Dynamics of the Agroecological State of the Soils of the Central Chernozem Region during Long-Term Agricultural Us (on the Example of the Belgorod Region)

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The paper analyzes the results of eleven survey cycles of arable soils conducted from 1964 to 2022 in the southwestern part of the Central Chernozem region in the Belgorod region. In the steppe zone of the region, ordinary chernozems predominate, in the forest-steppe zone – typical and leached chernozems. During the eleventh survey cycle (2019–2022), the average level of application of mineral fertilizers was 114.4 kg a.i./ha, organic – 9.6 t/ha, liming of acidic soils – 43.8 thousand hectares per year. As a result, the average yield of winter wheat increased to 5.09, sugar beet – up to 45.6, corn for grain – up to 7.15 t/ha. At the same time, the maximum value of the weighted average content of organic matter (5.3%) was recorded in the soils of arable land for the entire observation period. The proportion of acidic soils decreased to 28.6%, including moderately acidic soils, to 3.0%. The value of hydrolytic acidity decreased to 2.7 cmolc/kg. The weighted average content of mobile forms of phosphorus (139 mg/kg) and potassium (161 mg/kg) is the highest in the Central Black Earth region. 85.7% of the surveyed soils belong to the category of low content of mobile forms of sulfur, zinc – 97.2, copper – 92.5, cobalt – 98.8, manganese – 40.1, molybdenum – 21.3%. In terms of the content of mobile forms of boron, 98.2% of the soils are classified as highly rich.

About the authors

S. V. Lukin

Belgorod Center for Agrochemical Service; Belgorod State National Research University

Author for correspondence.
Email: serg.lukin2010@yandex.ru
Russia, 308027, Belgorod; Russia, 308027, Belgorod


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