Editorial Policies

Aims and Scope

Samara Journal of Science is an open scientific platform for all interested individuals and organizations, where authors are given the opportunity to publish the results of their psychological and pedagogical research, research in the field of biological sciences, historical sciences and archeology. The journal exchanges views on various problems of pedagogy and psychology, biology, history and archeology between researchers from different regions of the Russian Federation and foreign countries.


Peer Review Process

Every paper submitted for publishing in “Samara Journal of Science” is to be reviewed. Reviewing is anonymous and explicitly external/independent.

Within one day after the paper submission the journal executive secretary forwards the paper to the Deputy Editor to appoint reviewers from the number of PhD specialists in the respective field of science. The Deputy Editor checks carefully that the author and the reviewer do not belong to the same organization. The members of the Journal Editorial Board can be reviewers as well in case they are not affiliated with the institution the author belongs to.

The reviewing process takes up to three weeks. Upon completion the reviewer e-mails his/her comments to the executive secretary who in turn forwards it to the author.

The reviewer can recommend the paper:

  • to be accepted for publication;
  • to be resubmitted with changes;
  • to be rejected.

If the paper is recommended to be resubmitted, or to be rejected, the reviewer provides his/her reasons.

Upon receiving the corrected paper from the author the executive secretary forwards the manuscript to the same reviewer for another review.

In case the material is declined, the executive secretary e-mails the review to the author and points out the possibility of another reviewing at the author’s consent. In case the paper is rejected for the second time, the executive secretary e-mails the review to the author. The paper can not be reviewed more than two times. After reviewing the paper is exposed to technical editing. The technical editor can reject the paper and send it back to the author to meet all formal and technical requirements. The paper can be rejected by the Editor-in-Chief/ Deputy editor in case of conflict of interests, or violation of ethics.

Most common reasons for rejecting the paper:

  • the structure does not meet the requirements;
  • the paper is not detailed enough for readers to fully understand the author’s analysis;
  • the paper has no scientific novelty;
  • the paper lacks relevant references;
  • the paper contains theories, concepts or conclusions that are not properly substantiated by necessary data, argumentations or information;
  • the paper does not provide detailed description of methods and materials, which would allow other researchers to repeat the experiment;
  • the paper lacks clear description or explanation of verifiable hypotheses, details, and stages of experiments, examples of statistical or experimental samples;
  • the paper gives poor description of conducted experiments, or contains errors and mistakes, or does not include statistical analysis;
  • the language does not meet the requirements of a scientific paper;
  • the paper contains unsubstantiated criticism towards the existing fundamental propositions, generally accepted theories and facts;
  • the paper has a distinct political character, and contains statements and appeals which do not conform to generally accepted norms.


  • consider all the points that the editor and the reviewer have commented on;
  • list all the corrections made in your cover letter;
  • carry out all additional experiments or analyses recommended by the reviewer (if you are sure that those changes will not make your paper better, please prove your opinion in detail);
  • list all the reviewer’s comments you agree with, and those you disagree with in the cover letter;
  • provide scientific substantiation of all the comments you do not agree with;
  • highlight all corrections and changes you made in your paper;
  • send the edited manuscript together with your cover letter back to the executive secretary.

Please, do not choose another journal for your publication, unless either of the following happened

  • the editor informed that the subject matter of your paper did not fit the journal field
  • your paper was rejected even after you made all the corrections and followed recommendation of the reviewer;
  • your paper was rejected by two reviewers or the editor;
  • the process of manuscript consideration takes much more time than the standard procedure, and the editors can not speed it up. In this case, it is very important that you notify the editors of your decision to publish your paper in another journal.

Publication of a paper is a complicated process, and you are expected to be ready to work on your paper considering all reviewers’ and editors’ comments and making necessary changes to your manuscript.


Publication Frequency

The Samara Journal of Science is published 4 times a year quarterly (in March, in June, in September, in December).


Open Access Policy

The publications in the Journal are available to all interested from the moment of publication. So, this journal provides immediate Gold Open Access (in accordance with Budapest Open Access Initiative) to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Also the editorial board belives that it provides free public access to the results of research and contributes to the advancement of science and medicine.

Free Full-text access to all articles can be observed via several websites (www.journals.eco-vector.com/2309-4370/www.elibrary.ruwww.cyberleninka.ru) and mobile applications for iOS® (available in AppStore). All accepted articles publish with the Creative Commons International license (CC BY) for more freely distribution and usage worlwide.



The journal uses the PKP Preservation Network (PKP PN) to digitally preserve all the published articles. The PKP PN is a part of LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) program offers decentralized and distributed preservation, seamless perpetual access, and preservation of the authentic original version of the content.

Also, the journal makes full-text archives on the Russian Science Electronic Library (http://elibrary.ru/) platform.



The journal is indexed in:


Publication Ethics and Standarts

When considering the received author's materials the editorial Board is guided by the following documents:

  • Rules for authors published on the official Journal website;
  • International ethical standards for the work of the editorial boards of research journals developed by COPE;
  • Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly work in Medical Journals as approved by ICMJE – (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors).

Authors of manuscripts that do not meet our requirements receive a template email without detailing the claims.

If the manuscript is received again and again does not meet all the requirements for registration, it will be rejected without consideration.

After deciding on the proper design of the manuscript to all the requirements, the editorial Board decides on compliance or non-compliance of the manuscript to the profile of the journal.

