The inventory of vegetation cover of small river valleys in the north-east of the Samara Region

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The study covered 10 small rivers in the North-Eastern part of the Samara Volga region. The author studied the vegetation cover, which is understood as a set of phytocoenoses and their constituent plant species. On the territory of Pokhvistnevsky District, there are two groups of river valleys that are heterogeneous in geobotanical terms. The first group includes the rivers with forested valleys (Kutlugush, Murakla, Karmalka). Their slopes are more or less symmetrical and steep. The vegetation cover of an undeveloped floodplain is usually uniform, and there is usually no belt. The valleys of the second group are treeless; their slopes are sharply asymmetrical (Amanak, Tergala, Talkish). The right-bank tributary of the Maly Kinel River – the Lozovka River with its length of 20 km and the left tributary – Kuvayka River with its length of 16 km were studied on the territory of Kinel-Cherkassky District. The Padovka and Zaprudka rivers and the right tributaries of the Bolshoi Kinel River (Kinelsky District) were also studied. The most common associations are (Salix fragilis – heteroherbosa, Scirpus sylvaticus purum, Agrostis stolonifera – Amoria repens, Elytrigia repens + Poa angustifolia – heteroherbosa). In total, 19 types of phytocoenoses were noted, 4 of them are found in half of the studied rivers. In the plant communities of small river valleys there are 232 species of higher wild plants, which belong to 139 genera from 48 families. This is 60% of the total number of higher plants registered in the flora of small river valleys of the Samara Region. Rare protected plant species are registered here: Adonis volgensis Steven ex DC., Cacalia hastata L., Delphinium cuneatum Stev. ex DC., Globularia punctata Lapeyr.

About the authors

Vera Valentinovna Solovieva

Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education

Author for correspondence.

doctor of biological sciences, professor of Biology, Ecology and Methods of Teaching Department

Russian Federation, Samara


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