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No 1 (2024)


In Situ Root Systems in the Devonian Paleosoils of the Middle Timan

Shumilov I.K., Telnova O.P.


As life progressed, there were a small number of key evolutionary innovations that initiated global biosphere change. One such event was the explosive development of terrestrial vegetation and the emergence of forest ecosystems during the Devonian period. The colonization of land begun by bryophytes and their ancestors required the appearance and development of a variety of root systems. Roots evolved separately and independently in several main directions, rapidly expanding their functionality and complexity. In the middle Zilma river on the Middle Timan in the red-colored sediments of the Middle and Upper Devonian numerous paleosoil horizons and their complexes were studied. According to palynological data in this territory the terrestrial flora was highly diverse. The studied ancient soils are distinguished by the presence of insitu roots of various types. The purpose of the work was a morphological description of the discovered root systems. The taxonomy of Devonian root systems today is in the period of primary data accumulation. As a result of studies three morphological types of root systems belonging mainly to grass-like plants have been identified in paleosoils. There are no descriptions of such objects in paleobotanic literature. Morphological types of root systems are correlated with geomorphological features of the studied territory.

Počvovedenie. 2024;(1):5-13
pages 5-13 views

Devonian Acid Sulfate Paleosol – First Finding on Central Devonian Field (Voronezh High, South Russia)

Alekseeva T.V., Alekseev A.O.


The paper presents the detail multidisciplinary study of middle Devonian (Eifelian) paleosol (PS) recently discovered on the territory of Voronezh Anteclise. The paleosol is developed from acid volcanic rock – rhyolitic tuff. The thickness of PS varies from 20 to 150 cm depending on the relief of Proterozoic basement beneath it. Tuff contains the inclusions of allochthonous coal particles, most part of each is substituted with pyrite. Main part of coal particles belongs to remnants of enigmatic biota – Nematophytes. The absence of rhizoliths and the microstructure of plant debris allowed to presume that PS was developed under primitive rootless vegetation. The paleosol formation is the result of predominantly chemical weathering. Its development was initiated by pyrite oxidation. PS demonstrates the following complex of pedological signs: kaolinite clay formation and redistribution, tongue bottom, Fe mobility, formation of Fe and gypsum containing nodules, in situ formation of kaolinite, gypsum, Fe-oxides, Fe-sulphates. Based on analytical data the discovered PS is attributed to acid sulphate soil. Deep transformation of parent rocks had the localized character and was not accompanied by formation of distinct soil horizons.

Počvovedenie. 2024;(1):14-26
pages 14-26 views

Evidence of Soil-Forming Processes in Early Proterozoic as Exemplified on the Basis of the Livvian Deposits (Karelia)

Naugolnykh S.V.


The paper deals with the fossil cyanobacterial films from the Lower Proterozoic shungites (Livvian) of the Republic Karelia, Russian Federation. The films were previously described as a formal species Cyathotes nigoserica Makarikhin. These films were formed by bacteria and possibly by fungi, which existed in condition of littoral or supralittoral (zone of stochastic wave drops reaching, or splash zone, spray zone). The adaptation of these organisms for existence in temporally (possibly, long-temp) dry conditions is evidenced by development of their outer dense covers predicting against dehydration of the organism body. This basically bacterial community intensively influenced onto the mineral substrate and had changed its structure enriching the soil by biogenic chemicals/constituents and thus forming an archaic paleosole microprofile. The signs of ancient soil formation found in the course of research can be considered the transformation of the surface texture of the mineral substrate by the vital activity of terrestrial organisms (bacteria, fungi) with the formation of a specific cellular relief, a change in the internal structure of this substrate with the appearance of casts of wedge-shaped cracks in the underlying matrix, the redistribution of inorganic compounds during the formation of a paleosurface microprofile (an increase in the content of silicon oxide in the upper part profile with simultaneous reduction of the amount of iron oxides).

