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No 2 (2024)

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Carbon Dioxide in Soil and Surface Waters in the North of Western Siberia: Methodological Approach and Quantitative

Goncharova O.Y., Timofeeva M.V., Matyshak G.V., Isaeva A.V.


Dissolved inorganic carbon is an essential component of the carbon cycle, especially in the northern regions, while its loss through water bodies is still rarely included in regional carbon models. The tasks of the work included a detailed coverage of the methodological approach “headspace equilibration” to the study of the concentration of dissolved CO₂in soil and surface waters, as well as the assessment of the range of CO₂concentrations in waters of different genesis in the landscapes of the north of Western Siberia. As a result of the methodological work done, a protocol was developed and presented for measuring the concentration of CO₂in waters by the “headspace equilibration” method with detailed calculations. The concentration of CO₂ in soil (supra-permafrost) and surface waters (river, bog, lake, etc.) ranged from 13 to 2983 µmol/l (274 to 57000 µatm), the vast majority of objects were supersaturated with CO₂ relative to the atmosphere. The maximum values of concentrations are characterized by supra-permafrost soil and bog waters; the minimum is the waters of aquatic ecosystems: thermokarst and forest lakes. The high variability of CO₂concentration in waters necessitates a large number of measurements to obtain adequate estimates.

Počvovedenie. 2024;(2):213-225
pages 213-225 views

Greenhouse Gas Fluxes and Carbon Storages in Oligotrophic Peat Soils of Western Siberia

Golovatskaya E.A., Veretennikova E.E., Dyukarev E.A.


The carbon reserves (C) and the rates of emission of greenhouse gases (CO₂and CH4) in peat soils of Western Siberia have been studied. The peat soils are typical for region oligotrophic ones (Histosols), but they develop in two contrasting bog ecosystems (a forested bog and an open bog), therefore, they differ significantly in modern vegetation cover, soil profile structure, hydrological and temperature conditions. It has been shown that the carbon reserves in the studied peat soils in the 0–50 cm layer are 9.3 and 6.8 kg/m² in the forested and open bogs, respectively. Measurements of CO₂and CH4 emissions were carried out by the chamber static method during the growing seasons from 1999 to 2014. The results showed that the studied soils release into the atmosphere the same number of CO₂(116.1 and 123.4 mg/(m² h) for soil in a forested and open bog, respectively), but at the same time significantly differ number of CH4 (0.57 and 2.66 mg/(m² h), respectively). This research has highlighted an important role of vegetation species composition and hydrological regime in estimates of carbon deposition and greenhouse gas fluxes from peat oligotrophic soils of bog ecosystems in the region.

Počvovedenie. 2024;(2):226-236
pages 226-236 views


Determination of Thermophysical Parameters of the Soil According to Dynamic Data on its Temperature

Mikail R., Hazar E., Shein E., Mikailsoy F.


Methods for determining the thermal diffusivity coefficient from a point value of soil temperature of a given thickness based on the results of analyzing the temperature dynamics at one depth based on eight daily observations with an interval of 3 hours have been developed. The proposed methods are based on solving (with two harmonics on the soil surface) inverse problems of the heat transfer equation. Experimental studies on the temperature of the layers (0, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 40 cm) of gley floodplain soil (Calcaric Gleyic Pantofluvic Fluvisol) in the Igdır region (Eastern Turkey) were carried out using Elitech RC-4 sensors during the summer season. Using the obtained data, various methods were used to calculate the thermophysical properties of the soil – thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, attenuation depth, heat transfer, and heat flux. Based on statistical criteria, it has been proven that the proposed point model is the best one. It has been established that for the studied soil, the thermal diffusivity is Ƙ = 1.1035 × 10⁻⁶ m²/s, thermal conductivity λ = 1.7612 W/(m °C), damping depth d = 17.42 cm, and thermal effusivity e = 27.9431 Wh0.5/m² °C. In addition, in accordance with the model obtained, it was determined that the largest heat flux on the soil surface occurs at 12:00 pm (q = 106.85 W/m²), and the lowest heat flux occurs at 03:00 am (q = –64.62 W/m²).

