Washington's Foreign Policy towards Georgia: Influences of Domestic Policy

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The article examines the policies of the United States and the EU regarding Georgian domestic policies. It identifies reasons for Georgia's deviations from its democratic path, a country whose regional importance to the United States has significantly increased amidst severe confrontations with Russia. The article analyzes the current situation in Georgia before its parliamentary elections, scheduled for the fall of 2024. It discusses the assertive and proactive policies of both Washington and the European Union acting together within the Transatlantic Partnership format. However, we can see a consistency of Washington’s policy in the region, particularly evident in its approach toward Georgia in the context of the United States' growing interest in the region, underscored by the strategic importance of Black Sea coastal countries amidst the current tensions between the Russian Federation and the West.

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About the authors

N. A Gegelashvili

Georgy Arbatov Institute for U.S. and Canada Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences (ISKRAN).

Email: ngegel@hotmail.com
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-2564-0031
Scopus Author ID: 57215842480
Candidate of Sciences (Politics), Leading Researcher Moscow, Russian Federation


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