The Chinese Factor in Relations between the USA and India: Dynamics and Prospects

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The “China factor” is a rare item in the official agenda of the interstate dialogue between the United States and India. Nevertheless, the influence of Chinese policies on the nature of US-India relations is widely recognized not only at the expert level but also on the political sidelines, particularly in the United States. The “China factor” is not the only motive for the rapprochement between Washington and New Delhi, but its role is quite stable. This article makes an attempt to trace the dynamics of the Chinese factor in American-Indian relations from the beginning of this century when the accelerated strengthening of bilateral ties has started. The author examines the interdependence between the intensity of the US-India dialogue and the nature of the relations of each of the two countries with the rapidly developing PRC. Some scenario forecasts have been formulated.

About the authors

S. V. Uyanaev

Institute of China and Contemporary Asia of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ICCA RAS)

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5471-8224
Scopus Author ID: 23486790800
Candidate of Sciences (History), Head Moscow, Russian Federation


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