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No 3 (2024)

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Soil Formation on Loamy Deposits in Technogenic Landscapes of the Taiga Zone in the North-Eastern Part of European Russia

Likhanova I.A., Kuznetsova E.G., Kholopov Y.V., Deneva S.V., Lapteva E.M.


The paper highlights the influence of moisture on the soil formation process on loamy deposits during the primary vegetation succession. The study was carried out in the north-eastern part of European Russia (Komi Republic) in the middle taiga subzone. The authors analyzed young soils on the territory of a quarry for extraction of loamy grounds and background soils in the vicinity of it. Planting the Siberian spruce cultures on the territory of the quarry activated formation of the tree layer and thereby accelerated formation of the zonal type soils. The third succession decade in drained conditions saw formation of organic soil horizons (litters), a decrease in soil density in the upper profile part, a tendency to redistribute and differentiate the silty fraction by one-and-a-half oxides, indicating the beginning of selective podzolization. The rise in soil moisture content increased conservation of organic residues (peat formation) and made gley formation active. The quarry soils, like background soils, increased in acidity, carbon and nitrogen reserves along with the soil moisture content increase. In automorphic soil formation conditions, the rate of organic carbon accumulation in the upper 0–20-cm layer is 0.4 t· ha–1·year1; the excessive soil moisture content further increased it (1.0–1.2 t·ha–1·year1). The reserves of Corg in the upper 20-cm soil layer of young soils are by 2–4 times less than those in background soils.

Počvovedenie. 2024;(3):375-393
pages 375-393 views


Methods for Measuring Organic Carbon Content in Carbonate Soils (Review)

Shamrikova E.V., Vanchikova E.V., Kyzyurova E.V., Zhangurov E.V.


In world practice, the measurement of the mass fraction of carbon of organic compounds (Corg) in soils containing carbonates is carried out in various ways. An analysis of methods that allow solving this problem was carried out, including the latest approaches: thermogravimetry, differential scanning calorimetry, spectroscopy. It has been shown that the presence of CaCO3 does not prevent the use of the dichromatometric method (Tyurin, Walkley-Black) for determining Corg. The disadvantages of the method boil down to the laboriousness of the analysis, the need for constant presence of the operator, incomplete oxidation of organic compounds and environmental pollution. The method of measuring soil mass loss-on-ignition (LOI) is economical and rapid, but it gives an overestimated Corg content, which is associated with the inadequacy of the conversion factor of 1.724, the presence of adsorbed and chemically bound water, as well as mineral components decomposing at T = 105–550°С. The most relevant solution for finding Corg in carbonate soils is to use an analyzer and a calcimeter, although the accuracy of Corg measurements in the presence of carbonates is significantly reduced due to the quadratic summation of the errors of the two methods. The high cost of the device, maintenance, verification and repair limit its widespread use in soil laboratories. To measure the content of soil carbonates, it is possible to use both gravimetric (LOI) and volumetric (calcimeter) methods. The use of the latter is preferable for soils with a predominance of CaCO3 in carbonate composition. Preliminary removal of carbonates from soil samples is labor-intensive and can lead to partial loss of Corg due to acid extraction. The high cost of instruments and the lack of libraries of soil spectra hinder the development of vis-NIR and MIR spectroscopy as an alternative to “wet” chemistry methods. Continuing comparative studies will improve the understanding of the spatial patterns of distribution of carbon in soil organic compounds.

Počvovedenie. 2024;(3):394-411
pages 394-411 views


Assessment of Enzymatic Activity of Haplic Chernozem Soils Contaminated with Ag, Bi, Te, and Tl

Minnikova T.V., Kolesnikov S.I., Evstegneeva N.A., Timoshenko A.N., Tsepina N.I., Kazeev K.S.


