
The integral method of species synanthropic properties assessment
Fedorova L.V., Kupatadze G.A., Kuranova N.G., Viktorov V.P., Ezhkova V.G.
Materials for the ecological-geographical analysis of Kuznetsov Mountain (Samara Region) vascular plants flora
Makarova Y.V., Golovlyov A.A., Prokhorova N.V.
Flora of the settlement Lukh of Ivanovo Region
Borisova E.A.
Characteristics of taxonomic structure of flora in the Middle Urals urban areas (Sverdlovsk Region)
Tretyakova A.S.
Biodiversity of Lake Chernoe (Takovets), a specially protected natural area in the Ivanovo Region
Borisova E.A., Kurganov A.A., Lazareva O.G., Markov D.S.
Woody plants in street landscaping of urban-type settlement Alexeevka (Samara Oblast)
Makarova Y.V., Korchikov E.S., Prokhorova N.V.
Ivanovo Region natural monument «Lake Vazal (reservoir in Yuzha)» characteristics
Borisova E.A., Markov D.S., Kurganov A.A.
Ecodiagnostics of different types of lakes in the Nizhny Novgorod Region based on indicators of the species structure of zooplankton
Shurganova G.V., Zolotareva T.V., Zhikharev V.S., Gavrilko D.E., Kudrin I.A., Startseva N.A., Nizhegorodtsev A.A., Obedientova E.S., Shurganova E.V.
Species composition and structure of parasites component communities of tugun Coregonus tugun (Pallas, 1814) from the Khatanga and Yenisei Rivers
Polyaeva K.V., Dorovskikh G.N., Chugunova Y.K.
Annual and biennial invasive species in the flora of Ivanovo
Borisova E.A., Dmitrieva Z.M.
Ecological and morphological analysis of the cardiac index seasonal dynamics of the Chuvash Republic sedentary and migratory birds
Repin D.V., Repina N.V.
Vegetation cover of the river Vyatka flood plain protected areas
Egorova N.Y., Suleimanova V.N., Egoshina T.L.
Rare lichen species of the Chuvash Republic that need constant monitoring in the natural environment
Sinichkin E.A.
Relict pine forests with Arctostaphylos uva-ursi in the Zhiguli Mountains (the Middle Volga Region)
Saksonov S.V., Bondareva V.V., Vasjukov V.M., Keller S.A.
Urban forests in the city of Ivanovo
Borisova E.A.
Hydromacrophytes composition in water reservoirs of the North-Eastern part of the Kurgan Region
Tokar O.E.
Invasive species of Asteraceae family in Kursk flora
Nagornaya O.V.
The composition and state of native and introduced woody species in the zone of railway transport influence in the Kola Polar region
Sviatkovskaya E.A., Saltan N.V., Trostenyuk N.N.
Ecological and botanical features of the railroads flora of the Middle Volga Region
Nikitin N.A.
Istomina E.Y.
On the fauna of house flies (Diptera, Muscidae) of Samara Region
Lyubvina I.V.
The study of halophytic vegetation of the Penza Region and its protection
Novikova L.A., Vasjukov V.M., Gorbushina T.V.
Species diversity of birds in various high-rise complexes of the Sayano-Shushenskaya Dam area
Shichkova E.V., Chumakov S.V.
Salinity gradient meiobenthos distribution on the Razdolnaya River’s estuary
Milovankina A.A., Fadeeva N.P., Chertoprud E.S.
Synanthropic plants as indicators of the ecological state of city of Samara
Ivanova N.V.
Main weed species of the Republic of Bashkortostan: position on environmental gradients and agrobiological groups
Khasanova G.R., Yamalov S.M., Lebedeva M.V.
New association of weed vegetation in the Southern Ural
Khasanova G.R., Yamalov S.M., Lebedeva M.V., Golovanov Y.M.
Taxonomic and biomorphological structure of Mountain Kuznetsov vascular plants flora (Samara Region, Volzhsky District)
Makarova Y.V., Golovlyov A.A., Prokhorova N.V.
Current state of Donetsk dendroflora
Glukhov A.Z., Kharkhota L.V., Pasternak G.A., Likhatskaya E.N.
Taxonomic composition of dry and floodplain meadows of the Bolshaya Kokshaga nature reserve
Osmanova G.O., Firulina I.I.
The ecological-coenotic specters of the flora in the river Vyatka protected areas
Egorova N.Y., Egoshina T.L.
Ecological features of some species of the Lily of the valley family (Convallariaceae) in the Kirov Region
Suleimanova V.N., Egoshina T.L.
