Botanical-geographical differentiation and succession systems on the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan

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On the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan the main regularities of landscape differentiation are manifested – latitudinal zoning, altitudinal zoning and the barrier effect, which determine the territorial differentiation of the vegetation cover. The existing schemes of botanical-geographical and geobotanical zoning reflect these patterns. The largest zoning units are zonal structures (forest, forest-steppe and steppe regions), within which, on the basis of geological and geomorphological features, smaller taxonomic units are distinguished – provinces, areas, districts. The zoning method proposed by S.M. Razumovsky which is based on the concept of a succession system is of interest. According to this concept, the vegetation cover of the Earth is divided between succession systems. The boundaries of successional systems are outlined by the boundaries of the geographical areas of key species – edificators of indigenous forest phytocenoses. S.M. Razumovsky presented a scheme of botanical-geographical zoning, made on a small scale. The boundaries of succession systems, with the exception of some areas, are not delineated. The author set a goal: to determine a list of succession systems common on the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan, to outline their boundaries and give their brief characteristics. As a result of literary sources study and analysis, the author has come to the conclusion that 4 succession systems are widespread on the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan: 1) broad-leaved-dark coniferous forests with climax species of Siberian spruce, Siberian fir, pedunculate oak, heart-leaved linden and Norway maple; 2) dark coniferous forests, with climax species of Siberian spruce and Siberian fir; 3) broad-leaved forests with climax species of pedunculate oak, heart-leaved linden and Norway maple; 4) light coniferous forests with sub-climax species of Scots pine and Sukachev larch.

About the authors

Yuriy Petrovich Gorichev

South Ural State Nature Reserve

Author for correspondence.

candidate of biological sciences, deputy director

Russian Federation, Revet village, Beloretsky District, Republic of Bashkortostan


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Areas of successional systems on the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Note. Succession systems: 1 - broad-leaved-dark coniferous forests; 2 - dark coniferous forests; 3 - deciduous forests; 4 - light coniferous forests. The boundaries of the ranges of climax species: AB, VG - dark coniferous species according to [13]; DE - broad-leaved species (according to [16])

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