Ratio of Stem Wood Volumes in Forest Stands and Dead Wood of the Taiga Spruce Forests in European Russia

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The article discusses the formation of the stem wood volumes ratio between the forest stands and the deadwood in an indigenous forest community with a contribution from wood-decaying fungi, using the spruce formations of the European Russia’s taiga zone as an example. For the analysis, 30 spruce ecosystems were taken, 10 in each of the taiga subzones (northern, middle and southern) with different dynamic characteristics — climax, demutational and digressional ecosystems. Using the method of study plots (SP), the silvicultural characteristics of ecosystems and the morphometric indicators of trees were described, and the volumes of stem wood of the forest stands forming phytocenoses and the deadwood decomposed by wood-destroying fungi were calculated. Indicators of the stem wood volumes ratio between the forest stands and the dead wood in spruce plantations of various dynamic phases were calculated, for which phase position scores were calculated. Indicators of the relationship between the volumes of stem wood in forest stands and in dead wood (R2)and linear correlation coefficients (r) for forest stands of different successional positions were determined in Microsoft Excel. The calculations confirmed the presence of a relationship between the stem wood volumes of tree stands and deadwood for the studied spruce forests using a point estimate of the phase position of ecosystems: in both programs (R2 and r) the relationship indicators were characterized as strong to very strong (Chaddock, 1925).

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About the authors

V. G. Storozhenko

Institute of Forest Science of the RAS

Author for correspondence.
Email: lesoved@mail.ru
Russian Federation, Sovetskaya st. 21, Uspenskoe, Moscow Oblast, 143030

Ya. I. Gulbe

Institute of Forest Science of the RAS

Email: lesoved@mail.ru
Russian Federation, Sovetskaya st. 21, Uspenskoe, Moscow Oblast, 143030


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