Lista de artigos

Edição Título Arquivo
Nº 12 (2023) ‘Anti-Chinese’ course and expansion of US cooperation with allies in the Asia-Pacific
Chudinova K.
Nº 9 (2024) The Anti-China Narrative in Canada's Indo-Pacific Strategy
Solyanova M.
Nº 9 (2023) Coalition Avenir Québec’s Politics: Autonomism, Nationalism and Pragmatism
Akimov Y.
Nº 8 (2024) The Soft War of Biotechnology: The Republic of Korea and the United States
Semina L.
Nº 6 (2024) "Invisible Force" or Diplomatic Powerlessness? (American Diplomacy Through the Eyes of CIA Director William Burns)
Surguladze V.
Nº 12 (2023) The Biden administration nuclear posture review: a new vision?
Krivolapov O., Stepanova N.
Nº 9 (2023) Russia Group of the Biden Administration’s National Security Council Staff (2021-2022)
Minaev M.
Nº 9 (2024) 9th Conference on Canadian Studies at Saint Petersburg State University
Akimov Y., Minkova K.
Nº 7 (2024) Transregional Security Impacts of the Special Military Operation and Strategic Interests of the United States and China
Yixiang S.
Nº 3 (2024) Distinctive Features of the Mexican Automobile Industry and its Industrial Integration in North America
Feist A.
Nº 2 (2023) Actualizing Robert Jervis
Surguladze V.
Nº 6 (2024) Current Aspects of U.S. Foreign Trade Policy
Menshikova A.
Nº 1 (2024) U.S.-German Relations: Concretization of the Future
Sindeev A.
Nº 8 (2023) U.S. - Chinese foreign economic relations at the stage of "partial decoupling"
Dmitriev S.
Nº 6 (2023) U.S.-China competition for Taiwan: chips and war
Selyanin Y.
Nº 9 (2023) American approaches to the post-crisis world order
Zamanapulov D.
Nº 6 (2024) American Experts on the Problem of Undermining the Stability of Russian Society
Podlesnyi P.
Nº 10 (2023) The american factor in the activities of the modern syrian political opposition
Tsibikov V.
Nº 1 (2024) The Anatomy of Foreign Policy Crises
Surguladze V.
Nº 2 (2024) Anglo-American Relations under Biden
Mamedova A.
Nº 9 (2024) The Arab Dynamics of the Confusing U.S. Dilemma: the Struggle for Valuable Territories
Derbenev A.
Nº 5 (2023) Arbatov - the man who stopped the cold war
Rogov S.
Nº 5 (2023) Georgy Arbatov was a towering figure
Legvold R.
Nº 3 (2023) Banks as existential but uncontested Evil of the world economy (about the 2022 Nobel prize in economics)
Vasiliev V.
Nº 12 (2023) The banking phenomenon of North Carolina: from origins to the present
Nikitin L.
Nº 4 (2023) The future of monarchy in Canada
Komkova E.
Nº 5 (2024) The Future of Taiwan's Independence in the Context of U.S.-China Relations
Morozov Y.
Nº 6 (2024) Budget Process in the USA: Shutdown as a Tool of Inter-Party Struggle
Kirichenko E.
Nº 1 (2023) In search of oneself and wildlife. Theodore Roosevelt in North Dakota
Vivatenko S., Sivolap T.
Nº 5 (2023) "A nuclear war cannot be won…”
Allison G.
Nº 4 (2023) Wind and solar energy effect in Canada
Gazman V.
Nº 7 (2023) China-USA-Russia relations in conditions of military crisis in Ukraine
Morozov Y.
Nº 9 (2023) The influence of think tanks on the U.S. policy toward North Korea
Zakharova M.
Nº 11 (2023) The impact of financialization on economic growth (the example of the USA and Russia)
Vlaskin P., Tenyakov I.
Nº 3 (2024) Washington's Foreign Policy towards Georgia: Influences of Domestic Policy
Gegelashvili N.
Nº 6 (2024) The Military Strategy of the Biden Administration in the Indo-Pacific Region
Batyuk V.