Enzymatic activity of soils is the most important diagnostic indicator of the ecological state of soils under various types of anthropogenic impact. The aim of the study was to evaluate the enzymatic activity of common chernozem (Haplic Chernozem) under Ag, Bi, Te, and Tl contamination. 10 enzymes (catalase, dehydrogenase, peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase, ascorbate oxidase, ferrireductase, protease, phosphatase, invertase and urease) were analyzed. According to the degree of inhibition of enzymes, heavy metals form the following sequence: Tl > Ag > Bi > Te. With an increase in the concentration of heavy metals, the toxic effect on the activity of enzymes increases. The oxidoreductases showed greater sensitivity to Ag, Bi, Te, and Tl contamination than hydrolases. Among oxidoreductases, the highest sensitivity was found for ferrireductase, and the lowest for ascorbate oxidase. According to the activity of enzymes of the hydrolase class, invertase is the most sensitive, and urease is the least sensitive. When contaminated with Ag, Bi, and Te, invertase has the highest informative value, and when contaminated with Tl, urease and polyphenol oxidase are the most informative. Among the enzymes of the oxidoreductase class, the highest informativeness was found in peroxidase, and the lowest in ascorbate oxidase. Among the enzymes of the hydrolase class, invertase is the most sensitive, and phosphatase is the least sensitive. The results of the study can be used to assess the ecological state of soils contaminated with Ag, Bi, Te and Tl.

Počvovedenie. 2024;(3):412-427
pages 412-427 views

Net Primary Production of Steppe Ecosystems and the Reasons for its Spatial Variability

Titlaynova A.A., Vishnyakova E.K., Smolentseva E.N.


The purpose of the article is to analyze the values change of net primary production: aboveground (ANP), belowground (BNP) and total (NPP) for meadow, true and dry steppes. The investigated meadow and true steppes are located between 36 and 116° E, 47 and 56° N. In Tyva, the production of dry steppes is determined on various elements of the relief – from the upper part of the mountain to the depressions located in the bottom of the slope. The value of ANP in the meadow steppes varies from west to east from 10.2 to 3.1, in the true steppes from 5.8 to 0.7 t/ha per year and depends on many factors, including air temperature, precipitation, and soil properties. The soil properties are defined by a set of conditions: the position of the ecosystem on the relief, which leads to different soil moisture. Both, the meadow and true steppes, have irregularities in the decrease of the ANP value from west to east. In some cases, in a series of meadow steppes instead of a decrease, an increase of ANP is observed, which is explaining by changes in soil conditions. The first increase from 4.8 (63° E) to 6.1 t/ha per year (73° E) occurs when Luvic Chernozem (Loamic) is replaced by Inclinigleyic Chernozem (Loamic), as a result of additional soil moistening. The second increase of ANP from 3.6 (75° E) to 6.6 t/ha per year (90° E) is observed when the soil changes from Tonguic Chernozem (Siltic) to Haplic Chernozem (Siltic, Pachic). The increases of ANP were observed in the true steppes: 1) when Skeletic Kastanozem (Siltic) changed to Calcic Chernozem (Siltic), 2) when Haplic Solonetz (Loamic) changed to Calcic Chernozem (Loamic), 3) when soil changes from Mollic Leptosol (Siltic) to Calcic Chernozem (Siltic). The value of BNP in meadow and true steppes in the soil layer of 0–30 cm generally decreases from west to east from 26.8 to 7.7 t/ha per year, varying without a visible pattern. In Tyva, due to the change in the relief, ANP of dry steppes varies from 3.7 to 1.7, BNP – from 27.0 to 8.7 t/ha per year. Consequently, the amount of aboveground production of grass ecosystems is determined not only by air temperature and precipitation, but also by the properties of soils, which vary in structure, Corg content, nutrients, and watering.

Počvovedenie. 2024;(3):428-438
pages 428-438 views

Carbon Accumulation in Peat Soils of Floodplain Mires of the North-East of the Middle-Russian Upland

Volkova E.M., Leonova O.A., Golovchenko A.V.


