Ecological Features and Adaptive Capabilities of Cyanobacteria in Desert Ecosystems (Review)

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Deserts represent one of the most inhospitable environments on Earth, characterized by extreme daily variations in temperature, limited availability of nitrogen and water, high salinity levels, and other challenging conditions. Within these challenging arid zones, cyanobacteria emerge as a crucial group of organisms capable of actively thriving. They form complex communities known as biocrusts, which not only ensure their own survival but also contribute significantly to the persistence of other organisms within these ecosystems. Cyanobacteria, through their metabolic activities, play a significant role in the establishment and functioning of soil ecosystems. They are capable of generating primary organic matter, fixing molecular nitrogen, and synthesizing metabolites with potent biological activities. To endure the relentless pressures of their environment, desert cyanobacteria have evolved intricate adaptive strategies to enhance their resilience against multiple concurrent stresses. One such mechanism involves the production of secondary metabolites, enabling them to cope with the extreme conditions of drought and salinity. This comprehensive review delves into the ecological significance of desert cyanobacteria in the context of soil improvement. Additionally, the latest advancements in utilizing cyanobacteria to combat desertification and prevent soil degradation are elucidated.

About the authors

Yu. V. Bataeva

Tatishchev Astrakhan State University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Astrakhan

L. N. Grigoryan

Tatishchev Astrakhan State University

Russian Federation, Astrakhan


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