Nº 5 (2023) US military spending: the real size and reasons for the overstatement
Anureev S.
Nº 11 (2023) Armed forces and military-industrial complex of India in the era of global turbulence
Kupriyanov A.
Nº 11 (2023) The U.S. military-industrial complex as a factor in maintaining its dominant global position
Babkina S.
Nº 8 (2024) Cold War II
Babaev K.
Nº 2 (2023) Challenges and risks of social security in the us at the beginning of the 2020s
Lebedeva L.
Nº 4 (2024) Higher Education in the USA: Characteristics of Development During the Third Decade of the 21st Century
Supyan V.
Nº 12 (2023) US hegemony in Latin America and opportunities to overcome it: horizon 2040
Goliney V., Rosenthal D.
Nº 12 (2023) Henry Kissinger and US policy in the South of Africa
Karamaev S.
Nº 7 (2024) Geopolitical Triangle "Russia – USA – China" in the Context of Sanctions Confrontation
Zakliazminskaia E.
Nº 1 (2023) Globalization as a threat to american industrial enterprises in the era of digital economy
Konareva L.
Nº 10 (2023) Russia specialists panel of the Trump administration national security council
Minaev M.
Nº 8 (2024) The US-India Dialogue: A Look from China
Uyanaev S.
Nº 5 (2024) Dilemmas of U.S. Decarbonization
Ivanov N., Poussenkova N.
Nº 7 (2024) France's Dilemmas in the Indo-Pacific: It’s Hard to Be the Third
Timofeev P.
Nº 1 (2023) Barack Obama’s diplomacy and the syrian peace process
Yurk A.
Nº 1 (2024) The Annual Canadian Sociological Association Conference 2023. Research Cluster: Sociology of Housing
Litvintsev D.
Nº 10 (2023) “The west needs a new strategy towards Ukraine”
Podlesnyi P.
Nº 9 (2024) The U.S. Health Care: A Silhouette in the 2024 Presidential Campaign
Shvedova N.
Nº 9 (2023) Significance of the 2022 United States midterm elections for the African American community
Vorobyev D.
Nº 9 (2023) Ideological struggle in Russian-American relations
Batyuk V.
Nº 10 (2023) The changing vector of the United States climate policy in 1992-2023
Pekarnikova M., Polonskiy A.
Nº 3 (2023) The Indo-Pacific in US foreign policy planning
Boldyrev V.
Nº 4 (2024) The Institutionalization of English Language Hegemony in the United States of America
MARUSENKO M., Marusenko N.
Nº 8 (2024) The Interests of the American Corporate Sector in the Context of Fragmentation of the Global Economy and Conflict with Russia
Kozlov V.
Nº 2 (2024) German Security and Defence Policy in the Early 2020s and the Influence of US Interests
Trunov P.
Nº 10 (2023) Information support of foreign capital control in the USA
Arkhangelsky I.
Nº 1 (2024) Informatsiya dlya avtorov
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Nº 2 (2024) Informatsiya dlya avtorov
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Nº 3 (2024) Informatsiya dlya avtorov
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Nº 4 (2024) Informatsiya dlya avtorov
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Nº 5 (2024) Informatsiya dlya avtorov
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Nº 6 (2023) Historical and contemporary problems of african americans in the field of school education in the USA
Vorobyev D.
Nº 1 (2024) Three Years of J. Biden’s Presidency: The State of Economy and Mid-Term Forecasts
Supyan V.
Nº 5 (2024) To the 200th Anniversary of the Signing of the Russian-American Convention
Petrov A.
Nº 6 (2023) Canadian-japanese relations: on the 95th anniversary of the establishment
Issraelyan E.
Nº 7 (2023) China in American Indo-Pacific policy: goals and evolution
Uyanaev S.
Nº 7 (2024) Chinese Perception of “New Bipolarity” and “New Cold War” Concepts
Zuenko I.
Nº 7 (2024) Chinese Peaceful Plan for Ukraine in the Context of USA-China-Russia "Triangle"
Petrovskiy V.
Nº 7 (2023) Chinese surveillance balloon as a factor in U.S.-China relations
Stepanov A.