The study of the structure of peat deposits of the Bolsheberezovskoye and Podkosmovo inundated mires which were formed during the Atlantic – subboreal periods of the Holocene in the valley of the Nepryadva River, in the north-eastern part of the Middle-Russian Upland. The results of the botanical composition of peat deposits showed that the genesis of mires is represented by eutrophic paleocenoses, which accumulated carbon at a rate of 21.8-95 g/m2 per year. The formed eutrophic peat was characterized by a high degree of decomposition (45-55%) and a low rate of vertical growth (on average, 0.3-0.6 mm/year), which is due to the seasonal dynamics of the level of occurrence of mire waters. The carbon content in peat by peat deposit profiles is 14% for the Podkosmovo mire and 31% for the Bolsheberezovskoye mire. The differences are due to the peculiarities of the water-mineral nutrition of the mires, which is manifested in the high content of carbonates and ash content of the Podkosmovo mire. Carbon reserves in peat soils of inundated mires vary from 51.5 up to 125 kg/m2 for horizons with a capacity of 10 cm. This indicator is determined by the intensity of decomposition of plant residues, which depends on the composition and structure of microbial complexes. On the Bolsheberezovskoye mire the microbial complex is dominated by the fungal component, on the Podkosmovo mire – by the bacterial component. This is the reason for the differences in the microbial biomass of the mires: 222 g/ m2 for the Podkosmovo, 898 g/m2 for the Bolsheberezovskoye mire. The reason for the differences in inundated mires is the range of variation in the level of mire waters during the growing season, due to the reclamation measures carried out in the Bolsheberezovskoye mire. Nevertheless, inundated mires are important “depots” of atmospheric carbon and the intensity of its accumulation is determined by a complex of factors.

Počvovedenie. 2024;(3):439-450
pages 439-450 views

Ecological Features and Adaptive Capabilities of Cyanobacteria in Desert Ecosystems (Review)

Bataeva Y.V., Grigoryan L.N.


Deserts represent one of the most inhospitable environments on Earth, characterized by extreme daily variations in temperature, limited availability of nitrogen and water, high salinity levels, and other challenging conditions. Within these challenging arid zones, cyanobacteria emerge as a crucial group of organisms capable of actively thriving. They form complex communities known as biocrusts, which not only ensure their own survival but also contribute significantly to the persistence of other organisms within these ecosystems. Cyanobacteria, through their metabolic activities, play a significant role in the establishment and functioning of soil ecosystems. They are capable of generating primary organic matter, fixing molecular nitrogen, and synthesizing metabolites with potent biological activities. To endure the relentless pressures of their environment, desert cyanobacteria have evolved intricate adaptive strategies to enhance their resilience against multiple concurrent stresses. One such mechanism involves the production of secondary metabolites, enabling them to cope with the extreme conditions of drought and salinity. This comprehensive review delves into the ecological significance of desert cyanobacteria in the context of soil improvement. Additionally, the latest advancements in utilizing cyanobacteria to combat desertification and prevent soil degradation are elucidated.

Počvovedenie. 2024;(3):451-469
pages 451-469 views


Assessment of the Ecotoxicity of Thallium According to the Biological Properties of Soils

Evstegneeva N.A., Kolesnikov S.I., Timoshenko A.N., Minnikova T.V., Tsepina N.I., Kazeev K.S.


In laboratory model experiments, the ecotoxicity of Tl was assessed by changing the microbiological, biochemical and phytotoxic properties of soils in the South of Russia: ordinary chernozem (Haplic Chernozem (Loamic)), seropesks (Eutric Arenosol) and brown forest slightly unsaturated soil (Eutric Cambisol), differing in granulometric composition, pH and organic matter content. As a rule, there was a direct relationship between the concentration of Tl and the degree of deterioration of the studied soil properties. Tl nitrate showed higher ecotoxicity than oxide. The strongest ecotoxic effect of Tl was manifested on chernozem and seropesks 10 days after contamination, on brown forest soil — 30 days later. Restoration of biological properties of soils was observed for 90 days. Ordinary chernozem showed the greatest resistance to Tl contamination, and seropeski showed the least. The results obtained indicate a high ecotoxicity of Tl.

Počvovedenie. 2024;(3):470-481
pages 470-481 views

Influence of Spring Burns on the Properties of Humus Horizon of Chernozem in the Southeast of Western Siberia

Semenkov I.N., Lednev S.A., Klink G.V., Kasymov D.P., Agafontsev M.V., Kostrova S.N., Koroleva T.V.


