Model of the Soil Sediment Sequence Accumulation of Ice Complex (Kolyma Lowland)

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Based on the example of an exposure at Cape Maly Chukochi, a model was developed for the accumulation of the soil-sedimentary sequence of the ice complex of the Kolyma Lowland. The distribution of the magnetic susceptibility of the sediment over the depth of the sequence is measured, which has a periodic shape. The specific magnetic susceptibility of the material at the level of (5–25) × 10⁻⁸ m3/kg is determined by the presence of fine magnetite crystals in it. The hypothesis is substantiated that the finely dispersed magnetite of the ice complex is of authigenic origin. Due to its accumulation, the magnetic susceptibility of the soil increases during the lifetime of the material in the seasonally thawed layer, and its distribution in the soil-sedimentary sequence contains information about the history of the sequence accumulation. The proposed model describes the soil-sedimentary sequence because of sediment ingress to the soil surface with a time-varying intensity of the sedimentary matter flow, which determines the dynamics of the sediment lifetime in the seasonally thawed layer and the period of magnetite accumulation in the soil. The calculated distribution of the sediment transformation degree in the sequence profile is compared with the measured distribution of magnetic susceptibility. Based on the data on the distribution of magnetic susceptibility, the model was used to reconstruct the accumulation history of the soil-sedimentary sequence.

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About the authors

V. E. Ostroumov

Institute of Physicochemical and Biological Problems of Soil Science of the Russian

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6127-4203
Russian Federation, Academy of Sciences, Pushchino, 142290 Russia


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig.1

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3. Fig.2

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4. Fig.3

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5. Fig.4

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