Počvovedenie. 2024;(2):237-249
pages 237-249 views

The Effect of Mechanical Activation on Some Soil Properties and Plant Development

Fedotov G.N., Gorepekin I.V., Ushkova D.A., Konkina U.A., Sukharev A.I., Potapov D.I.


Humic substances effect on a number of soil properties: structure formation, formation of cation exchange capacity, increase in water retention capacity, etc. At the same time, humic substances in soils and solutions do not exist in the form of individual molecules, but in the form of molecular associations having a fractal-cluster organization (F-clusters). Therefore, F-clusters should exert their influence on the properties of soils. Since these formations are strongly interconnected, their separation is necessary to assess their influence on soil properties. This can be done by mechanical activation – increasing the reactivity (activity) of substances during their mechanical processing. The aim of the paper was to study the effect of mechanical activation on some soil properties and on the development of plants in activated soils. It is shown that the field moisture capacity of samples of zonal soil types when using mechanical activation increases to 35% of the initial value. The results are explained from the standpoint of reducing the mobility of gravitational water by F-clusters in macrocapillaries. The optical density of aqueous extracts from chernozem increased by 75%, the viscosity of soil pastes increased by 57% due to an increase in the number of F–clusters in the soil solution. Activated soils stimulated wheat seed germination by 26%. This effect may be associated with the formation of films of F-clusters on the surface of seeds, which fix soil allelotoxins that slow down the development of seeds.

Počvovedenie. 2024;(2):250-256
pages 250-256 views


Microbiome of Soils and Supraglacial Objects in Background and Oil Polluted Ecosystems Hayes Island (Franz Joseph Land Archipelago)

Nikitin D.A., Manucharova N.A., Dobryansky A.S.


Using luminescent microscopy and real-time PCR, the microbiome of soils and supraglacial objects in the background and oil-contaminated ecosystems of the island was studied Hayes Island, part of the Franz Josef Land archipelago. Biomass of microorganisms ranged from 81 to 666 µg/g of substrate; most of it (up to 88%) is represented by fungi. Length of fungal mycelium reached more than 360 m/g of substrate. The number of prokaryotes varied from 4.0 × 107 to 3.75 × 10⁹ cells/g of substrate; the length of actinomycete hyphae reached 40 m/g of substrate. Up to 78% of the detected prokaryotic cells are represented by small nanoforms, which is typical for extreme ecosystems. Share of viable cells of microorganisms is maximum (74–86%) for surface organogenic horizons and minimum (29–54%) for mineral suprapermafrost layers. Prokaryotic complex was dominated by bacteria (from 5.14×105 to 5.05 × 10¹⁰ 16S rRNA copies/g of soil), but not by archaea, from 8.46 × 10⁵ to 2.28 × 10⁹ 16S rRNA copies/g of substrate. Amount of FJL fungal genetic material ranged from 6.47 × 10⁴ to 8.67 × 10¹⁰ ITS rRNA copies/g soil. Number of copies of the alkB gene (synthesis of alkane monooxygenase for the destruction of hydrocarbon n-alkanes) varied from 1.2 × 10¹ to 1.8 × 10⁵/g of substrate and sharply decreased from the surface horizons to the deep ones. Oil-contaminated soils and supraglacial objects contained a smaller biomass, however, a greater number of ribosomal genes of microorganisms compared to the background ecosystems. An exponential decrease in the analyzed quantitative parameters of microorganisms from surface to deep soil horizons was registered.

Počvovedenie. 2024;(2):257-274
pages 257-274 views

Influence of Fires on the Enzymatic Activity of Brown Soils and Burozems of the Western Caucasus

Vilkova V.V., Kazeev K.S., Nizhelskiy M.S., Privizentseva D.A., Fedorenko A.N., Kolesnikov S.I., Shkhapatsev A.K.


