Мақалалар тізімі

Шығарылым Атауы Файл
№ 12 (2023) ‘Anti-Chinese’ course and expansion of US cooperation with allies in the Asia-Pacific
Chudinova K.
№ 9 (2023) Coalition Avenir Québec’s Politics: Autonomism, Nationalism and Pragmatism
Akimov Y.
№ 12 (2023) The Biden administration nuclear posture review: a new vision?
Krivolapov O., Stepanova N.
№ 9 (2023) Russia Group of the Biden Administration’s National Security Council Staff (2021-2022)
Minaev M.
№ 3 (2024) Distinctive Features of the Mexican Automobile Industry and its Industrial Integration in North America
Feist A.
№ 2 (2023) Actualizing Robert Jervis
Surguladze V.
№ 1 (2024) U.S.-German Relations: Concretization of the Future
Sindeev A.
№ 8 (2023) U.S. - Chinese foreign economic relations at the stage of "partial decoupling"
Dmitriev S.
№ 6 (2023) U.S.-China competition for Taiwan: chips and war
Selyanin Y.
№ 9 (2023) American approaches to the post-crisis world order
Zamanapulov D.
№ 10 (2023) The american factor in the activities of the modern syrian political opposition
Tsibikov V.
№ 1 (2024) The Anatomy of Foreign Policy Crises
Surguladze V.
№ 2 (2024) Anglo-American Relations under Biden
Mamedova A.
№ 5 (2023) Arbatov - the man who stopped the cold war
Rogov S.
№ 5 (2023) Georgy Arbatov was a towering figure
Legvold R.
№ 3 (2023) Banks as existential but uncontested Evil of the world economy (about the 2022 Nobel prize in economics)
Vasiliev V.
№ 12 (2023) The banking phenomenon of North Carolina: from origins to the present
Nikitin L.
№ 4 (2023) The future of monarchy in Canada
Komkova E.
№ 5 (2024) The Future of Taiwan's Independence in the Context of U.S.-China Relations
Morozov Y.
№ 1 (2023) In search of oneself and wildlife. Theodore Roosevelt in North Dakota
Vivatenko S., Sivolap T.
№ 5 (2023) "A nuclear war cannot be won…”
Allison G.
№ 4 (2023) Wind and solar energy effect in Canada
Gazman V.
№ 7 (2023) China-USA-Russia relations in conditions of military crisis in Ukraine
Morozov Y.
№ 9 (2023) The influence of think tanks on the U.S. policy toward North Korea
Zakharova M.
№ 11 (2023) The impact of financialization on economic growth (the example of the USA and Russia)
Vlaskin P., Tenyakov I.
№ 3 (2024) Washington's Foreign Policy towards Georgia: Influences of Domestic Policy
Gegelashvili N.
№ 5 (2023) US military spending: the real size and reasons for the overstatement
Anureev S.
№ 11 (2023) Armed forces and military-industrial complex of India in the era of global turbulence
Kupriyanov A.
№ 11 (2023) The U.S. military-industrial complex as a factor in maintaining its dominant global position
Babkina S.
№ 2 (2023) Challenges and risks of social security in the us at the beginning of the 2020s
Lebedeva L.
№ 4 (2024) Higher Education in the USA: Characteristics of Development During the Third Decade of the 21st Century
Supyan V.
№ 12 (2023) US hegemony in Latin America and opportunities to overcome it: horizon 2040
Goliney V., Rosenthal D.
№ 12 (2023) Henry Kissinger and US policy in the South of Africa
Karamaev S.
№ 1 (2023) Globalization as a threat to american industrial enterprises in the era of digital economy
Konareva L.
№ 10 (2023) Russia specialists panel of the Trump administration national security council
Minaev M.
№ 5 (2024) Dilemmas of U.S. Decarbonization
Ivanov N., Poussenkova N.
№ 1 (2023) Barack Obama’s diplomacy and the syrian peace process
Yurk A.