Počvovedenie. 2024;(1):27-36
pages 27-36 views

Soil Formation of Early Pliocene Paleosols According to Data of the Alma–Peschanoye Loess – Paleosol Section (Western Part of the Crimean Peninsula)

Khmeleva M.V., Panin P.G., Frolov P.D., Tesakov A.S., Bukhonov A.V.


The article considers the loess-paleosol sequence of the Alma-Peschanoe section, located in the west of the Crimean Peninsula. A detailed analysis of morphological, physicochemical, and a number of other features made it possible to identify 8 paleosols that developed under different conditions. The estimated age of the loess-paleosol sequence was established on the basis of paleofaunal analysis based on the discovery of a tooth from the mouse Micromys cf. bendae. According to the data obtained, at the initial stage, the formation of paleosols proceeded rhythmically under dry, moderately warm conditions. The paleosols developed according to the steppe type of soil formation (WRB – Kastanozems). Later, the climate changes towards an increase in temperature and humidity, and two red-brown polygenetic paleosols are formed. Their soil formation took place in stages in conditions from arid to hot humid subtropical climate; at the optimal stages of soil development, the soils were formed according to the type of fersiallite (Nitisols). At the final stages of development, paleosols were formed under sharp changes in the regimes of moistening – desiccation. The studied red-colored paleosols can presumably belong to the Sevastopol stratigraphic horizon. The studies carried out made it possible to characterize the landscape and climatic conditions and form an idea of the genesis of the soil cover in the early Pliocene.

Počvovedenie. 2024;(1):37-51
pages 37-51 views

Mineralogy and Magnetic Properties of the Loess-Soil Formation Due to Changes in Landscape and Climatic Conditions in the Terek-Kuma Lowland in the Pleistocene

Alekseev A.О., Alekseeva T.V.


A detailed mineralogical and geochemical study of the reference section “Otkaznoye”, representing a loess-soil complex confined to the Tersko-Kuma Plain, was carried out. The section provides a detailed record of the history of the development of the region in the Pleistocene. The thickness of the deposits reaches up to –140 m, and the age can exceed 800 thousand years. One of the main tasks of the work was to demonstrate the capabilities of a set of methods of environmental magnetism in combination with Mössbauer spectroscopy, mineralogical and geochemical methods for carrying out paleogeographic reconstructions of the natural environment and sedimentation conditions in the Pleistocene. Changes in the main magnetic properties for the Otkaznoe section were found, indicating with a high sensitivity of iron mineralogy in conection to climatic conditions during soil formation and sedimentation. The soil horizons are characterized by an increased content of ferrimagnets. There is a significant increase in the ferrimagnetic contribution in paleosol horizons (PS), where it reaches 80% of the total magnetic susceptibility compared to loess horizons, where its share is 5060%. The distribution of clay minerals over the depth of the studied section makes it possible to distinguish up to six levels of development of paleosols. The degree of manifestation of changes in the mineral composition in them is different. An important point is the presence of chlorites in the paleosol horizons, which can probably be explained by the erosion of the most weathered top of the PS. A noticeable increase in the content of the smectite phase in the PS horizons indicates a sufficient duration of soil formation. The results obtained on the change in magnetic and clay mineralogy quite clearly fix the paleosol horizons, but two interstadials are also distinguished – the Mikulin (MIS5) and the Dnieper (MIS6) (probably weakly pronounced Bryansk paleosol), which confirms the stratigraphic constructions. ased on the obtained set of magnetic and mineralogical, and geochemical parameters for the soil-loess complexes of the territory of the Terek-Kuma Plain, the dynamics of climatic conditions in the Pleistocene is quantitatively reconstructed and the trend of gradual climate aridization during the Pleistocene is confirmed. The epochs of interglacials, when soil complexes were formed, were characterized by an increased, compared to the stages of glaciations, climate humidity with a maximum aridity index IDM -35 (annual precipitation up to 700 mm) characteristic of the Inzhava pedocomplex (PS4).

