Current state of Donetsk dendroflora

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We present the study results of modern dendroflora of Donetsk (a large industrial city of the south steppe zone). We have determined the species composition, analyzed the age structure of plantations, estimated the life condition of trees and shrubs. Plantations compose 76 species and 32 forms, types, sorts of trees, including 11 species and 9 sorts of the coniferous, as well as 79 species and 35 forms, sorts of shrubs, including 7 species and 19 sorts of the coniferous. Trees and shrubs belong to 78 genera, which are included into 38 families. The most represented family among the deciduous is Rosaceae Juss. – 46 species and 13 sorts, among the coniferous – Pinaceae Lindl. (9 species and 6 sorts), Cupressaceae Rich. ex Bartl. (7 species and 22 sorts). Tree species dominating in plantations are Populus bolleana Lauche (14,6% of the total number of trees), dominating shrubs are the sorts of Rosa hybrida (44,0% of the total number of shrubs). In the plantations studied we have indicated 33 species of trees and shrubs of the aboriginal fraction of local flora. Analysis of the age structure of plantations revealed that the majority of trees compose the age group of 20–29 years, the majority of shrubs – up to 10 years. Fast-growing species prevail in plantations (73% of the total number). Viability of the most part of trees of fast-growing and slow-growing species is estimated by 4 points, viability of moderate-growing species – by 6 points. The number of trees being in unsatisfactory condition (0 or 1–3 points) prevails among fast-growing species.

About the authors

Alexandr Zakharovych Glukhov

Donetsk Botanical Garden

Author for correspondence.

doctor of biological sciences, professor, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, chief researcher of the Laboratory of New Economically Valuable Plants

Russian Federation, Donetsk

Lyudmila Valerievna Kharkhota

Donetsk Botanical Garden


candidate of biological sciences, senior researcher of the Laboratory of Dendrology

Russian Federation, Donetsk

Georgy Alexandrovych Pasternak

Donetsk Botanical Garden


junior researcher of the Laboratory of Dendrology

Russian Federation, Donetsk

Elena Nikolaevna Likhatskaya

Donetsk Botanical Garden


junior researcher of the Laboratory of Dendrology

Russian Federation, Donetsk


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Representativeness of tree species in the plantations of Donetsk; Figure 2 - Age structure and life state of Populus bolleana Lauche in the plantations of Donetsk

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Copyright (c) 2016 Glukhov A.Z., Kharkhota L.V., Pasternak G.A., Likhatskaya E.N.

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