Geopolitical Triangle "Russia – USA – China" in the Context of Sanctions Confrontation

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The article analyzes Washington's sanctions policy towards Russia and China, the countermeasures taken by Moscow and Beijing, as well as the most acute areas of confrontation between the parties. The main conclusion of the study is the postulate about the ineffectiveness of the imposed sanctions and the failure to achieve the initial goals – changing the foreign policy of the state. Neither Russia nor China intend to change their political course; they actively oppose sanctions and have united with other sanctioned states, which Washington calls «bad actors» in the international arena due to the uncontrollability of their behavior by the United States. Washington fears the strengthening of these states and the possible formation of new leaders in their regions.

About the authors

E. O. Zakliazminskaia

Institute of China and Contemporary Asia of the Russian Academy of Sciences

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-2777-4973
ResearcherId: AAG-5234-2021
Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Senior Research Fellow Moscow, Russian Federation


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