Počvovedenie. 2024;(1):52-64
pages 52-64 views

Phytolithic and Paleolandscape Evidence of Environmental Change in the South of the East European Plain in the Pleistocene

Kalinin P.I., Zanina O.G., Panin P.G., Kudrevatykh I.Y.


The work is devoted to the reconstruction of paleoclimatic regularities in the formation of the Chumbur-Kosa (MIS-17…MIS-1) loess-soil series and the assessment of the possibility of using phytolith analysis to diagnose vegetation cover in the interglacial and glacial periods of the Pleistocene. v the index of magnetic susceptibility, the average annual precipitation was calculated. It has been established that in the Pleistocene there was a directed climate change towards aridization, in which the amount of precipitation during the interglacial periods decreased from 600 to 550 mm/year, and during the glacial periods it did not exceed 200–250 mm/year. Aridization of the climate led to xerophytization of plant communities, a decrease in bioproductivity and landscape diversity. In the warm intervals of the Pleistocene, meadow-forb associations prevailed, which were replaced by steppe associations at the onset of the glacial stage. Natural and climatic zones were within the modern borders, demonstrating the relative stability of the steppe landscapes to global climatic fluctuations.

Počvovedenie. 2024;(1):65-78
pages 65-78 views

Changing of the Major Pedogenic Trends in Late Pleistocene on the Territory of West Beringia

Gubin S.V.


Structure and properties of MIS3 and MIS2 cryopedolith material indicate the general similarities in synlithogenic pedogenesis that took place during those stages. On the other hand, some differences are determined by the intensity of pedogenic processes, plant cover, rate of mineral material deposition, climatic conditions. During MIS3 stage, four epigenic (buried) soils had been formed. The lowest one (4th) was formed in the very beginning of MIS3 stage under the relatively favourable climatic conditions and with no mineral material deposition. 2nd and 3rd buried soils had been formed in the middle of MIS3 under the less favourable conditions and with no mineral matter deposition as well. The upper one (1st) buried soil was formed in the transition period between MIS3 and MIS2 under the increasing of the climate conditions severity and the soil has both sinlithogenic and epigenic features in its morphology.

Počvovedenie. 2024;(1):79-93
pages 79-93 views

Late Pleistocene Paleosols in the North of Western Siberia: Paleorecords of Natural Environment and the Component of the Modern Soil Cover

Sedov S.N., Sheinkman V.S.


The article presents the results of the search and study of the Late Pleistocene soils in the north of Western Siberia. The theoretical basis was an ice-free model of the evolution of the Pleistocene landscapes in the region, since the alternative model with its glacial cover excluded pedogenesis under them. In sections of high river terraces, disclosing the Late and Middle Pleistocene sediments were revealed, in the absence of glacial deposits, and paleosurface levels were corresponding to chronointervals with landscapes favorable for the development of pedogenesis. These are the soils of the Kazantsev thermochron – the marine isotope-oxygen stage (MIS) 5, lying on the Middle Pleistocene alluvium, and of the Karginsky interstadial – MIS-3, and of the end of the Sartan cryochron – MIS-2. Based on morphogenetic analysis, including micromorphological observations, a pedogenetic interpretation of paleosols was carried out. It was revealed that in the polygenetic profile of the MIS-5 paleosol, the stage of taiga soil formation with clay illuviation was replaced by a colder tundra phase with over-permafrost gleization, and the MIS-3 paleosols are characterized by tundra-steppe features, in which gleization and cryogenic processes are combined with the formation of carbonates, whereas the paleosol level of the end of MIS-2 is a product of tundra-swamp pedogenesis and includes gleiing pedosediments that fill pseudomorphs along ice wedges. The latter allowed us to identify the Late Sartan Tazovo-Nadym soil-cryogenic horizon. As a result, the correlation of the obtained results with synchronous stratigraphic schemes for adjacent regions was carried out and the question of creating a soil-permafrost paleorecord of the north of Western Siberia was raised. This is important because the interpretation of modern surface soils requires special approaches in order to take into account that in their profiles relict pedogenic horizons are often found.

