chirak E.L., Zverev A.O., Lisina T.O., Andronov E.E.
Micromorphological Characterization of Soils of the Solonetzic Complex (Dzhanybek Plain)
Plotnikova O.O., Lebedeva M.P., Tsymbarovich P.R., Devyatykh V.A.
Soils and Carbon Pools on Shungite Rocks of South Karelia under Different Types of Land Use
Dubrovina I.A., Moshkina E.V., Tuyunen A.V., Genikova N.V., Karpechko A.Y., Medvedeva M.V.
Dynamics of the Agroecological State of the Soils of the Central Chernozem Region during Long-Term Agricultural Us (on the Example of the Belgorod Region)
Lukin S.V.
Eutrophication of Arable Soil: The Comparative Effect of Mineral and Organic Fertilizer Systems
Semenov V.M., Lebedeva T.N., Zinyakova N.B., Sokolov D.A., Semenov M.V.
Bioindication of the Dark Gray Soil State in the Pine Forests of the Krasnoyarsk Forest-Steppe under Anthropogenic Influence
Grodnitskaya I.D., Senashova V.A., Antonov G.I., Polyakova G.G., Pashkeeva O.E., Pashenova N.V.
Soil Respiration of Forest Ecosystems in the South of the Far East
Ivanov A.V., Zamolodchikov D.G., Salo M.A., Kondratova A.V., Piletskaya O.A., Bryanin S.V.
Effect of Moisture on CO2 Flux of the Palsa Mire Soils (North of Western Siberia)
Matyshak G.V., Chuvanov S.V., Goncharova O.Y., Trifonova V.A., Timofeeva M.V., Isaeva A.V., Tarkhov M.O.
Measurement of Soil Organic Carbon Pools Isolated Using Bio-Physical-Chemical Fractionation Methods
Semenov V.M., Lebedeva T.N., Sokolov D.A., Zinyakova N.B., Lopes de Gerenu V.O., Semenov M.V.
Possibility of Using Zoning of Fallow Vegetation according to Vegetation Indices to Assess the Patterns of Accumulation of Organic Matter in Post-Agrogenic Soils
Giniyatullin K.G., Sahabiev I.A., Ryazanov S.S., Smirnova E.V., Tishin D.V., Latypova L.I.
Factors for Conversion of the Content of Double-Stranded DNA to Carbon of Soil Microbial Biomass
Chernysheva E.V., Fornasier F., Borisov A.V.
Thermal Diffusivity of Peat-Sand Mixtures with Different Peat and Sand Contents
Arkhangelskaya T.A., Telyatnikova E.V.
Stability of Arable Soil Aggregates: Experimental Determination and Normative Characteristics
Ushkova D.A., Konkina U.A., Gorepekin I.V., Potapov D.I., Shein E.V., Fedotov G.N.
Analysis of CO2 Emission by Urban Soils under the Conditions of the Kola North
Korneykova M.V., Vasenev V.I., Saltan N.V., Slukovskaya M.V., Soshina A.S., Zavodskikh .S., Sotnikova Y.L., Dolgikh A.V.
The Content of Various Forms of Potassium in the Soil Profile of the Sod-Podzolic Soil of the Pre-Urals
Zavyalova N.E., Vasbieva M.T., Shishkov D.G., Ivanova O.V.
Abundance and Diversity of Prokaryotic Communities of Dust Aerosol and Urban Soils on the Territory of Moscow
Lysak L.V., Shoba S.A., Prokof’eva T.V., Glushakova A.M., Goncharov N.V., Belov A.A.
Soil of the Ray-Iz Mountain Ridge (Polar Urals)
Zhangurov E.V., Korolev M.A., Dubrovskiy Y.A., Shamrikova E.V.
Stable Carbon Isotopic Composition of Organic Matter in Cambisols of Eastern Sayan Foothills
Golubtsov V.A., Vanteeva Y.V., Bronnikova M.A., Cherkashina A.A., Znamenskaya T.I.
Soil Formation Features in Drained Lake Basins of the Bolshezemelskaya Tundra
Kaverin D.A., Deneva S.V., Pastukhov A.V., Yаkubenko S.V.
The Influence of Meso- and Microclimatic Conditions on the CO2 Emission of Soils of the Urban Green Infrastructure of the Moscow Metropolis
Vasenev V.I., Varentsov M.I., Sarrzhanov D.A., Makhinya K.I., Gosse D.D., Petrov D.G., Dolgikh A.V.
Supramolecular Formations of Humic Substance Molecules and Their Fractal Organization
Fedotov G.N., Shein E.V., Ushkova D.A., Salimgareeva O.A., Gorepekin I.V., Potapov D.I.
Qualitative Assessment of the Contribution of Various Components to Cu(II) Adsorption by Alluvial Soddy-Gley Soil
Pyatova M.I., Tolpeshta I.I., Izosimova Y.G., Karpukhin М.М., Barsova N.Y.
Soil Respiration in Agrarian and Natural Ecosystems of the European Part of Russia
Sukhoveeva O.E., Karelin D.V., Zolotukhin A.N., Pochikalov A.V.
The Prokaryotic Community Structure of Oil-Contaminated Chernozem during the Introduction of Nitrate and Potassium Chloride
Vlasova A.P., Pavlov K.V., Morachevskaya E.V., Lipatov D.N., Pozdnyakov L.A., Manucharova N.A.
