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Issue Section Title File
No 1 (2023) RESEARCH The Correlation between the Radial Growth of Coniferous Trees and the Normalised Difference Vegetation Index
No 1 (2023) RESEARCH Temperature and Precipitation Affect the Radial Growth of Berlin Poplar and Small-leaved Linden Trees in Saint Petersburg
No 1 (2023) RESEARCH Phytocenotic and Biotopic Parameters Affect the Condition of European Spruce Cultures during the Establishment Stage in the South-East of the Leningrad Region
No 1 (2023) RESEARCH Relations of Phenolic Compounds, Tannins, Lignin, Nitrogen and Carbon in Plants of the Empetro-Piceetum Forests of the Kola Peninsula
No 1 (2023) RESEARCH Development Dynamics of the Almond Willow’s Shoots on Different Levels Atmospheric Moisture
No 1 (2023) RESEARCH Carbon Dioxide and Methane Distribution in Peat Deposits of an Oligotrophic Forest Swamp in Western Siberia and Their Emission
No 1 (2023) RESEARCH Forest Litter Features in Floodplain Forest of the “Bolshaya Kokshaga” Reserve
No 1 (2023) RESEARCH Artificial Forest Stands’ Impact on Soils’ Biological Activity in Khakassian Steppes
No 2 (2023) Articles Предисловие к спецвыпуску “Динамика численности лесных насекомых” журнала “Лесоведение”
No 2 (2023) RESEARCH Mass Reproduction Outbreaks of the Phyllophagous Insects in Forests of the North-West of the European Part of Russia
No 2 (2023) RESEARCH A Mass Reproduction Outbreak and Estimation of the Spreading Risks for the Small Spruce Bark Beetle in Cedar Pine Forests of the Tomsk Region
No 1 (2023) SHORT COMMUNICATION The Influence of a Poplar Leaf Miner on the Radial Growth of the Fodder Plant in Izhevsk City
No 2 (2023) RESEARCH The Gypsy Moths and the Green Oak Moths Population Dynamics during a Joint Mass Reproduction Outbreak
No 2 (2023) RESEARCH External Factors Affecting the Pheromone Monitoring of the Spongy Moth
No 2 (2023) RESEARCH Predictors of Insect Damage to Forest Stands According to Satellite Data on Example of Siberian Silkmoth Dendrolimis Sibiricus Tschetv
No 2 (2023) RESEARCH Spatio-Temporal Connectivity of the Long-Term Dynamics of the Forest Phyllophagus Insects’ Abundance
No 2 (2023) RESEARCH The Development of Outbreaks of Forest Insects on Different Spatial Scale
No 2 (2023) RESEARCH Analysis and Forecast of the Zeiraphera griseana Dynamics Using the Delayed Moran-Ricker Model: the Impact of the Training Sample on Forecast Quality
No 2 (2023) REVIEWS Modern Aspects of Studying The Phyllophagous Insects Role in Forest Communities
No 4 (2023) RESEARCH The Role of Greenery in Adaptation of Urban Ecosystems to Climate Change
No 4 (2023) RESEARCH Dead Wood Elements Composition in Different Tree Species and Stages of Decay in the Broad-Leaved Forests of the Kaluzhskie Zaseki Reserve
No 4 (2023) RESEARCH Forest Growing Conditions Affect the CO2 Emission from the Soil Surface in the Middle Taiga Pine Forests of the Komi Republic
No 4 (2023) RESEARCH Forest Stands Formation on Exhausted Peat Bogs in the North-East of the European Part of Russia
No 4 (2023) RESEARCH Peculiarities of the Vital Functions Restoration in Pallas Black Pines Following a Forest Fire
No 4 (2023) RESEARCH Biological Productivity of the Post-Fire Larch Forests in the Mountain Regions of Krasnoyarsk Krai
No 4 (2023) RESEARCH Approaches to Improving the State of the Shelterbelts in the Northern Caucasus
No 4 (2023) RESEARCH Development and Application of Two Multiplexes of Nuclear Microsatellite Loci for the Analysis of Genetic Variability of Scots Pine Populations in Different Parts of the Range
No 3 (2023) RESEARCH Density of Tree Wood and Bark in Climatic Gradients of Eurasia
No 3 (2023) RESEARCH Changes in a Parcel Structure of Liana-Broadleaved Forests in Primorsky Region Over 20 Years
No 4 (2023) RESEARCH Use of Stimulants for Pre-Sowing Treatment of the Scots Pine Seeds
No 3 (2023) RESEARCH Scots Pine Generative Sphere as an Indicator of the Climate-Determined Change in Vital States of the Populations
No 4 (2023) SHORT COMMUNICATION Important Forest Areas of the Orel Region
No 3 (2023) RESEARCH Feeding Area and Growth of Trees in the Middle-Aged Pine Plantations
No 3 (2023) RESEARCH Grey Heron Colonies Affect the Radial Growth of Trees in Pine Plantations
No 3 (2023) RESEARCH Comparative Assessment of the Functional Efficiency of Arboriflora Species Composition in Urban Green Spaces
No 3 (2023) RESEARCH Geochemical Peculiarities of the Peat Litter’s Morphometric Fractions in the Swamp Birch Forests of Western Siberia’s Southern Taiga
No 3 (2023) REVIEWS The Role of the Stem Pests in Changing the Condition of Coniferous Forests of the North-West of the European Part of Russia
No 3 (2023) ANNALS OF FOREST SCIENCE Geoecological Research and Management Principles in the Northern Caucasus’ Mountain Forests
No 5 (2023) RESEARCH Belarusian Oak Forests Afflicted with Armillaria Root Rot during Their Mass Desiccation
