The nutrient cycle in indigenous polytric-sphagnum spruce forests of Komi Republic

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The paper presents materials that showcase the local cycle of chemical elements in the soil-phytocenosis system of a mature middle taiga polytric-sphagnum spruce forest on hydromorphic podzolic soils. The structure of organic and mineral matter of plants of different tiers is also presented here. The work also provides a concept for the nitrogen and ash elements migration in the process of phytomass forming and their influx with plant litter. The main role in the structural composition of annual production of organic matter and litter in the ecosystem of an old-growth spruce forest is played by the forest stand. It was established that 1329.84 kg ha1 of mineral nutrition elements accumulate in plant phytomass. N, Ca, and K are characterized by a greater accumulation capacity. Spruce forest plants remove 136.18 kg ha1 of mineral nutrition elements from soils with annual production. With annual litter, 107.00 kg ha1 of nitrogen and ash elements get back to the soil, of which 37.0 kg ha1 are released in the process of plant litter destruction. The main accumulator of nutrients is the organic soil horizon, where 2421.79 kg ha1 of chemical elements are concentrated. With atmospheric precipitation, 22.6 kg ha1 of nitrogen and ash elements enter the soil during the year. It has been shown that the rate of mineral elements leaching beyond the root layer (0–40 cm) with surface waters is 71.78 kg ha1 per year.

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About the authors

K. S. Bobkova

Institute of Biology, Komi Scientific Centre, Ural Branch of the RAS

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Kommunisticheskaya st. 28, Syktyvkar, 167982

N. V. Likhanova

Botanical garden of Syktyvkar State University

Russian Federation, Oktyabrsky ave. 55, Syktyvkar, Komi Republic, 167001


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. Aboveground (1) and underground (2) mass of plants in the longmose-sphagnum spruce forest.

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