Glyphosate Effects on Some Characteristics of Biological Activity and Phytotoxicity of Sod-Podzolic Soil in a Short-Term Model Experiment
Kostina N.V., Gorlenko M.V., Mazurov K.A., Filippova O.I., Plyushchenko I.V., Rodin I.A., Kulikova N.A.
Soil Properties as Indicators of Soil Moisture Regime Parameters (a Review)
Smirnova M.A., Kozlov D.N.
Agrogenic Soils on the Updated Version of the Soil Map of Russia, 1 : 2.5 M Scale: Classification Diversity and Place in the Soil Cover
Gerasimova M.I., Ananko T.V., Konyushkov D.E., Savitskaya N.V.
Vis-NIR Spectroscopy for Soil Organic Carbon Assessment: Meta-Analysis
Chinilin A.V., Vindeker G.V., Savin I.Y.
Comparison of Areal and Profile Distribution of Magnetic Susceptibility in Steppe Soils of the Russian Plain
Malyshev V.V., Alekseev A.O.
Biocontrol Potential of Novel Borrelidin-Producing Streptomyces rochei 3IZ-6 Isolated from Izraeli Soil
Shirokikh I.G., Bokov N.A., Nazarova Y.I., Shirokikh A.A., Guglya E.B., Belozerova O.A., Biryukov M.V., Marina V.I., Lukianov D.A., Osterman I.A., Zakalyukina Y.V.
Comparative Analysis of the Results of Traditional and Digital Large-Scale Soil Mapping on the Example of a Site at the National Park “Smolenskoe Lakeland”
Kulikova A.I., Chechenko P.D., Osipova M.S., Shopina О.V., Semenkov I.N.
Biological Activity of Leached Chernozem under Oil and Sodium Chloride Pollution and the Effect of Treatment with Halotolerant Oil-Destructing Bacteria
Kuzina E.V., Rafikova G.F., Mukhamatdyarova S.R., Sharipova Y.Y., Korshunova T.Y.
Changeability of Content and Storage of Soil Organic Matter: an Analytical Review
Khitrov N.B., Nikitin D.A., Ivanova E.A., Semenov M.V.
Carbon Dioxide Emission from the Soil Surface of the 10-Year Felled Area of the Pine Forest in the European North-East of Russia
Osipov A.F.
Quantitative Characteristics of the Microstructure of Typical Chernozems Using Different Agricultural Technologies
Yudin S.A., Plotnikova O.O., Belobrov V.P., Lebedeva M.P., Abrosimov .N., Ermolaev N.R.
Laboratory Study of the Effect of Ammonium and Lanthanum Salts on Methane Oxidation and the Composition of Microbial Communities in Sod-Podzolic Soil
Kravchenko I.K., Sizov L.R., Lysak L.V.
Environmental Variables in Predictive Soil Mapping
Shary P.A.
Heavy Metals in Urban Soils of the Volga Federal District: a Conjugate Analysis of Official Data
Paramonova T.A., Chernogaeva G.M., Lukyanova N.N., Paramonov M.S.
Sphagnum Litter as the Most Important Genetic Horizon in the Profile of Peat Soils of Boreal Bogs
Avetov N.A., Shishkonakova E.A.
CO2 Emission by Soils of the Ecotone Zone in the North of Western Siberia
Goncharova O.Y., Matyshak G.V., Timofeeva M.V., Chuvanov S.V., Tarkhov M.O., Isaeva A.A.
Effect of Long-Term and Short-Term Droughts on the Hydrolytic Enzymes in Haplic Luvisol
Yakushev A.V., Zhuravleva А.I., Kuznetsova I.N.
Sizes and Ratios of Organic Carbon Pools in Gray Forest Soil under Long-Term Application of Mineral and Organic Fertilizers
Semenov V.M., Lebedeva T.N., Zinyakova N.B., Sokolov D.A.
Heptil and Its Transformation Products in Soils: Sources, Diagnosis, Behavior, Toxicity and Remediation of Polluted Territories (Review)
Koroleva T.V., Semenkov I.N., Lednev S.A., Soldatova O.S.
Rhizosphere Effect and Bacterial Community Structure in Horizons of Podzolic Soil under Spruce Plants (Picea abies L.)
Yevdokimov I.V., Semenov M.V., Bykhovets S.S.
Paleocryolithopedogenesis and Evolution Sod-Podzolic Soils of the Taiga Zone Northeast of the East European Plain
Ovchinnikov A.Y., Khudyakov O.I., Khokhlova O.S., Makshanov A.M.
Abundance and Diversity of Microorganisms in Soils and Associated Substrates (Leaf Litter and “Suspended Soil”) in Some Nature Reserves of Vietnam
Kniazeva A.V., Lysak L.V., Lapygina E.V., Aleksandrova A.V.
Soil-Agrochemical Aspects of Remediation of Nickel-Contaminated Soil Using Growth-Promoting Rhizosphere Bacteria
Shabayev V.P., Ostroumov V.E.
Gypsiferous Gazha Soils of the Subboreal Zone of Eurasia
Yamnova I.A., Chernousenko G.I.
1 - 66 of 66 Items

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