Post-Pyrogenic Successions in Oak-Korean Pine Forests with Schisandra chinensis and Corylus mandshurica in Sikhote-Alin

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This article discusses the results of long-term stationary studies of the formation and development of oak-cedar pine forests with magnolia berry and hazel growing in the Southern and Middle Sikhote-Alin. Considered here are the peculiarities of stands decline, seed-based reforestation, as well as the tree species growth and development courses during the process of reforestation successions in areas with different intensity of fire exposure. Following persistent ground fires, the stands decline is most intensive in the first 5 years, with decay rates and the number of surviving trees varying in different types of burnt areas. The most active seed-based reforestation occurs on post-fire sites mainly during the first 2 years, with birch, aspen and other early stage species predominating. The rate of annual growth of the young generation of trees is the most intensive on plots significantly damaged by fire, in serial species (birch, aspen, Maak’s bird cherry, etc.) they are an order of magnitude higher than in climax broadleaved and coniferous species. Determination of dominance indices, equally dependent on the numbers of undergrowth, thin and large trees, showed that during reforestation successions after both rapid and persistent lowland fires, the phytocenotic importance dynamics in Korean pine, Mongolian oak and other forest forming species has its own peculiarities.

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About the authors

N. B. Prokhorenko

Kazan Federal University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Kremliovskaya st. 18, Kazan, 420008

T. A. Komarova

Federal research centre of land biodiversity of Eastern Asia, Far-Eastern branch of the RAS

Russian Federation, 100-letiya Vladivostoka ave. 159, Vladivostok, 690022

S. G. Glushkoc

Kazan Federal University

Russian Federation, Kremliovskaya st. 18, Kazan, 420008


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1.

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3. Fig. 2.

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4. Fig. 3.

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