Nº 7 (2024) The Chinese Factor in Relations between the USA and India: Dynamics and Prospects
Uyanaev S.
Nº 7 (2023) Sino-Russian cooperation in the context of Sino-US strategic rivalry
Xu B., Ding H.
Nº 1 (2023) Climate agenda of the leading US oil companies
Ivanov N., Poussenkova N.
Nº 3 (2023) Congress and the U.S. unilateral withdrawal from international arms control agreements (2002-2020)
Gretskaia O.
Nº 2 (2023) Conference "80 years of russia-canada relations, 1942-2022"
Akimov Y., Minkova K.
Nº 6 (2023) The Ukraine conflict in the context of Russia-US relationship
Prikhodko O.
Nº 5 (2023) The Apollo space program in U.S. public diplomacy for the Soviet Union (1961-1972)
Fominykh A.
Nº 2 (2024) The Crisis of Race-Based Affirmative Action Policy in the US Higher Education
Vorobyev D.
Nº 3 (2024) Intercivilizational Interaction between the United States and the Non-Western World (The Civilizational Identity of Russia in the Context of S. Huntington’s Concept of the Clash of Civilizations)
Surguladze V.
Nº 6 (2023) Scaling techniques the US strategy towards china 2017-2021 (case of Taiwan)
Romanov R.
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Nº 8 (2023) Modernization of the US immigration system as an important condition for maintaining global technological leadership
Nikolskaya G.
Nº 4 (2023) Think tanks under president Joseph Biden
Bratersky A.
Nº 4 (2023) Bridge across the ocean and “handshake in space”
Bystrova I.
Nº 3 (2023) Multilateralism and minilateralism as global governance mechanisms
Polulyakh D.
Nº 5 (2023) “We are not the institute of the United States, we are the institute of the USSR”
Yevenko L.
Nº 1 (2023) The initial period of the sino-japanese war 1937-1939
Ermakov D., Popov G., Kazenkov O.
Nº 5 (2023) Don't mess with Yura - he's a veteran
Lukin V.
Nº 6 (2024) Canada's Intangible Economic Cultural Capital (Outline for Characterization)
Studentsov V.
Nº 3 (2024) US Intangible Economic Cultural Capital (Outline for Characterization)
Studentsov V.
Nº 5 (2023) The unusual midterm elections: results and trends
Shvedova N.
Nº 5 (2024) U.S. New Industrial Policy Under the Administration of President J. Biden
Kochegurov D.
Nº 8 (2023) The new tendencies in the development of international relations in the Аsia-Pacific region
Panov A.
Nº 5 (2023) Financial stability risks of the U.S. social security system
Lebedeva L.
Nº 5 (2024) The Significance of Federal Social Transfers in the US: Evolution of Approaches
Lebedeva L.
Nº 8 (2024) On the DPRK-US Relations
Zhebin A.
Nº 12 (2023) International exchanges as an instrument of american public diplomacy
Artamonova U.
Nº 11 (2023) Europe’s defence industry: current challenges and possible ways of development
Koroschupov V.
Nº 11 (2023) South African defence industry: negative development
Karamaev S.
Nº 11 (2023) US military-industrial complex under the influence of the ukrainian conflict
Shkrobtak I.
Nº 11 (2023) Defense industry of Türkiye as a factor of domestic and foreign policy
Vernigora A.
Nº 5 (2023) He always remained a true patriot of his country
Pechatnov V.
Nº 2 (2023) Strategic planning system experience in the United States and its possible applications in Russia
Kravchenko E.
Nº 3 (2024) Indicators of Increased Military Production in the United States
Shkrobtak I.
Nº 8 (2024) Features of the Policy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in the Asia-Pacific Region
Bui T.
Nº 8 (2023) Features of economic sanctions as a tool to protect the strategic interests of the United States
Soldatenkova O.
Nº 2 (2024) Howland Island: From the History of US Expansion in the Pacific
Terebov O.
Nº 7 (2024) U.S. – China Relations and the Russian Factor: Current Tendencies
Trush S.
Nº 2 (2023) The U.S. - German relations in political and military spheres in 2022: cooperation or competition?