No 5 (2023) RESEARCH Estimation of Perspectives of Sapling Development of Quercus robur L. in the Wood Coenoses of Moscow Region
No 5 (2023) RESEARCH Vitality Structure of the Middle-Aged Northern Taiga Pine Forest Stands
No 5 (2023) RESEARCH Climate Affecting the Carbon, Phytomass and Litter Stocks in Forest Stans of the South of the European Russia
No 5 (2023) RESEARCH Restoration of Vegetation on Fallows in Krasnoyarsk Territory’s Forest Steppes
No 5 (2023) RESEARCH Analysis of the Stocks and Conditions of Harvesting for Forest Berries with Considering Their Spatial Distribution and Availability
No 5 (2023) RESEARCH Siberian Larch Reproduction Using the Somatic Embryogenesis Biotechnology
No 5 (2023) RESEARCH Reproductive phenology of Milicia excelsa, Antiaris toxicaria, and Pouteria adolfi-friedericii in South West Ethiopia
No 5 (2023) SHORT COMMUNICATION Aphid Species Composition in Three Parks of Saint-Petersburg and Leningrad Region in 2021
No 5 (2023) SHORT COMMUNICATION Ecological and Geographical Variability of Annual Shoots of Hawthorn in Dagestan
No 6 (2023) RESEARCH Age-Related Changes in the Ratios of the Components of Aboveground Phytomass of Forest-Forming Species of Eurasia
No 6 (2023) RESEARCH Structural Features of Pine Catena Stands: from Forest to Oligotrophic Bog
No 6 (2023) RESEARCH Tree Storey Structure and Condition Dynamics in Middle-Taiga Native Spruce Forests of the Northern Ural Foothills
No 6 (2023) RESEARCH Siberian Fir Needles Growth and Structural Features Studied in the North-East of the European Russia
No 6 (2023) RESEARCH Biological Properties of the Siberian Pine’s Seeds
No 6 (2023) RESEARCH Syntaxonomical Diversity and Overall Condition of Protective Forest Plantations in the Myasnikovsky District of the Rostov Region
No 6 (2023) RESEARCH Species and Structural Diversity of Coniferous-Broadleaved Mixed Forests of the Pshekha River, North-Western Caucasus
No 6 (2023) RESEARCH Assessment of the Negative Impact of the Quarantine Pest Oak Lace Bug in the Western Caucasus
No 6 (2023) REVIEWS Approaches to the Carbon Sequestration in Climatic Projects
No 6 (2023) SHORT COMMUNICATION Landscape Planning Organisation of the “Severny Les” Park of Voronezh
No 6 (2023) SHORT COMMUNICATION Assessing the Amount of Force Necessary to Pick off Cones from Siberian Larch, Scots Pine and Siberian Pine Trees
No 6 (2023) SHORT COMMUNICATION Photosynthesis of widespread lichen species in pine forests of Central Siberia
No 6 (2023) OBITUARY Цельникер Юдифь Львовна (1921–2023)
No 1 (2024) RESEARCH The nutrient cycle in indigenous polytric-sphagnum spruce forests of Komi Republic
No 1 (2024) RESEARCH The balance of the woody fraction of the indigenous spruce forests’ biomass in the European Russia’s taiga
No 1 (2024) RESEARCH Half-century dynamics of structure and productivity of forest stands in primeval and first time clear cut middle boreal forests
No 1 (2024) RESEARCH Growth and productivity of trees in forest crops of Norway spruce in Smolensk-Moscow Upland
No 1 (2024) RESEARCH Landscape Features affecting the dynamics of forest growth on agricultural lands of the Perm Territory
No 1 (2024) RESEARCH Natural regrowth of the Norway maple in the Ob forest steppes
No 1 (2024) RESEARCH Comparative assessment of Tree species as ecosystem indicator of heavy metals accumulation in calcic chernozems on the SFU’s botanical garden
No 1 (2024) RESEARCH Mechanical stability of Virginian juniper trees in steppe zone of the eastern-european plain
No 1 (2024) RESEARCH Population structure and phenological patterns of milicia excelsa in moist evergreen afromontane forests of Southwestern Ethiopia
No 1 (2024) REVIEWS Methodologies оf the forest climatic projects realisation: a review
No 1 (2024) SHORT COMMUNICATION Occurrence of inonotus dryophilus and phellinus robustus in coppice oak stands of Ulyanovsk region
No 2 (2024) RESEARCH Current Assessment of the Wetland Carbon Pool in Different Constituent Entities of the Russian Federation
No 2 (2024) RESEARCH Predictions of Carbon Stock in the Southern Moscow Region Forests Under Different Forest Use Scenarios
No 2 (2024) RESEARCH Bark Thickness of Forest-forming Species: Modeling and Comparative Analysis
No 2 (2024) RESEARCH Ratio of Stem Wood Volumes in Forest Stands and Dead Wood of the Taiga Spruce Forests in European Russia
No 2 (2024) RESEARCH Water Affecting Photosynthesis of Seedlings Growing in the Oopen
No 2 (2024) RESEARCH Post-Pyrogenic Successions in Oak-Korean Pine Forests with Schisandra chinensis and Corylus mandshurica in Sikhote-Alin
No 2 (2024) RESEARCH Influence of the Periodicity of Ground Fires in Middle-Аged Pine Forests on the Combustible Materials Stocks
No 2 (2024) RESEARCH Recreational Assessment of Green Belt Forests of the Ulaanbaatar City
No 2 (2024) RESEARCH Detection of Phytoplasma belonging to the 16SrXXI group in Scott pine and mountain pine

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