The results of studying the effect of fires on the biological properties of brown soils of xerophytic forests (Skeletic Leptic Cambisol) of the Utrish State Nature Reserve, Krasnodar Territory (crown fire of 2020), and burozem of mesophytic forests (Haplic Cambisol (Loamic)) of the Khamyshinsky forestry, Republic of Adygea (ground fire of 2018) are presented. Changes in the reaction of the soil environment, the content of organic carbon, and the activity of such enzymes as catalase, urease, phosphatase, and invertase involved in the cycle of carbon, phosphorus, and nitrogen have been studied. The reaction of enzymes to pyrogenic effects depends on the type of enzyme and the type of soil. A factor analysis was also carried out. The activity of catalase and invertase for two types of soils in a layer of 0–3 cm decreased by an average of 47%, while the reaction of phosphatase and urease differed depending on the soil type. Two years after the fire, the phosphatase activity of the surface layer of post-pyrogenic brown soils approached the control values; urease activity recovered more slowly compared to other enzymes. Four years after the fire, in the 0–3 cm layer, for the post-pyrogenic acid burozem, on the contrary, the values of urease activity approached the control values. An increase in pH values by an average of 30% and a decrease in the content of Corg by an average of 12% were also established for two types of soils. In the 3–10 cm layer, for brown soils, an average increase in the activity of all the studied enzymes was noted, while for acid burozem, on the contrary, a decrease. Factor analysis showed the presence of a relationship between the reaction of the soil environment, the content of organic carbon and the activity of enzymes, while the tightness and nature of the relationship differed depending on the type of soil. The results obtained indicate the influence of the edaphic features of the studied soils on the response of enzymatic activity to pyrogenic exposure.

Počvovedenie. 2024;(2):275-285
pages 275-285 views

Biomass and Functional Diversity of Microbial Communities in Catenas of Virgin and Arable Gray Soils and Chernozems

Dushchanova K.S., Ukrainskiy P.A., Kashirskaya N.N., Khomutova T.E., Borisov A.V.


The biomass and functional diversity of microbial communities were studied in the watershed, transit, and accumulative positions in catenas of virgin gray soils (Luvic Retic Phaeozems) and chernozems (Haplic Chernozems) of the “Belogorye” nature reserve and arable variants outside the reserve. Microbial biomass was determined by the substrate induced respiration (SIR) and the determination of the content of phospholipids. Multisubstrate testing of respiratory responses in the MicroResp system after the addition of amino acids, carboxylic acids and carbohydrates was carried out. It was established that in the virgin chernozem, microbial biomass decreased in from the watershed towards the accumulative part of the slope; in the gray forest soil, minimal values were in the transit part of the catena. In the plowed horizon of agrochernozems, it was close in all parts of the catena and 2–3.5 times less than in virgin chernozems. For the agro-gray soils, an increase in microbial biomass was fixed in the soils of the transit and accumulative parts of the catena. Cluster analysis of respiratory responses in the 0–10 and 10–20 cm layers identified two groups of the most demanded substrates. The first group in both layers included citric and ketoglutaric acids, the second – fructose and succinic acid. Ascorbic acid, sucrose, and glutamine were included in the first group in the 0–10 cm layer and in the second group (along with asparagine and glycine) in the 10–20 cm layer. In all virgin and arable catenas, an increase in metabolic diversity was noted from the watershed to the accumulative part of the catena. At the same time, plowing led to its decrease in the 0–10 cm layer: up to 1.5 times in chernozems and up to 4 times in gray soils. In the 10–20 cm layer, similar trend was observed, except for the agro-gray soil in the transit part of the catena, where the number of significant responses increased 3.6 times in comparison with the virgin variant.

Počvovedenie. 2024;(2):286-302
pages 286-302 views

Structural and Functional State of Microbial Communities of Ancient Soloids of Archaeological Monuments of the Black Sea Coast of Russia

Rogozhina E.V., Zakharikhina L.V., Kizilov A.S., Gorlenko M.V.