On the example of soils of the Basic Experimental Complex of the Institute of Atmospheric Optics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Tomsk), the influence of spring grass burns on the properties of the upper layer of the humus horizon of Chernozems. In the areas that burned two months ago, 1, 2, 3 and 11 years ago, a total of 56 samples (5–9 replicates) were collected. We found a considerably high stability of the controlled properties of soils (cationic-anionic composition of water extract, content of grain-size fractions and mobile compounds of a wide range of elements, total C and N, organic carbon, pH value, basicity from carbonates) to pyrogenic effects from spring grass fires. Informative indicators reflecting a significant pyrogenic impact over the past 11 years were the content of mobile Ca, Mg and Sr, as well as water-soluble Mg2+ and basicity from carbonates. Their content is higher in the soils of young (0–3 years) burnt areas relative to the old (11 year old) burnt areas and unburnt areas. Among the studied parameters, the pH value, the content of mobile Ba and Sr, and grain-size fractions of 1–5, 5–10, and 10–50 µm, had the low coefficient of variation (<20%), and content of water-soluble ammonium and mobile Li and Zn had the high coefficient of variation (>70%).

Počvovedenie. 2024;(3):482-492
pages 482-492 views

Microplastics in the Soils of the Thala Hills, East Antarctica

Kukharchyk T.I., Kakareka S.V., Rabychyn K.O.


For the first time, on an example of the Vecherny Oasis, Thala Hills, Enderby Land, data on the content of microplastic particles (less than 5 mm) in the soils of East Antarctica were obtained. Seven samples taken from a depth of 0–15 cm were analyzed. Two soil fractions (less than 1 mm and 1–5 mm) were studied in 3 replicates (42 individual samples). The technique for isolating microplastic particles included soil sieving, density separation in zinc chloride solution, centrifugation, vacuum filtration, and microscopic analysis. For filtration, glass fiber filters with a pore diameter of 1.6 μm were used. Quantification of microplastic particles was carried out using a microscope, digital camera and advisory software. It was found that microplastic particles present in all analyzed samples. Their number varies from 66 to 1933 units/kg of dry soil. In most cases, particles less than 1 mm predominate, accounting from 70 to 100%. In 70% of cases, fibers dominate, in 30% – fragments of irregularly shaped plastics; films occur singly. There is no clearly defined confinement of increased amount of microplastic particles to infrastructure facilities; this may be a consequence of the influence of other factors, including local and long-range transport.

Počvovedenie. 2024;(3):493-505
pages 493-505 views

Season-Dependent Effect of Fire-Derived Charcoal on Above- and Belowground Litter Decomposition in Boreal Forests

Bryanin S.V., Kondratova A.V., Danilov A.V., Susloparova E.S.


Fire-derived charcoal (charcoal) is a stable byproduct of forest fires that accumulates in the litter layer and soils of boreal forests. Therefore, decomposition of litter and roots, as one of the key processes in the carbon cycle, in the soils of northern forests almost everywhere go in the presence of charcoal. To date, there are extremely scarce data on the influence of charcoal on decomposition in boreal forests, and most of them do not consider the cold period, which lasts on average half a year in this zone. The purpose of this work was to determine the seasonal influence of charcoal on the decomposition of plant litter of different quality (larch needles, birch leaves, grasses, and mixtures of these species of litter) on the surface of the soil and the roots of these same species in the soil. In “litterbag” experiment it was found that charcoal accelerated decomposition of litter and that its effect was species-specific. The acceleration of mass loss in the presence of charcoal occurred for recalcitrant litter (needles) and all types of roots during the cold period. In the warm period, acceleration of decomposition in the presence of charcoal was observed only for needles and was not observed for roots. Thus, our study shows a greater influence of charcoal on intra-soil decomposition especially in the cold period. Seasonal influence of charcoal was established for the first time and should be taken into account as an important factor of humus formation and carbon dynamics in soils of boreal forests.

Počvovedenie. 2024;(3):506-516
pages 506-516 views

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