№ 1 (2024) The Annual Canadian Sociological Association Conference 2023. Research Cluster: Sociology of Housing
Litvintsev D.
№ 10 (2023) “The west needs a new strategy towards Ukraine”
Podlesnyi P.
№ 9 (2023) Significance of the 2022 United States midterm elections for the African American community
Vorobyev D.
№ 9 (2023) Ideological struggle in Russian-American relations
Batyuk V.
№ 10 (2023) The changing vector of the United States climate policy in 1992-2023
Pekarnikova M., Polonskiy A.
№ 3 (2023) The Indo-Pacific in US foreign policy planning
Boldyrev V.
№ 4 (2024) The Institutionalization of English Language Hegemony in the United States of America
MARUSENKO M., Marusenko N.
№ 2 (2024) German Security and Defence Policy in the Early 2020s and the Influence of US Interests
Trunov P.
№ 10 (2023) Information support of foreign capital control in the USA
Arkhangelsky I.
№ 1 (2024) Informatsiya dlya avtorov
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№ 2 (2024) Informatsiya dlya avtorov
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№ 3 (2024) Informatsiya dlya avtorov
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№ 4 (2024) Informatsiya dlya avtorov
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№ 5 (2024) Informatsiya dlya avtorov
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№ 6 (2023) Historical and contemporary problems of african americans in the field of school education in the USA
Vorobyev D.
№ 1 (2024) Three Years of J. Biden’s Presidency: The State of Economy and Mid-Term Forecasts
Supyan V.
№ 5 (2024) To the 200th Anniversary of the Signing of the Russian-American Convention
Petrov A.
№ 6 (2023) Canadian-japanese relations: on the 95th anniversary of the establishment
Issraelyan E.
№ 7 (2023) China in American Indo-Pacific policy: goals and evolution
Uyanaev S.
№ 7 (2023) Chinese surveillance balloon as a factor in U.S.-China relations
Stepanov A.
№ 7 (2023) Sino-Russian cooperation in the context of Sino-US strategic rivalry
Xu B., Ding H.
№ 1 (2023) Climate agenda of the leading US oil companies
Ivanov N., Poussenkova N.
№ 3 (2023) Congress and the U.S. unilateral withdrawal from international arms control agreements (2002-2020)
Gretskaia O.
№ 2 (2023) Conference "80 years of russia-canada relations, 1942-2022"
Akimov Y., Minkova K.
№ 6 (2023) The Ukraine conflict in the context of Russia-US relationship
Prikhodko O.
№ 5 (2023) The Apollo space program in U.S. public diplomacy for the Soviet Union (1961-1972)
Fominykh A.
№ 2 (2024) The Crisis of Race-Based Affirmative Action Policy in the US Higher Education
Vorobyev D.
№ 3 (2024) Intercivilizational Interaction between the United States and the Non-Western World (The Civilizational Identity of Russia in the Context of S. Huntington’s Concept of the Clash of Civilizations)
Surguladze V.
№ 6 (2023) Scaling techniques the US strategy towards china 2017-2021 (case of Taiwan)
Romanov R.
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№ 8 (2023) Modernization of the US immigration system as an important condition for maintaining global technological leadership
Nikolskaya G.
№ 4 (2023) Think tanks under president Joseph Biden
Bratersky A.
№ 4 (2023) Bridge across the ocean and “handshake in space”
Bystrova I.
№ 3 (2023) Multilateralism and minilateralism as global governance mechanisms
Polulyakh D.
№ 5 (2023) “We are not the institute of the United States, we are the institute of the USSR”
Yevenko L.
№ 1 (2023) The initial period of the sino-japanese war 1937-1939
Ermakov D., Popov G., Kazenkov O.
№ 5 (2023) Don't mess with Yura - he's a veteran
Lukin V.
№ 3 (2024) US Intangible Economic Cultural Capital (Outline for Characterization)
Studentsov V.
№ 5 (2023) The unusual midterm elections: results and trends
Shvedova N.
