Vegetation cover and small mammals as the components of biocoenosis in the conditions of the Volga Upland

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The study of the nature reserve «oak forest near the village of Pelya-Khovanskaya» ecosystem was done in the region of Nizhny Novgorod. The investigated wood is unique for its complex structure. It is situated in the forest-steppe zone, characterized by a high species diversity of small mammals and vegetation, which indicates the complexity of trophic and spatial connections. Several series of sample plots were described: 41 of 20×20 m and a number of 1×1 m sites, totaling 300. Abundance of species by Brown-Blanke scale and the number of specimens of adolescence were specified for each 1 sq. m. plot. Mammals were trapped with the help of trapping grooves and transects method. Vegetation cover is characterized by the presence of a clear intra-differentiation as well as the existence of two basic ecologo-coenotic groups/cores - the nemoral (with Pulmonaria obscura Dum. as the center species of the core) and the meadow-fringe. The most distinct group is formed by forest-shoot species. It can be explained by more forest-steppe rather than nemoral nature of vegetation. Small mammals are represented by the following species: common and small shrews, small forest mouse, yellow-throated and field mice and harvest mouse, vole-housekeeper, common, plowed and red voles, European mole. Two species among them - vole-housekeeper and mouse-baby - are listed in the Red Book of the Nizhny Novgorod Region. Matching burrows of mouse-like rodents with soil richness with nitrogen and humidity, two well-defined peaks are observed. The greatest number of burrows is found in places where the soil is high in nitrogen. Moles were found in areas with a large projective coating of Primula veris: coefficient Spearman rank 0,50. There was a negative correlation of the number of moles and vegetation covering of Pyrethrum corymbosum (-0,46), which is the marker of the driest parts in the forest. In general, the nature reserve «oak forest near the village of Pelya-Khovanskaya» is of considerable interest, both from botanical and from zoological point of view. Long-term studies of biocoenosis will allow to monitor the facility and to correct the proposed protective measures.

About the authors

Elena Evgenievna Boryakova

Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod

Author for correspondence.

candidate of biological sciences, associate professor of Botany and Zoology Department

Russian Federation


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Correlation structure of the studied oak wood vegetation near the village of Pelia-Khovanskaya

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3. Figure 2 - Percentage proportion of individuals of mouse-like rodents in an oak forest near the village of Pelia-Khovanskaya (2nd half of summer, 2004)

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