Počvovedenie. 2024;(1):94-110
pages 94-110 views

Stage Development of the Ryshkovo Pedolithocomplex (127–117 Ka) as a Change of Favorable and Extremal Conditions in the Complete Interglacial-Glacial Cycle

Sycheva S.A., Pushkina P.R., Golyeva A.A., Khokhlova O.S., Gorbacheva T.M., Kovda I.V.


In 2011, the Ryshkovo pedolithocomplex of the Mikulino Interglacial (MIS-5e), consisting of three or four soil profiles separated by humus pedosediments, was studied in the Alexandrov quarry (Kursk, Russia). The lower soil is eroded gray, the two middle ones are meadow soils at the bottom of the coastal ravine, the middle one on the paleoslope is soddy-podzolic, and the upper poorly developed soils with elements of forest soil formation. Morphological, physicochemical, and microbiomorphic study of the pedolithic complex on the slope and in the bottom of the buried coastal ravine filled with colluvial and alluvial-colluvial deposits made it possible to reconstruct at least three or four pedogenic and four morpholithogenic stages in MIS-5e, which significantly detailed the event history of the interglacial. In the profile of the Ryshkovo pedolithocomplex, a buried humus horizon of the lower gray soil is well expressed, reflecting the warmer climatic conditions of the first half of the last completed interglacial compared to the second half. Soil formation in trans-accumulative landscapes was repeatedly interrupted by erosion-accumulative processes, which reflects the instability (rhythmicity) of the climatic situation during the Mikulino (Eem) interglacial and correlates well with other detailed records of geological archives.

Počvovedenie. 2024;(1):111-126
pages 111-126 views

Factors Determining the Variation of Microbial Biomass in Modern and Buried Soils of the Steppe Zone

Кhomutova T.E., Chernysheva E.V., Kashirskaya N.N., Dushchanova K.S., Petrosyan A.A., Eltsov M.V., Borisov A.V.


The article summarizes the results of long-term studies of microbial biomass in buried soils of archaeological sites and modern background soils. Geographically, the objects of study cover the southeast of the Russian Plain, the Caspian lowland, the Western Caucasus, and the Crimea. A very representative amount of data has been accumulated on the chronogeographic patterns of changes in microbial biomass in chernozems (Chernozem mollic), chestnut soils (Kastanozems Haplic), light chestnut soils (Cambisols salic), and solonetzes (Solonetz Humic). Chronological framework – the era of the Eneolithic – Modern times (5700–300 years ago). The biomass of soil microbial communities was estimated from the content of phospholipids in the soil. This method makes it possible to determine the biomass of living cells preserved in the buried soil and to evaluate the influence of environmental factors in which soil microbial community was presented from the moment of burial. It has been shown that the microbial biomass in buried soils is not determined by the type of soil and the time the soil remains in the buried state. The average value of the content of phospholipids in buried soils is two times lower than in modern ones, but no correlation of microbial biomass with duration of soil buried state was found. To a greater extent, the content of phospholipids in buried soils depended on the content of silt; at a silt content of less than 10%, the values of microbial biomass were minimal. Geomorphological position acts as a significant factor influencing the value of microbial biomass. Thus, the maximum values of microbial biomass are typical for soils of local watersheds and slopes of northern exposure. In Solonetzes, an inverse correlation was noted between microbial biomass and the thickness of the SEL horizon. In the cultural layers of ancient settlements, the microbial biomass exceeds the values of modern soils and depends on the characteristics of the economic use of the territory and the volume of incoming anthropogenic substrates.

Počvovedenie. 2024;(1):127-141
pages 127-141 views

Paleopedological and Microbiomorphological Study of Medieval Kurgans in Moscow Region

Khokhlova O.S., Golyeva A.A.


