US Plans to Take Control of the Microchip Market

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The article explores the reasons for the special interest of the USA in the global production of microchips. The main provisions of the US "CHIPS Act of 2022" have been studied. The main manufacturers of microchips are defined and attention is paid to studying the degree of their interdependence. Position of China was studied on the issue of interaction with the main chip manufacturers. Possibilities of its authorities to counteract the US plans to isolate China from the main microchip manufacturers were assessed. The conclusion: China has a rather technologically intensive production of microchips and is closely connected with foreign manufacturers. China’s complete isolation is impossible. The USA will not be able to establish full control over the global production of microchips.

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About the authors

L. V Zabrovskaya

Russian Academy of Sciences

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0076-4209
Doctor of Sciences (History), Leading Researcher 89, Pushkinskaya Str., 690001, Vladivostok, Russian Federation.


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