Natural regrowth of the Norway maple in the Ob forest steppes

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Norway maple (Acer platanoides L.) is a valuable woody plant of great economic importance. It is decorative and is a source of strong and resilient wood, thus having a good potential for introduction. In this regard, the purpose of the study was to study the process of natural renewal, the growth dynamics and the age structure of Norway maple in the forest-steppes of the Ob region. The material for the study was 6 Norway maple trees and their undergrowth of different ages. An assessment of the natural regeneration, growth dynamics and age structure of the species was carried out taking into account the place of growth, height and age of the plant, using the methods of E.M. Lavrenko with A.A. Korchagin and R.V. Popadyuk with co-authors. The height-age structure of undergrowth and the relative participation of age groups were determined according to the recommendations of A.N. Martynov with co-authors and A.Yu. Kulagin with I.F. Shayakhmetov. It has been established that Norway maple has been successfully introduced and its undergrowth is adapted for growth in the conditions of the forest-steppe of the Ob region. The highest relative participation of age groups falls on plants 1–3 years old, with no significant difference from the place of growth. Then there is a gradual decrease in the amount of undergrowth due to natural mortality.

Age groups of 4–8 years and 9–20 years, growing in favorable conditions, are characterized by more intensive growth with little mortality.

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About the authors

N. N. Likhenko

Siberian research institute of crop cultivation and selection

Author for correspondence.
Rwanda, S-200 st. 5/1, Krasnoobsk stl., Novosibirsk Region, 630501

T. N. Kapko

Siberian research institute of crop cultivation and selection

Russian Federation, S-200 st. 5/1, Krasnoobsk stl., Novosibirsk Region, 630501

A. P. Yepanchintseva

Siberian research institute of crop cultivation and selection

Russian Federation, S-200 st. 5/1, Krasnoobsk stl., Novosibirsk Region, 630501


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Relative participation of age groups of holly maple undergrowth depending on growing conditions.

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