Soils buried under burial mounds (kurgans) of the Middle Ages (12th–13th centuries AD) and surface soddy-podzolic soils (Retisols) in the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region have been studied. In the buried soils, differences were recorded in signs of the processes of waterlogging and/or podzolization, as well as in morphological data – humus accumulation and biological activity. The surface soil shows the most light-colored profile with deep tongues of bleached material. Based on the data of microbiomorphic analysis, a relative chronological order of the kurgans construction in the necropolis is proposed. At the beginning of the 13th century AD a relatively warm and humid climatic conditions under which the soil buried under kurgan 3 was formed have been reconstructed, similar to those of the last thirty years, but with extreme weather events in the form of severe winters and anomalous precipitation years (no more than 5–10 years in a row), and relatively dry and cold climate in the second half of the same century, when the soil under kurgan 1 was formed. The study confirmed the variable nature of the climate in the forest zone of the Moscow region during the last completed climatic rhythm of the Holocene. An approach for the construction of kurgans has been determined: soil horizons from ditches around the kurgan was laid in reverse order on the cut surface of the buried soil and tamping the soil without additional moisture. The results obtained supplement the database of the information block of ancient forest soils under the kurgans.

Počvovedenie. 2024;(1):142-156
pages 142-156 views

Soil and Ecological Features of the Neo-Eneolithic Settlement “Algai” in the Lower Volga Region

Ovchinnikov A.Y., Zanina O.G., Lopatina D.A., Vybornov A.A., Makshanov A.M.


The results of the research of the archaeological settlement “Algai” located in the Lower Volga region, in the Alexandrovo-Gaysky district of the Saratov region are presented. The settlement of the Neo-Eneolithic period includes several archaeological cultural layers formed over the last 8 thousand years. Modern soils are represented by anthropogenically transformed light chestnut carbonate (Eutric Cambisol (Loamic, Protocalcic, Ochric)). The work used soil, paleosurface, paleobotanical methods, radiocarbon dating method. The soil stratum is represented by stratigraphically separated multi-temporal full-profile Holocene soils, showing different rates of Aeolian sedimentation and soil formation processes, vegetation change and anthropogenic presence in this area. Paleosurface and paleobotanical data showed that the natural environment of the territory was not stable throughout the Holocene, and dry steppes existed in the studied territory. The most active processes of sedimentation and soil formation occurred in the middle of the Holocene during the AT-2 period. During the stages of climate aridization, the processes of active sedimentation and the growth of oppressed vegetation took place, which affected the absence of a person in this territory. The stages of climate humanization were expressed in epigenic soil formation with the formation of organo-accumulative horizons, in various plant associations, in a rich species composition of wild animals, which indicates a favorable environment for human habitation in the region. The obtained materials showed the change of the natural environment in the studied area, the formation of Holocene soils of different times, and periodic human migration. Unlike modern soil, buried soils were formed in extremely arid conditions characterized by the formation of soda salinization processes of soils. The conducted research made it possible to obtain new data on the climatic, soil and paleobotanical features of the studied region.

Počvovedenie. 2024;(1):157-169
pages 157-169 views

Pedochronological Rows of Medieval Burial Mounds, Pskov Region

Zharkikh I.A., Rusakov A.V., Mikhailova E.R., Sobolev V.Y., Khokhlova O.S., Makeev A.O.


