The Role of Russia and China in the Confrontation with the United States

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The present article analyzes the interstate rivalry between the United States and China, as well as Russia's role in international relations in general. The study touches upon several key aspects, including the evolution of U.S.-China relations, the current crisis in bilateral relations, and the strategic interaction between Russia and China against the expansion of the United States and the collective West. The article focuses on the possibility of a direct military clash between the U.S. and China and analyzes the likelihood of Russia's involvement in such a conflict. The aim of the study was to analyze U.S.-China contradictions and the role of Russia and China in potential and actual conflicts involving Western countries. The author draws several important conclusions. First, the successful actions of the Russian armed forces in Ukraine undermine the plans of the U.S. and the West, leading to attempts to "freeze" the conflict and restore Ukraine's military potential. Second, tensions in the Indo-Pacific region and the strengthening of alliances directed against China reinforce the need for Russia and the PRC to come closer together. Third, mutual support and security cooperation between Russia and China are key to ensuring stability on their common border and the formation of a just world order. The author calls for increased joint efforts between Russia and China within the framework of international organizations such as the SCO, CSTO, and BRICS to ensure security and stability in Greater Eurasia.

About the authors

A. F. Klimenko

Institute of China and Contemporary Asia of the Russian Academy of Sciences

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4925-6229
Lieutenant General (ret.), Candidate of Sciences (Military), Professor Moscow, Russian Federation


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