№ 5 (2024) U.S. New Industrial Policy Under the Administration of President J. Biden
Kochegurov D.
№ 8 (2023) The new tendencies in the development of international relations in the Аsia-Pacific region
Panov A.
№ 5 (2023) Financial stability risks of the U.S. social security system
Lebedeva L.
№ 5 (2024) The Significance of Federal Social Transfers in the US: Evolution of Approaches
Lebedeva L.
№ 12 (2023) International exchanges as an instrument of american public diplomacy
Artamonova U.
№ 11 (2023) Europe’s defence industry: current challenges and possible ways of development
Koroschupov V.
№ 11 (2023) South African defence industry: negative development
Karamaev S.
№ 11 (2023) US military-industrial complex under the influence of the ukrainian conflict
Shkrobtak I.
№ 11 (2023) Defense industry of Türkiye as a factor of domestic and foreign policy
Vernigora A.
№ 5 (2023) He always remained a true patriot of his country
Pechatnov V.
№ 2 (2023) Strategic planning system experience in the United States and its possible applications in Russia
Kravchenko E.
№ 3 (2024) Indicators of Increased Military Production in the United States
Shkrobtak I.
№ 8 (2023) Features of economic sanctions as a tool to protect the strategic interests of the United States
Soldatenkova O.
№ 2 (2024) Howland Island: From the History of US Expansion in the Pacific
Terebov O.
№ 2 (2023) The U.S. - German relations in political and military spheres in 2022: cooperation or competition?
Trunov P.
№ 11 (2023) Pakistan’s defense industry amid "pivot to the East" and "saving traditional strategic ties"
Makarevich G.
№ 2 (2024) Pan-Ethnic Terms to Refer to the Hispanics in the U.S.: a Comparative Analysis
Chernykh M.
№ 5 (2023) The first russian textbook on Quebec culture
Akimov Y.
№ 5 (2024) J. Biden’s First Term: Renaissance of U.S. Public Diplomacy?
Artamonova U.
№ 1 (2024) Shift of US Military Spending to Allies: Intensions and Realities
Anureev S.
№ 2 (2024) US Plans to Take Control of the Microchip Market
Zabrovskaya L.
№ 10 (2023) Chinese policy of the J. Biden administration
Batyuk V.
№ 2 (2023) Washington's policy amidst the new geopolitical realities in the Transcaucasus
Gegelashvili N.
№ 6 (2023) Washington's policy against the backdrop of fierce competition between the U.S. and China in Central Asia
Gegelashvili N.
№ 3 (2023) The automotive industry policy of the president of the USA Joseph Biden
Feist A.
№ 10 (2023) U.S. policy in Central Asia in the context of confrontation with Russia and China
Perminova A.
№ 2 (2024) US Policy on Assigning “Major Non-NATO Ally” Status to GCC States
Doroshenko G.
№ 5 (2024) Political Profile of Jacob Sullivan
Bratersky A.
№ 1 (2023) The coming of age of american painting: images of the eighties
Pereverzeva M.
№ 10 (2023) Prospects for the supply of weapons from the US, the eu and the United Kingdom to Ukraine
Shkrobtak I.
№ 9 (2023) Canada’s claim to the continental shelf in the Arctic
Volodin D.
№ 4 (2023) Non-proliferation precedents: conflict between the US and Iran in the context of deterring the iranian nuclear program
Bobkin N.
№ 9 (2023) The United States and China in the Indian Ocean: a view from New Delhi
Kupriyanov A.
№ 3 (2023) The problem of climate change in the energy policy of the Biden administration
Khlopov O.
№ 7 (2023) Misperception of Chinese foreign policy as a factor of US-China decoupling
Zuenko I.
№ 8 (2023) Debt ceiling problems: is the US facing a technical default?
Kirichenko E.
№ 11 (2023) Export of the South Korea’s defense: problems and prospects
Zueva A.