The soils buried under the early medieval mounds of the 9th and early 11th centuries have been studied. The reconstruction of the influence of natural changes in the natural environment on the dynamics of soil formation processes was carried out on the basis of a comparative analysis of the properties of soils buried under mounds of different ages, day (background) and newly formed on mound structures; supplemented with data on the time of soil formation on sandy soil-forming rocks in the taiga zone. The study area belongs to the Baltic province of soddy-podzolic soils of the southern taiga subzone. Soils buried under mound structures during periods with different climatic conditions are described. Soils that developed before burial in a cool and humid climate of the 8th-9th centuries. AD, are characterized by the mobility of iron forms along the profile and a morphologically pronounced accumulation of bleached quartz grains in its upper part. The influence of the warm and dry climate of the X century. AD on the processes of soil formation is manifested in the lower mobility of iron compounds and more active humus accumulation, less clarification of mineral grains. The time of formation of the profile of soddy podbur in the material of mound structures is estimated at 1 thousand years. The construction of the mound structures consisted in successive filling of the shaft from the edges to the center of the site, in which the material of the middle horizons of the original soil turned out to be in the upper part of the mound.

Počvovedenie. 2024;(1):170-182
pages 170-182 views

Soils of Chalk Polygons of the Sub-Ural Plateau: Morphology, Properties and Classification

Polyakov D.G., Kovda I.V., Ryabukha A.G.


The unique soils of the chalky polygons soil complexes in the steppe zone of Common Syrt and the Sub-Ural Plateau have been studied. They are characterized by a combination of different age features formed in contrast environments. Modern features are the result of biogenic-accumulative processes, structuring, salinization and crust formation. The relict features are associated to paleocryogenesis, they include the paleo-permafrost complexes of block-pseudomorph, cryoturbations, paleo-permafrost wedges, accumulations and sorting of coarse fraction, etc. The good conservation of relict cryogenic features and modern cryogenic processes determine the uniqueness of these steppe soils. Such horizons and profile formula are not found in the existing diagnostic scheme for the classification and diagnostics of soils in Russia (CaDSR). In order to represent the features, modern image and genesis of these soils in the terminology of CaDSR, a new diagnostic horizon BCM cryostructural-metamorphic was proposed. The soils were diagnosed as cryostructural-metamorphic on microhighs, protohumic and lighthumus cryostructural-metamorphic on the microslopes, and lighthumus and lighthumus cryometamorphic in microdepressions of the chalky polygons. Relict cryogenic features are proposed to be taken into account in the classification of these soils at the level of soil genus with the prefix paleo. According to the WRB soils were classified as Rendzic Endoleptic Calcaric Phaeozem (Relictiturbic, Tonguic) in microdepressions, Skeletic Calcaric Regosol (Relictiturbic, Ruptic, Nudiyermic) in microhighs and (Relictiturbuc, Raptic, Ochric) in microslopes.

Počvovedenie. 2024;(1):183-198
pages 183-198 views

Model of the Soil Sediment Sequence Accumulation of Ice Complex (Kolyma Lowland)

Ostroumov V.E.


Based on the example of an exposure at Cape Maly Chukochi, a model was developed for the accumulation of the soil-sedimentary sequence of the ice complex of the Kolyma Lowland. The distribution of the magnetic susceptibility of the sediment over the depth of the sequence is measured, which has a periodic shape. The specific magnetic susceptibility of the material at the level of (5–25) × 10⁻⁸ m3/kg is determined by the presence of fine magnetite crystals in it. The hypothesis is substantiated that the finely dispersed magnetite of the ice complex is of authigenic origin. Due to its accumulation, the magnetic susceptibility of the soil increases during the lifetime of the material in the seasonally thawed layer, and its distribution in the soil-sedimentary sequence contains information about the history of the sequence accumulation. The proposed model describes the soil-sedimentary sequence because of sediment ingress to the soil surface with a time-varying intensity of the sedimentary matter flow, which determines the dynamics of the sediment lifetime in the seasonally thawed layer and the period of magnetite accumulation in the soil. The calculated distribution of the sediment transformation degree in the sequence profile is compared with the measured distribution of magnetic susceptibility. Based on the data on the distribution of magnetic susceptibility, the model was used to reconstruct the accumulation history of the soil-sedimentary sequence.

Počvovedenie. 2024;(1):199-208
pages 199-208 views

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