A comprehensive assessment of the structural and functional state of microbial communities of multi-temporal buried ancient soloids (a soil-like formation similar to soil but without genetically formed horizons) in open archaeological pits of ancient human sites located in the middle reaches of the Mzymta River on the Sochi Black Sea coast in the Akhtsu Grotto and Akhshtyrskaya Cave was carried out. Changes in the functional biodiversity of ancient soloids compared to the background (alluvial soils that form in close proximity to the studied soloids and have similar mesomorphological properties) are noted: a decrease in the specific metabolic work (W) of microbial communities by 1.2 times according to the method of multisubstrate testing and an increase in the instability of paleomicrobial systems according to the index of the rank distribution of the spectra of consumption of substrates d > 1, which is typical for irreversibly damaged systems. The microbial community of ancient soloids has undergone a number of changes associated with anthropogenic activity. The analysis of the main absorption spectrum of substrates (MST method) showed that the microbial community of the soloid of the Akhtsu Grotto is oriented towards more intensive consumption of alcohols and amino acids, which suggests that organic matter of animal origin entered the cultural layer of the ancient human site. In the microbiome of the soloid of the Akhshtyrskaya cave the presence of lactotococci and bifidobacteria was found, which are extremely rare in soil and develop in conditions of excess carbohydrates on rich complex media, such as fermented meat and plant residues. Also, an increase in the content of keratinolytic fungi capable of decomposing keratin of hair, wool, feathers, etc. was found in the cultural layer of the cave site. Prokaryotic taxonomy in all the studied soils, with or without anthropogenic impact, was characterized by the predominance of the members of the Thermoleophilia clade and the families Gaiellaceae and Solirubrobacterales. Considering that these species require positive temperatures to develop, it suggests that the soils were formed in a mild climate. The Akhtsu grotto paleosols are a promising source of bacteria (genera Janthinobacterium, Lysobacter, Chitinophaga) that may have biotechnological potential.

Počvovedenie. 2024;(2):303-314
pages 303-314 views


Effects of Forest Reclamation on Carbon Stocks and Respiration in Soils of Natural and Technogenic Ecosystems of Southern Karelia

Pridacha V.B., Akhmetova G.V., Semin D.E.


The paper presents the results of studies on soil carbon stock dynamics, CO₂emissions and soil microbial respiration during post-industrial succession upon reforestation of a sand and gravel pit in southern Karelia. The soils of the territories of different reforestation options were studied in July 2021 and 2022. In 1991, annual Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) seedlings were planted on the plots: 1) in sand and gravel mineral soil (SP 1, SP 2); 2) in peat-improved substrate (SP 3). Natural soils (Entic Podzol) of an undisturbed lingonberry-type pine forest (SP 4) served as the control. Soil total (organic) carbon, microbial activity (by using the basal and substrate-induced respiration method in the laboratory), and CO₂emission from the soil surface (under field conditions) were determined. The assessment of the properties of post-industrial soils revealed the similarity of the studied parameters in replantozem SP 3 and podzolized podbur SP 4, which indicates a positive effect of peat-enriched substrate on the recovery of the soil and vegetation cover of the sand and gravel pit. The higher values of the carbon stocks (6–10-fold) and CO₂fluxes (2–4-fold) from the surface of the replantozem (Umbric Leptosol (Novic)) SP 3 relative to those in psammozems (Skeletic Leptosol) of SP 1 and SP 2 are due to intensive organic matter accumulation processes and the application of peat substrate rich in nutrients and plant diaspores during planting. SP 1 and SP 2 had the lowest values of soil carbon stocks, CO₂emissions, microbial activity, simultaneously with low stand productivity as compared to SP 3 and SP 4. To make more accurate predictions of the dynamics of the said parameters of disturbed soils, it is necessary to take into account their spatial and temporal variability.

Počvovedenie. 2024;(2):315-329
pages 315-329 views

Bioproductivity and Trace Element Composition of Cereal-Legume Grass Mixtures in Technozem when Applying Mineral Fertilizers

Boloneva L.N., Lavrentieva I.N., Merkusheva M.G., Ubugunov L.L., Ubugunov V.L., Sosorova S.B.