Ecological-taxonomic analysis of the petrophyte flora of Ikhrek (Rutulsky district) surroundings of Republic of Dagestan
Khalidov A.M.
Soil spider (Arachnida, Aranei) fauna of Samara parks zones
Belosludtsev E.A.
Species and coenotic composition of phytocoenoses in Jurassic clay dumps of the Callovian layer of the Mikhailovsky Mining and Processing Plant of Kursk Magnetic Anomaly
Golovastikova A.V., Nagornaya O.V.
Naturalized alien plants in Penza Region
Vasjukov V.M., Novikova L.A.
The current ecological and biological state of the adventive flora of the Sviyaga River basin
Frolov D.A.
Recovery of the bird population within pine forests after the catastrophic fires in 2010
Sorokina J.A., Boryakova E.E.
Spatial organization of Cyclachaena xanthiifolia (Nutt.) Fresen. populations on the railway line
Nikitin N.A.
Vegetation cover and small mammals as the components of biocoenosis in the conditions of the Volga Upland
Boryakova E.E.
Influence of motor transport on species composition and number of roadside habitat carabid beetles
Yakushkina M.N., Malkova A.S.
Vinyuseva G.V.
Zooplankton of floodplain lakes of the river Kerzhenets (Kerzhinski Nature Reserve, Nizhny Novgorod Region)
Shurganova G.V., Zhikharev V.S., Kudrin I.A., Krivdina T.V., Moreva O.A.
Species composition and ecological groupings of birds of extrazonal transformed landscapes of Yenisei Siberia in the spring and summer period
Baranov A.A., Naiman M.A., Bannikova K.K., Buchneva O.N., Yunosova L.V.
The dynamics of the number and territorial placement of osprey nests in the Sayano-Shushensky State Nature Biosphere Reserve
Shikalova E.A., Vinogradov V.V.
Ecological and biological characteristics of the dendroflora of Cheboksary in the greening system of the city
Samokhvalov K.V., Sinichkin E.A., Arsentiev A.P.
The inventory of vegetation cover of small river valleys in the north-east of the Samara Region
Solovieva V.V.
Ecological-floristic characteristics of the specially protected natural area «Kostinskie Loga» (Samara Region)
Kuzovenko O.A., Samotueva Y.A.
A.L. Belgard and N.M. Matveev’s ecological and coenotical groups (coenomorphs) for the forest-steppe and steppe of the Volga River Region
Nazarenko N.N., Pokhlebayev S.M.
Species and sorts of lilac flowering duration in Ufa
Polyakova N.V.
Mitroshenkova A.E., Ilina V.N.
Vinogradov A.A.
Some aspects of raccoon dog’s (Nyctereutes procyonoides Gray, 1834) food behavior in depend on depth of snow cover on the floodplain territory of national park «Samarskaya Luka»
Martynova V.V.
The genus Rosa L. (Rosaceae) in the herbarium Institute of Ecology of the Volga River Basin of Russian Academy of Sciences (PVB)
Saksonov S.V., Vasjukov V.M., Senator S.A., Rakov N.S., Ivanova A.V.
Some data on raccoon dog’s distribution in the Samara Region
Kamalova E.S., Martynova V.V., Fokina M.E.
Variety of plants and fungi of the Krasnoyarsk forestry near the Zharenyi Bugor village
Kuzovenko O.A., Korchikov E.S., Sochneva E.V.
Trends of some rare flora species populations in the Southern Urals foothills (Orenburg Region)
Safonov M.A.
Species composition of lichens in the zone of impact of a coal mining enterprise
Larina O.A., Yurkova A.V.
Halophytic vegetation of the Lopatinsky District in the Penza Region
Novikova L.A., Vasjukov V.M., Mironova A.A., Gordeeva L.A.
Species diversity and ecological features of the Voronezh reservoir algae
Melkumov G.M.
Biomorphological features, phenological development and winter hardiness of East Asian species of the genus Cotoneaster Medik. when introduced in the Komi Republic
Punegov A.N., Skrotskaya O.V.
Ecological and biological features of annual ornamental plants under pre-winter sowing in a continental climate
Sarlaeva M.Y., Vasilyeva O.Y.
Ecological and phytocoenotic features of the vegetation cover of the Beshpagir Heights (Stavropol Upland)
Belous V.N., Lykhvar A.V.
Comparison of weed communities organization factors in the Leningrad Region and the Republic of Bashkortostan
Yamalov S.M., Lebedeva M.V., Luneva N.N., Khasanova G.R., Shigapov Z.K.
