On the DPRK-US Relations

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The article analyzes the state and prospects of relations between the DPRK and the United States in the context of statements made in the spring of 2024 by the staff of the administration of J. Biden. They said the United States is ready to start a dialogue with the DPRK "on a wide range of issues", "without any conditions" and consider some "intermediate steps" towards the complete denuclearization of the DPRK. However, the US practical measures indicate that these "advances" are of a propaganda nature. It is unlikely that agreements with the DPRK on the nuclear issue and other issues of bilateral relations will be reached before the US presidential elections.

About the authors

Alexander Z. Zhebin

Institute of China and Contemporary Asia Russian Academy of Sciences (ICCA RAS)

Email: zhebin@iccaras.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-3060-2390
Scopus Author ID: 250455
Candidate of Sciences (Political), Leading researcher Moscow, Russian Federation


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