The influence of sowing cereal-legume grass mixtures and application of mineral fertilizers on technozem created after the liquidation of the tailing dump of the Dzhida tungsten-molybdenum combine (Republic of Buryatia) on the change of trace element concentrations in plants and formation of turf, limiting the spread of pollutants and reducing environmental risks was assessed. The content of gross and mobile forms of some trace elements in the upper sandy loam layer of technozem was higher than in the background soil, exceeded the median background for the soils of Transbaikalia and in some cases the maximum permissible concentrations, and by the coefficient of total pollution (Zc = 18.8) it was characterized as moderately hazardous, the lower loam – non-hazardous (Zc = 4). It was revealed that the application of fertilizers reduced the concentration of trace elements and their accumulation coefficients in plants. According to the intensity of biological uptake, most of the elements in the aboveground phytomass belonged to the group of medium capture, in the underground – medium and intensive uptake, which indicates its phytostabilizing role. It was found that bioproductivity of grass mixtures in the control was low. Fertilizer application increased this indicator in the second year of grasses life to the average level, in the third year – to a high level, and in the fourth year turf was formed, fixing the surface layers and contributing to the increase of organic matter compared to its initial amount. Тhe research results can be used on technozems created from overburden dumps for phytostabilization and initiation of organic matter accumulation in them by sowing high-yielding perennial grasses and applying mineral fertilizers.

Počvovedenie. 2024;(2):330-344
pages 330-344 views


Multiscale Estimates of Soil Erodibility’ Variation Under Conditions of High Soil Cover Heterogeneity in the Northern Forest-Steppe of the Central Russian Upland

Fomicheva D.V., Zhidkin A.P., Komissarov M.A.


One of the important scopes in erosion science is the study of soil erodibility, i. e. its ability to resist the destructing action of water flow and raindrops. The values of soil erodibility are used in erosion models and make it possible to calculate the rate of soil matter loss/accumulation. The purpose of this study was to assess the soil erodibility and variation of this indicator in different scale areas in the northern forest-steppe of the Central Russian Upland. It has been established that the calculated indicator of soil erodibility (K-factor) is depended mainly by the content of organic matter. The average K-factor values of unwashed grey forest soils are more than one and a half times higher than those of unwashed chernozems. With an increase in the degree of erosion, the values of the K-factor also increase, for example, in the series: non-, weakly, medium- and strongly eroded chernozems with the following average values: 38, 42, 44, 57 kg h/(MJ mm), respectively. It has been found that grey forest soils are much more liable to risk of degradation from erosion than chernozems, other things being equal, due to their greater erodibility and lower thickness of the humus layer. The use of various methods of K-factor interpolation had little effect on changes in the average soil erosion rates calculated by the WaTEM/SEDEM model, even under conditions of high soil cover contrast. With a change in the scale level of soil erosion estimates (transition from a medium to a large scale, or from a large to a medium scale), the deviation of calculated average soil erosion rates was less than 15%.

Počvovedenie. 2024;(2):345-358
pages 345-358 views

Ecotoxicity of Dust from Different Functional Areas of Moscow

Kulachkova S.A., Astaykina A.A., Rozanova M.S., Chistova O.A.


There are only few studies in the world on ecotoxicity of urban dust as its ability to cause adverse effects to living organisms. The aim of the research is to assess the ecotoxicity of dust by the reaction of higher plants using a new approach, as well as to analyze the differentiation of microbial reaction on dust from recreational, residential and transport functional areas of three Moscow districts. The proposed approach of the urban dust ecotoxicity assessment by the modeling of dust transfer on urban soils proved its consistency and resolved the main methodological difficulty of biotesting – the issue of control choosing. Applying ryegrass (Lollium perenne L.), it was found that the annual volume of dust deposition on soils in Moscow does not perform toxicity, while a three-year volume suppresses plants up to 27% relative to the control. No significant differences between the phytotoxicity of dust in different functional areas was found, and phytotoxicity did not correlate with any of the studied properties of dust (organic carbon content, pH, electrical conductivity, moisture capacity, particle size distribution). In contrast to plants, the parameters of the vital activity of microorganisms in dust revealed differences between functional areas. Basal respiration and microbial dust biomass were maximal in the recreational areas of the city (3.1–7.2 μg C–CO₂g–1 h–1 and 314–435 μg g–1 respectively), decreasing by 27–71% in residential and 76–81% in the transport ones. Significant correlations of basal respiration and microbial biomass with organic carbon content were observed.

Počvovedenie. 2024;(2):359-372
pages 359-372 views

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