Vasjukov V.M., Ivanova A.V., Lysenko T.M.
Mediated communication and dependence behavioral activity of raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides Gray, 1834) on weather conditions
Kamalova E.S.
The chemicals (formaldehyde and toluene) influence on soil microorganisms of leached chernozem
Ilyina N.A., Fufaeva T.V., Kazakova N.A., Kasatkina N.M., Vilkova E.A.
Ecological role of Ulmus pumila L. in limitation of heavy metals input into the environment of some anthropogenic areas of Trans-Baikal Territory
Kopylova L.V.
Features of vegetation, flowering and fruiting of the genus Spiraea L. species in the cultivation in the European North-East (Republic of Komi)
Smirnova A.N., Zaynullina K.S.
New locations of rare vascular plant species on cut-over peat lands (on the example of Kirov Region)
Egorova N.Y., Egoshina T.L.
Monitoring of the condition of woody plants in the central part of the city of Donetsk
Kornienko V.O., Kharkhota L.V.
Zooplankton in the temporary recreational pond in microdistrict 13 of Samara
Gerasimov Y.L.
Some results of Ondatra zibethicus acclimatization in Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Russia
Levykh A.Y., Morgun E.N., Ilyasov R.M., Tupakhina O.S., Tupakhin D.S.
The entomofauna of scarabaeoidea beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabeoidea) in the Republic of Tatarstan
Leontiev V.V.
Additions to the list of bird species in the Shushensky Bor National Park
Petrov S.Y., Chumakov S.V., Tolmachev A.V., Barabantsova A.E., Pershina L.B.
Comparative ecological and physiological characteristics of Penicillium chrysogenum Thom 1910 strains found on the territory of Surgut
Mantrova M.V.
Rare and protection needed species of petrophytic steppes of the Southern and Middle Urals
Yamalov S.M., Lebedeva M.V., Golovanov Y.M., Petrova M.V.
Invasions of Bidens frondosa L. (Asteraceae) in communities of saline soils of south-east Europe
Yuritsyna N.A., Vasjukov V.M., Saksonov S.V.
Current state and forecast of changing hydrobiont communities in the construction zone of the Nizhny Novgorod low-pressure hydrounit
Shurganova G.V., Okhapkin A.G., Gavrilko D.E., Vodeneeva E.L., Kudrin I.A., Puhnarevich D.A., Nizhegorodcev A.A., Gelashvili D.B.
Borisova E.A.
The necessity of Samara Region wetlands protection
Kazantsev I.V., Senator S.A.
The genus Cypripedium L. in the unique habitat of orchids in the Novosibirsk Region
Gerasimovich L.V.
Analysis and ways to expand the species diversity of the assortment of perennial herbaceous flowering plants for landscaping urban areas of the Kola Polar region
Sviatkovskaya E.A., Trostenyuk N.N., Saltan N.V., Gontar O.B.
Morphogenesis features of Hedysarum alpinum L. in in vitro culture
Mikhovich Z.E., Skrotskaya O.V., Portnyagina N.V.
The nidicolic group of gamase mites on the territory of Eastern Transbaikalia and their biocoenotic relationships
Poletaeva T.G., Kleusova N.A., Larina N.P., Chistyakova N.S., Plyaskina I.N.
Linear growth of lateral shoots of plants belonging to the genus Crataegus L. and the influence of the temperature factor during introduction in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation (Kola Peninsula)
Zotova O.E., Goncharova O.A.
New segetal communities of sunflower crops in the Orenburg Region
Yamalov S.M., Khasanova G.R., Lebedeva M.V., Korchev V.V.
The assessment of the spatial ontogenetic structure of the coenopopulation Oxytropis floribunda (Pall.) DC. in undisturbed coenoses (on the territory of the Samara Region)
Zenkina E.T., Ilina V.N.
The assessment of woody plants vital state in the landscaping of Ishim
Tokar O.E.
Agropyron cristatum (L.) Beauv. as a possible indicator of heavy metal contamination
Kanibolotskaya Y.M., Krasnopyorova Y.F., Kalieva A.B., Zhumadina S.M.
The balance of photosynthetic pigments pools and phenolic compounds in dwarf shrubs on the weakly disrupted territory
Ustinova M.V., Kravchenko I.V., Rusak S.N., Yadgarova D.A.
Davidenko O.N., Nevskiy S.A.
Ecological features and species diversity of epiphytic myxomycetes (Myxomycetes) on an ordinary pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in the forest-steppe and steppe zones of the southeast of Western Siberia
Vlasenko A.V., Vlasenko V.A.
