Wind and solar energy effect in Canada

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The article presents the results of a study of the achieved effect of reducing CO2 emissions when replacing coal and oil with wind and solar energy. The concept of determining the achieved savings developed by the author is described in detail. The author's methodology and step-by-step calculations with comments are presented. The calculations are based on the actual amount of the fee for CO2 emissions, taking into account the damage caused, the number of people saved from premature death due to CO2 emissions, the economic cost of living determined by the World Bank for Canada, health care costs due to concomitant diseases, the social discount rate. This makes it possible for the first time to determine the real socio-economic effect of replacing fossil energy sources with cleaner energy carriers. Generation prices are compared. An argument is presented that refutes the arguments about the increase in costs in the economy, which may occur due to an increase in fees for harmful CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. Taking into account the economic cost of life, health care costs, social discount rates, carbon charges in Canada, it was possible to prevent the premature death of 11,307 people in six years, i.e. more than 5 people per 10 thousand inhabitants of the country. The total savings of the resources under consideration during this period amounted to almost 122 billion USD. In the conditions of the energy crisis, coal mines were partially deconserved to temporarily replace less carbon-intensive natural gas at power plants. I believe that this is a temporary and forced measure, associated with negative environmental consequences, which, of course, will lead to human and economic losses. The results obtained make it possible to establish more accurate benchmarks to justify the construction of wind and solar power plants, and to use hydrocarbon resources more efficiently.

About the authors

Victor D. Gazman

National Research University Higher School of Economics

Moscow, Russian Federation


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