Trunov P.
Nº 6 (2024) Reflections of Culture Wars in Contemporary U.S. Cinema
Khalilov V.
Nº 11 (2023) Pakistan’s defense industry amid "pivot to the East" and "saving traditional strategic ties"
Makarevich G.
Nº 2 (2024) Pan-Ethnic Terms to Refer to the Hispanics in the U.S.: a Comparative Analysis
Chernykh M.
Nº 5 (2023) The first russian textbook on Quebec culture
Akimov Y.
Nº 5 (2024) J. Biden’s First Term: Renaissance of U.S. Public Diplomacy?
Artamonova U.
Nº 1 (2024) Shift of US Military Spending to Allies: Intensions and Realities
Anureev S.
Nº 2 (2024) US Plans to Take Control of the Microchip Market
Zabrovskaya L.
Nº 10 (2023) Chinese policy of the J. Biden administration
Batyuk V.
Nº 2 (2023) Washington's policy amidst the new geopolitical realities in the Transcaucasus
Gegelashvili N.
Nº 6 (2023) Washington's policy against the backdrop of fierce competition between the U.S. and China in Central Asia
Gegelashvili N.
Nº 3 (2023) The automotive industry policy of the president of the USA Joseph Biden
Feist A.
Nº 10 (2023) U.S. policy in Central Asia in the context of confrontation with Russia and China
Perminova A.
Nº 2 (2024) US Policy on Assigning “Major Non-NATO Ally” Status to GCC States
Doroshenko G.
Nº 5 (2024) Political Profile of Jacob Sullivan
Bratersky A.
Nº 9 (2024) The Political Legacy of Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney (1939–2024)
Issraelyan E.
Nº 1 (2023) The coming of age of american painting: images of the eighties
Pereverzeva M.
Nº 9 (2024) After Afghanistan: U.S. Military Policy in the Middle East
Batyuk V.
Nº 10 (2023) Prospects for the supply of weapons from the US, the eu and the United Kingdom to Ukraine
Shkrobtak I.
Nº 9 (2023) Canada’s claim to the continental shelf in the Arctic
Volodin D.
Nº 4 (2023) Non-proliferation precedents: conflict between the US and Iran in the context of deterring the iranian nuclear program
Bobkin N.
Nº 9 (2023) The United States and China in the Indian Ocean: a view from New Delhi
Kupriyanov A.
Nº 3 (2023) The problem of climate change in the energy policy of the Biden administration
Khlopov O.
Nº 7 (2023) Misperception of Chinese foreign policy as a factor of US-China decoupling
Zuenko I.
Nº 8 (2023) Debt ceiling problems: is the US facing a technical default?
Kirichenko E.
Nº 11 (2023) Export of the South Korea’s defense: problems and prospects
Zueva A.
Nº 12 (2023) Features of ensuring food security in the arctic territories of North America
Soldatenkova O.
Nº 3 (2024) Fakeization Processes in the U.S. Information Space: Problems and Solutions
Nerentz D.
Nº 4 (2024) U.S. Approaches to Regulating Digital Assets
Chadaeva T.
Nº 7 (2024) Regime Transformation of the PRC and the Formulation of a Strategy to Contain China: Assessments of American Sinologists
Skosyrev V.
Nº 4 (2024) Latino Religious Shift: Causes and Impact on the U.S. Political System
Chernykh M.
Nº 10 (2023) The republican mother: the ideal woman in the early U.S
Sebryuk A.
Nº 11 (2023) Republican electoral reform project: fight for “fair” elections?
Antonov E., Chestnyagina K.
Nº 2 (2023) The role of the american mass media in the information warfare of the 21st century
Nerentz D.
Nº 1 (2024) The Role of the U.S. Supreme Court in the Constitutional Interpretation and Law-Making
Berlyavsky L.
Nº 11 (2023) The role of India as one of the key arms exporters to Myanmar (february 2021 - may 2023)
Zaitsev I.
Nº 7 (2024) The Role of Russia and China in the Confrontation with the United States
Klimenko A.
1 - 150 de 201 resultados 1 2 > >> 

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