Study of floristic structure of the territory using family range in the Sok River basin (Samara Region, Zavolzhye, forest-steppe zone)
Ivanova A.V., Kostina N.V.
Morphological analysis of Novosvobodnenskaya culture ceramics from burials in the burial mound «Klady»
Rezepkin A.D.
Rare component as an indicator of human flora transformation
Kozlovskaya O.V., Belyaeva Y.V.
Hydrobiocenoses of lake Tulos, Southwestern Karelia
Kuchko Y.A., Ilmast N.V., Kuchko T.Y.
Vegetation restoration after a fire on the territory of the Barguzin Nature Reserve
Burdukovsky A.I., Sakhyaeva A.B., Bukharova E.V., Luzhkova N.M., Myadzelets A.V.
Botanical-geographical differentiation and succession systems on the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan
Gorichev Y.P.
New data (for 2020) on the distribution of species from the genus Carpelimus Leach, 1819 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Oxytelinae) in the Oriental Region
Gildenkov M.Y.
Revisiting «Malaya Sosva» state reserve characteristics of fauna and population structure of small mammals
Levykh A.Y., Suppes N.E., Vilkov V.S., Trushnikova A.S.
Taxonomic analysis of saline habitats flora of the Southern Urals
Karpov D.N., Karpov S.D., Atnasheva L.Z.
Structure of the ecological framework of the Sviyaga River basin
Frolov D.A.
The Crustcea and Rotifera in the pond near «Piramida» shopping mall (Samara) in 2013
Gerasimov Y.L., Shabanova A.V.
Development features and practical value of introduced species of the genus Sorbus L. in the North
Skrotskaya O.V.
Modern state and perspectives of amphibian and reptile synantropisation in anthropocoenosiss of Eastern Azerbaijan
Novruzov N.E., Bunyatova S.N.
Structure and factors of forest birds diversity forming in the Ishim river area (Russia)
Levykh A.Y., Boldyrev S.L.
Assessment of the ecological state of the pond on the phytoplankton indicators (for example, Kuchane Lake, Pskov Region)
Drozdenko T.V., Kurka A.A.
Estimation of rat population (Rattus norvegicus) and reducing their number in the urban environment
Zorina A.A., Kireeva M.L.
The influence of the Sayano-Shushenskaya Dam reservoir on the nesting and abundance of the osprey (Pandion haliaetus L., 1758)
Shikalova E.A.
Weed communities with alien plant species on the south-east area of the Orenburg Region
Khasanova G.R., Yamalov S.M., Drap M.N., Shakirzyanov A.K.
Introduction studies of European species of the genus Primula L. in the Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute
Trostenyuk N.N., Sviatkovskaya E.A., Saltan N.V.
Flora and vegetation of urbanized areas on the example of the Melekeska and Shukralinka valleys within Naberezhnye Chelny
Lyubarsky D.S., Tokinova R.P.
The current state of the ornithological fauna of the Krasnoyarsk Reservoir
Bulycheva O.V., Baranov A.A.
A comparative analysis of the spatial distribution of salinity and biomass of nekton and nektobenthos in the estuaries of the large plain river Razdolnaya and the mountain river Sukhodol (the Sea of Japan)
Milovankin P.G., Kataykina O.I.
Current status of Cypripedium macranthon Sw. (Orchidaceae) coenopopulation on Bering Islands (Komandorsky reserve)
Mogileva A.V., Lavrentyev M.V., Petrova N.A.
Complex analysis of the flora in Samara suburbs
Matveyeva T.B.
Gherasimov Y.L.
Ecological tourist potential of Samara Region: flora resources
Saksonov S.V., Rozenberg A.G., Senator S.A., Kazantsev I.V., Vasjukov V.M.
Protected plants on the territory of the Racheiskii forest natural monuments (Samara Region)
Saksonov S.V., Vasjukov V.M., Kazantsev I.V., Senator S.A.
The study of lichens in the state natural reserve «Zavolzhsky» (Chuvash Republic)
Sinichkin E.A., Bogdanov G.A., Dimitriev A.V., Smirnova N.V., Omelchenko P.N.
Taxonomic and ecological structure of weed medicinal plants on the territory of biosphere reserve «Pribuzhskoye Polesye»
Zerkal S.V., Bondar Y.V., Domas A.S.
Wild ornamental plants of Samara
Ivanova N.V., Kuznetsova L.A., Ivanov P.A.