The accepted manuscript will be sent to reviewers. Publication of the article is possible only after receiving positive reviews.

Authors who have decided that their research meets the profile of the journal and agree with the policy of the Editorial Board should prepare a manuscript in accordance with all the "requirements for manuscripts" and submit the manuscript to the editor through the electronic system of submission of articles on the journal's website.

The Samara Journal of Science publishes manuscripts that meet international standards of publication ethics in research journals

The manuscript will be retracted from publication if at any stage of consideration or prepress Editorial Board found a violation of the requirements of publication ethics.

If such a violation is found by readers after the publication of the article, it will be rertracted. This will also entail a one-year ban on future publications in our journal for members of the authors team.

Violations of publication ethics include:

  • plagiarism;
  • simultaneous submission of manuscripts to several journals;
  • concealment of conflict of interest;
  • assessment of professional qualities of reviewers;
  • illegal co-authorship.


Plagiarism can take many forms, from presenting someone else's work as an author's work, to copying or rephrasing essential parts of someone else's work (without attribution), or to claiming ownership of someone else's research. Plagiarism in all forms is unethical and unacceptable.

The manuscript authors should submit entirely original work. References to the results of the works of other authors should be accompanied by references to the relevant primary sources (which should be included in the list of references).

Citation of the text, previously published somewhere, should be framed as a DIRECT SPEECH (the text should be enclosed in quotation marks) with the obligatory indication of the source. The inclusion of large fragments of borrowed text in the manuscript is unacceptable.

The contribution of others to the study should always be recognized. Authors should refer to publications that were of great importance in the performance of scientific work covered in the manuscript.

Data obtained informally (e.g. during a conversation, correspondence or discussion with third parties) should not be used or presented without the written permission of the original source.

Information obtained from confidential sources (for example, grant for research) should not be mentioned in the manuscript without the Express written permission of the author of the manuscript, who is directly related to these confidential sources.

Identification of plagiarism is carried out:

  • in the process of the peer review;
  • using the ANTIPLAGIAT software;
  • after the publication of manuscripts-upon the treatment of readers with the relevant statements.

In establishing the fact of plagiarism of the data (results of scientific work) or ideas, the manuscript (article) will be withdrawn and rejected from publication, even if it has already been published. An official notice will be posted on the journal's website.

Simultaneous submission of a manuscript to several journals or submission of already published data under a different title

Identification of the fact of submission of the same manuscript to more than one journal at the same time will be regarded as a violation of publication ethics. The manuscript will be rejected.

Publication of a certain type of articles (for example, translated articles) in some cases is permissible under certain conditions. When submitting a manuscript for secondary publication, the authors should notify the Editorial Board and justify the expediency of such publication in detail. In the case of a secondary publication, the resolution of issues related to copyright for publication is decided on a case-by-case basis. The General rules of the manuscript for the "secondary" publication are:

  • full bibliographic reference to the primary publication;
  • preservation of the original bibliography of the primary work.

More information on acceptable forms of secondary (repeated) publications can be found on the ICMJE page.

Concealing a conflict of interest

All authors are required to disclose (declare in the relevant section of the manuscript) financial or other obvious or potential conflicts of interest that may be perceived as having an impact on the results or conclusions presented in the work.

Examples of potential conflicts of interest to be disclosed:

  • receiving financial reward for participation in research or writing a manuscript;
  • any connection (work under the contract, consulting, availability of joint-stock property, receipt of fees, provision of expert opinions) with organizations that have a direct interest in the subject of research or review;
  • patent application or registration of a patent for the results of research (copyright, etc.);
  • obtaining financial support for any stage of research or manuscript writing (including grants and other financial support).

Information on conflicts of interest received from the authors of the manuscripts will be available only to the Editorial Board when deciding on the publication of the manuscript. Also, information about conflicts of interest is published in the full text of the article.

Assessment of the reviewer's competence

Evaluation of professional qualities of the reviewer is the exclusive prerogative of the Editorial Board.

Attempts by authors to assess the competence of reviewers will lead to rejection of the manuscript.

Unfairly co-authorship

The authors of the publication can be only those persons who have made a significant contribution to the formation of the idea of the work, development, execution and/or interpretation of the results of the study, as well as to the process of writing the manuscript (including conducting scientific and stylistic editing and design in accordance with the requirements of the journal).

Authors should ensure that:

  • all participants who have made a significant contribution to the study are presented as co-Authors;
  • those who did not participate in the study are not listed as co-Authors.

Access and storage of raw data

The editors reserve the right to request the Authors of the original (raw) data of the study, including for reviewers and editors. The authors should be ready to provide this kind of information to the editorial staff (according to ALPSP-STM Statement on Data and Databases (link)), as well as to store this data.

Significant errors in published works

In case of significant errors or inaccuracies in the publication, the author should inform the Editorial Board or the Publisher and interact with the Editorial Board in order to remove the publication or correct errors as soon as possible. If the editorial Board or publisher has received reasonable information from a third party that the publication contains significant errors, the author is obliged to withdraw the work or correct errors as soon as possible or to refute the statement of errors by submitting the necessary evidence to the editor.


Publication Fee & Article Processing Charge

Publication in Samara Journal of Science is free for all authors.

The Samara Journal of Science charge no publication fees for authors - including those of peer-review management, manuscript processing, journal production, Open-Access, online hosting and archiving.


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