№ 12 (2023) Features of ensuring food security in the arctic territories of North America
Soldatenkova O.
№ 3 (2024) Fakeization Processes in the U.S. Information Space: Problems and Solutions
Nerentz D.
№ 4 (2024) U.S. Approaches to Regulating Digital Assets
Chadaeva T.
№ 4 (2024) Latino Religious Shift: Causes and Impact on the U.S. Political System
Chernykh M.
№ 10 (2023) The republican mother: the ideal woman in the early U.S
Sebryuk A.
№ 11 (2023) Republican electoral reform project: fight for “fair” elections?
Antonov E., Chestnyagina K.
№ 2 (2023) The role of the american mass media in the information warfare of the 21st century
Nerentz D.
№ 1 (2024) The Role of the U.S. Supreme Court in the Constitutional Interpretation and Law-Making
Berlyavsky L.
№ 11 (2023) The role of India as one of the key arms exporters to Myanmar (february 2021 - may 2023)
Zaitsev I.
№ 7 (2023) Russian-Chinese partnership and the United States
Rogov S.
№ 7 (2023) Russian-Ukrainian conflict as a factor in US-China relations: dynamics of the situation
Trush S.
№ 8 (2023) The U.S. labor market: trends and challenges
Bogaevskaya O.
№ 2 (2023) Global top films: is there an alternative to Hollywood?
Belova E.
№ 8 (2023) North american integration as a resource for strengthening U.S. leadership
Komkova E.
№ 6 (2023) Sovietization of Poland: the United States perceptions and policy, 1945-1949
Nemchaninov D.
№ 10 (2023) The United States of America: following the pandemic
Shvedova N.
№ 1 (2024) US-China Rivalry in the Middle East: Implications for Regional and Global Policies
Bobkin N.
№ 5 (2023) United States and Great Britain military-technical cooperation in the modern age
Shkrobtak I.
№ 4 (2023) Comparative legal analysis of personal data protection in the process of artificial intelligence development
Gulieva M.
№ 8 (2023) Will the US lead the energy transition? decarbonization policy of American oil companies
Poussenkova N., Svetenko M.
№ 7 (2023) Scenarios of relationship in the “big triangle” in the current geopolitical situation
Davydov A.
№ 12 (2023) US-EU trade and economic relationship in the age of global rivalry
Prikhodko O.
№ 3 (2024) USA – Poland: Bilateral Trade and Economic Relations in the New Realities
Zimenkov R.
№ 6 (2023) USA in the first year of war in Ukraine: interests, benefits, diplomacy
Bobkin N.
№ 1 (2024) The USA and the Ideological Principles of NATO Policy in the Black Sea Region
Ayvazyan D.
№ 7 (2023) Usa, China and Russia in the new global political environment
Klimenko A.
№ 9 (2023) Trends of hispanic voters: a shift towards the republican party?
Chernykh M.
№ 12 (2023) Theory of international relations: the interaction of the USA and China
Kozlov V.
№ 4 (2024) Transatlantic Relations in the Light of the US’s Withdrawal from the Iran Nuclear Deal
Levchenko A.
№ 4 (2024) Transatlantic Defense Cooperation in the Context of Russia – West Confrontation in Ukraine
№ 4 (2023) Transfer pricing: the american experience and the digital revolution
Porokhovsky A.
№ 1 (2023) Transformation of the post-cold war order and the global and regional powers policy in the South Caucasus after the 2020 Karabakh war
Poghosyan B.
№ 2 (2024) Transformation of Migration Corridors as a Consequence of Globalization Processes
Taskaeva S.
№ 4 (2024) Transformation of Pacific Regions in the Second Half of the 20th Century – Beginning of the 21st Century
Boldyrev V.
№ 4 (2023) The third year of J. Biden’s presidency: the state of the economy
Supyan V.
№ 8 (2023) The "USA-India-China" triangle: current state and prospects
Uyanaev S.
№ 3 (2023) University and society in the United States
Kurilla I.
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