On the issue of adaptive reactions of the blood system of competing species of turtles Emys orbicularis and Trachemys scripta (Emydidae)
Romanova E.B., Stolyarova I.A., Bakiev A.G., Gorelov R.A.
The content of saicosaponins and flavonols in different organs of the aerial part of the golden snail (Bupleurum aureum Fisch. ex Hoffm.) upon introduction in the Komi Republic
Punegov V.V., Portnyagina N.V., Echishvili E.E., Patov S.A.
Phytotoxicity of composts based on Surgut sewage sludge in closed ground conditions
Mantrova M.V., Nakonechny N.V.
Adventitious coastal-aquatic and aquatic plants – indicators of global climate warming
Solovieva V.V.
Ecological analysis of rare and endangered lichen species included in the Red Book of the Chuvash Republic
Sinichkin E.A.
Morphological variability in coenopopulations of the rare species Adonis villosa Ledeb. (Ranunculaceae) in the North Altai
Achimova A.A., Papina O.N., Zhmud E.V.
Fauna and ecology of Hymenoptera background species of terrestrial ecosystems in the Yenisei Siberia tundra and forest-tundra
Baranov A.A., Stambrovskaya E.V., Gorodilova S.N., Bannikova K.K., Melnik O.N.
Alien species of Poaceae Barnhart family in communities of South-East Europe saline soils
Yuritsyna N.A., Vasjukov V.M., Saksonov S.V., Keller S.A.
Ecological and biological characteristics of Polygonatum multiflorum (L.) All. in Mordovia
Labutina M.V., Maskaeva T.A., Chegodaeva N.D.
Khusainova S.A., Seydalieva E.S., Khusainov A.F., Abramov L.M.
Concerning the prospects of quantitative valuing of leaf surface functional activity for different plants
Kavelenova L.M., Petrova A.B., Trubnikov A.M., Yankov N.V., Savitskaya K.A., Kravtseva A.P., Antipenko M.I., Kuznetsov A.A.
Structure and dynamics of alien flora of the railroads in the forest-steppe zone of Middle Volga Region
Nikitin N.A.
Floristic component of ecosystem of the Karalyk River
Shakurov A.I.
Ornithological complexes’ structure of technogenically disturbed territories of the left-bank part of the South Minusinsk Basin
Zlotnikova T.V.
Territory heterogeneity study on the «number of species – area» curve to research its floristic structure (the Inza physical-geographical area)
Ivanova A.V., Kostina N.V., Istomina E.Y.
The analysis of specific structure of lichens of the pine and birch wood in the neighborhood of Big Kyzykul Lake (Minusinsky District, Krasnoyarsk Krai)
Larina O.A., Smirnova E.S.
Dynamics of Orchis mascula (L.) L. number in the reserves of the Republic of Bashkortostan
Kildiyarova G.N., Barlybaeva M.S., Suyundukov I.V., Ishmuratova M.M.
The content of carotenoids in plant fruits of Sorbus L. species and varieties when introduced in the North (Komi Republic)
Skrotskaya O.V., Punegov V.V.
The analysis of environmental space conditions for bryoflora forming in artificial pine communities of the Buzuluksky pine forest and the Krasnosamarsky forest
Bogdanova Y.A., Prokhorova N.V., Kavelenova L.M.
The state of the rare endemic species population Nonea decurrens (C.A. Mey.) G. Don fil. (fam. Boraginaceae, Magnoliopsida) on the Narattyubinsky ridge and its dynamics
Yarovenko E.V., Gasanova A.M.
Structure and ecological features of the Yeravninsky steppes flora (Western Transbaikalia)
Kholboeva S.A., Banaeva S.C.
Ecology and distribution of rare lichens of the Chuvash Prisurye
Sinichkin E.A., Bogdanov G.A., Dimitriev A.V.
Ecological diversity of some resource medicinal mushrooms of the genus Pleurotus in the Novosibirsk Region
Vlasenko V.A., Asbaganov S.V., Vlasenko A.V.
Mitroshenkova A.E.
Specially protected natural area «Sources of the Krymza River»: modern state and protection of (Syzransky District, Samara Region)
Saksonov S.V., Novikova L.A., Mitroshenkova A.E., Rakov N.S., Senator S.A., Dronin G.V., Golovlev A.A.
Petrophytic-steppe communities of the Mogutova Mountain (Zhiguli Hills)
Sidyakina L.V., Vasjukov V.M., Saksonov S.V.
Steppe communities in the vicinity of Togliatti (Samara Region)
Lysenko T.M.
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