Strategic planning system experience in the United States and its possible applications in Russia

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In the modern world, more and more attention is paid to the issues of strategic planning both at corporate and state levels. Sustainable socio-economic development of the state, improving quality of life of citizens and ensuring security depend, along with other factors, on effectiveness of strategic planning. Federal Law No. 172-FZ of June 28, 2014 «On Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation» establishes the legal framework for the building and development of an integrated system of strategic planning in the field of socio-economic development and national security of Russia. Today, the approach to strategic planning in Russia is characterized by both systemic shortcomings and practical implementation problems. Of particular relevance to the topic is current difficult economic and geopolitical situation, in which inefficient organization of planning increases the risks many times over. As a consequence, it is extremely important to consider the world experience of state strategic planning. The article is focused on the planning system that has developed in the United States. The complexity of the approach, its flexibility, efficiency, harmonization of goals at various levels, tight integration of all elements of the strategic planning system (planning, forecasting, budgeting, management), strict monitoring and control of key performance indicators make it a possible basis for improving the system that exists in our country.

About the authors

Evgeny I. Kravchenko

Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Moscow, Russian Federation


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